This Was His Biological Son

Chu Ningyi turned the faucet off once the water was slightly above the bath net. Shui Anluo was shocked, he had actually known how much water to put in the tub!

Chu Ningyi got up and stared at Shui Anluo who was standing on one leg by the doorway. He sent a look of disdain at the shocked look in her eyes. Was there anything that Director Chu could not do?

Chu Ningyi took the little darling and pulled a chair out so that she could sit down and supervise. Today, he would be giving this ancestor a bath.

Shui Anluo sat still and watched as Chu Ningyi took the little darling's tiny pajamas off. He then placed the baby slowly into the water. Though Shui Anluo could see that this was all new to him, at least he was not holding his son by his tiny head so she relaxed.