She Has Been Killed In Action

As Qiao Yaruan walked in a daze, someone suddenly slapped her on the shoulder. She frowned and turned around. She immediately came face-to-face with an irritatingly handsome mug.

"What do you want?"

"It's still early, let me take you out on a walk."

"Heh, don't you understand the human language? Or had I not made myself clear?" Qiao Yaruan scoffed and continued forward.

"Today's my birthday," Feng Feng said suddenly. However, his voice no longer held its usual cold elegance.

Qiao Yaruan paused, this was the first time she had ever heard him speak to her in such a civilized manner. She stopped walking and turned back to him. "Happy birthday."

Feng Feng took two steps forward in front of her and stretched out his arms. "A birthday present."