
Chapter 21: New Plan

I sat on the couch and watched her screen. She was in that room. You know the room where she was chained and I saved her from the first time. That room.

Josh came into the living room with breakfast. Eggs bacon and pancakes. "Thanks babe. Smells good." I said, taking the plate and kissing him on the cheek.

I start eating just as someone knocked on our door. Josh slowly walked to it.

"I'm not expecting anyone this early in the morning." I say, while crunching on my bacon.

Josh opens the door only to see dale standing there with a weird machine, and a second machine that Sara had. Why?

Dale came inside dragging his new stuff into the living room. Plugging stuff in frantically.

"What the fuck is all this?" I say, as I keep watching him getting things ready for something.

"The other night you said you wanted know if there was a way you can help Sara through this. So I made a machine that can help you do just that." Dale said when he just about finished setting everything up.

"So what your telling me, I'm able to go into Sara's coma? Am I able to die in it like she can or?" I ask.

"I'm pretty sure you can. Any rules that apply with Sara's coma has to apply with yours too. But Imma need you to lay down onto the floor and I'm gonna start putting these things on you." Dale said.

I get down to lay on my back while Dale starts putting on the device onto my head. "Holy shit I'm out of my mind for doing this."

As Dale was doing his thing, he was rambling. "This device puts you into an intentional coma. While you are in this coma Me and, him, will be watching what you are doing. You and Sara have separate screens the we will watch you off of. The only way for you and Sara to get out of this coma is for the both of you to make it back to your bodies here. Once you do that, the pill fineshed, but she might not be herself on the first day out of her coma."

I nod my head. My palms sweaty and my hands shook. I was really nervous to go back into that place. But it's for Sara, and I'd do anything for her.

"Are you ready?" Dale said as he just got done hooking everything up.

I nod my head. "I'm ready"

Everything went Black.