Brother Chu, I Need To Talk To You

Shui Anluo waited for the little darling to finish his business. She then wiped his buttocks and carried his naked little self out. The mighty Director Chu was still washing his hands.

Shui Anluo curled her lips, he had only been peed on once. Which parent has not been urinated on by their child?

Some germaphobes were indeed like fragile snowflakes.

After Shui Anluo watched the little ancestor fall asleep, she also grew sleepy as well. However, the big ancestor still has not emerged from the bathroom.

Shui Anluo was in a sleepy daze. She heard someone walk out and walk in again. Someone then got into the bed and she mumbled with her eyes closed, "Go back to your own room."

Chu Ningyi turned the lights off and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He then murmured into her ear, "Little ingrate." He stroked her cheek with his hand as he spoke.