Chapter 2 - Minerva’s Lessons

Main Character gains +1 to language proficiency. Language Proficiency has reached beginner level. You are now able to speak and understand simple terms in Common.

As you feel strength returning to your legs, you prop yourself up. Looking at the lady who seemed to have finally calmed her breathing, you ask in a hoarse voice.

"Could you help me up please?"

As you hold the extended hand, you struggle to your feet, your body is not the one you're used to, immediately you feel sluggish like an important part of your being is missing, your body feels taut and lean.

Along the way, as you follow the lady, you understand that she had been gathering some ingredients in these woods when she discovered you unconsciously clinging on to some rocks, clearly carried by the pull of water from higher up in the mountains.

After a short journey, the thick vegetation of the forest had slowly grown more sparse as the dirt track eventually become one of the tiny rocks smoothed out into a proper looking road.

Your exertion has now replaced the water from the earth with damp sweat, yet the warmth from the exertion meant you weren't that cold.

In front of you, a 3-meter high rock wall stood erect and two Guards sat under an umbrella watching the crowds that entered and exited the gates.

"Alex! I need you to do me a favor. I can't afford to pay the extra export tax, please overlook the rest of my wares." A fat man was holding on to a guard trying to put something in their hands.

"Sure~ I can overlook some things but I'll need to inspect all of your items. You know... to ensure that you're not doing anything illegal." Replied a tall muscular warrior carrying a sturdy tower shield and 2-handed War Axe on his back.

"See that man over there?" Minerva pointed towards the muscular man. "He is one of the town guards by the name of Alex. Actually, I haven't gotten your name yet."

This takes you by surprise as you step back and don't have a name just yet. You look questioningly at Minerva and explain. " I don't have a name."

"Well, we'll be sure to fix that soon, after all, the guards will need your identification, though I'm sure they will be willing to overlook you once I explain the situation," Minerva said as it came to our turn.

"Minerva! How goes the herbal hunting, my wife will be due anytime now! Can I count on your help?" The man proudly and excitedly exclaimed, putting away some of the fat merchant's gold into his pocket.

"Of course Alex." The Minerva's smile reaching the crows of her eyes. "Of course...Also, you'll never believe what I found in the woods this morning." She says pushing you in front to face the tall man.

The towering giant of the man looks down at you in surprise and bewilderment over your appearance, unkempt as you would expect a forest child to be.

"I'll explain later." She explains as she shows Alex her basket full of herbs and flashing a small card with a picture of her face and some symbols on it.

"You better! And bring the kid with you to make his Adventurer's card!" Alex shouted.

As Minerva leads you through a series of roads, you are overwhelmed by the sheer size and feel of the town, although the buildings never seemed very high and usually made of wood.

Reaching Minerva's house, you spot rows and rows of potted plants line the outside of her house and as she shows you the inside of her hut, she forces you to take a shower.

While she showers you, she proposes some options to you, "First things first, the next morning you will go down to the adventurer's guild and get your status read. Then you must decide whether you want to attend the town school or go and help the local farmers. I will not raise you for free, so you better earn your keep somehow." Minerva presses you.

Go to the town's school (Chapter 4) or Go to help the local farmers (Chapter 5).