Chapter 10 - Field-hand

Main Character gains +1 Strength. You are capable of exerting more force for longer periods.

Main Character gains +1 Herbology. The crops you rear will reach maximum yield and weather through droughts more easily. Your expertise helps you defend against plagues.

The main Character affords better clothes and weapons. You are now outfitted with sturdier armor and a clean dagger.

The next day you bid farewell to Minerva as you make your way quickly towards the farmlands, you greet Alex as you walk through the gates and turn along the spiraling roads through fields of green.

The first few days working as a farmhand were filled with basic menial jobs, like picking out weeds from plants, and lessons over what each plant was.

As you become more proficient in dealings with the plants, Rowen begins to trust you to do more. He begins to teach you idea's like crop rotation and the nutrients that each plant needs.

Every day passed simply and you earned silvers every day for your help. Some of which you would give to Minerva, the rest you would keep to spend on yourself.

However one day, you hear something rumbling in the warehouse of the farm. You've never been to that warehouse before, Rowen always gave you tasks but never instructed you to go near the warehouse.

When you move closer to see what was happening, you spot a hole big enough for you to enter in the wall of the warehouse. The sounds resembled an animal searching for something.

You slowly step into the warehouse careful not to make any sounds. As your eyes slowly adjusted to the shade. You see a medium-sized creature, with green skin, and torn leather garbs looking through crates for something.


"Gol'garth, where are you going! The food is going to be ready." One of the goblins growled out in goblin-speak towards one of the younger-looking goblins.

"Don't worry father, I'm just going to take a leak in the forest, you carry on without me. But save some for me!" Gol'garth tells his father.

His tribe of goblins had been bordering this town for a few months. They used to raid the farmlands for food when one day the townsfolk decided to hire a professional to deal with the problem.

However, the tribe of goblins was simply too big for the small town's adventurer's to deal with. Moreover, the town was far from any other bigger towns and that meant that they wouldn't be able to receive help.

Since the town had no method of stopping the goblins, they gave in to feeding the goblins, giving them food so that they wouldn't wreck the place when they raided.

Gol'garth was simply leaving the circle of goblins to explore his new home and lost track of the time. When he finally returned, a foul smell lingered in the air near his home.

His heartbeat quickened, as he sped up through the forest towards his brethren, a gruesome sight came into view. Some of the makeshift tents had collapsed. Littered along the floor was a series of green bodies.

Gol'garth rushed over to examine what had happened, the bodies were already cold, he knew that that had to mean they were killed some time ago, maybe even right after he had left.

Enraged, he checked the bodies for any clue as to what might have happened. There no wounds on the bodies, only that their faces were contorted in pain. Gol'gath's heart seemed to squeeze a little more.

The foul smell still lingered in the air but this time, Gol'garth took a deep breath in. Burning the scent into his nostrils and memory. He left sprinting off towards the town. The smell guiding his way.


You're not sure how to react, for you, it would be the first time meeting a non-human creature. You initially try to get a better look but you step on some dry hay that cracks under your boots. The creature looks up at you and starts growling unintelligible words.

You step back in momentary fear. The creature sees this and continues rummaging for a short while before coming to a halt, you see it carry a vial of some black liquid as its hands shook in visible anger. It looks at you in disgust and attempts to leave the barn, with it's back facing you. You have to make a choice now.

Kill the goblin (Chapter 20), or spare the goblin (Chapter 21).