Chapter 30


——————WILL YOU MARRY ME?———————


Anna's POV...

I was fixed to that point while staring at the boldly designed letters. Oh my God this cannot be happening. It's all a dream. No... no... no..."I'm dreaming... I'm dreaming". I tried convincing myself. I pinched my arm severally but was still there. This is real. Oh my fucking geez. Wow wow wow! James Benjamin Walker, my boss and my lover is asking to marry me? This is so–

I was interrupted when I heard someone cleared his throat. It was then I discovered he was kneeling with one knee on the ground and with him was a small red box. He slowly opened the box to reveal an emerald cut diamond ring. "Anna you're unique, caring and literally the best and I must say I'm the luckiest to have a beautiful damsel in my life. No poems, no fancy words. I just want the world to know that I LOVE YOU my Kitten with all my heart. Annabella Mabel Chris, WILL YOU MARRY ME?"

At this point, tears were streaming down my face and my hands were covering my mouth

"Oh my God... oh my God. Y.. yes" I whispered.


"Yes. I will marry you" he wiped the tears off the edge of his eyes and slipped the ring into my finger. It fits perfectly.

"IT'S A YES! YES! SHE SAID YES!" He jumped up and down before pulling me tightly into him and kissing me passionately. "I LOVE YOU...I LOVE YOU...I LOVE YOU..I LOVE YOU SO MUCH."

"I LOVE YOU TOO BABE" I said flashing a smile that I hadn't for once smiled in a long time.

"I love the name" he leaned in to kiss me again.

Chanting and applause surrounded the whole place and familiar faces started popping right out of nowhere all jubilating. My bestfriend Ella first came into sight with a camera on her hand followed by her boyfriend and my brother-in-law to be, Jones. Then Ms Williams and Everyone wearing a huge smile on their faces. The tears welled up and I couldn't control it. I broke down in his arms and cried 'tears of joy'. It was a stupendous moment for me and all I could feel was love and joy.

All friends and family were present and by that I mean; Ms Williams, Jones, Ella, Dr Kelly and of course my family; my little sister, Isabella, my mom and my dad. It's so good to be with all of them today. They flew all they way here from our home country. I still can't believe this. First I get to live with my boss, then we confess our undying feelings for each other, I get pregnant, I'm engaged and my family's here. What more can I ask for?

I bonded with everyone well. I missed my family alot especially my little Isa. "Aww come here baby girl. You know your big sister missed you alot right?"

"But you don't come home?" she said with a disappointed look on her face.

"I've been so wrapped up baby but don't worry when you're done with high school, you can come spend as much time as you wish with me and guess what?" I leaned in to whisper to her "You'll spend alot of time with your little niece or nephew." I said rubbing my still flat tummy and smiled my most contagious smile.

"You're... Oh em gee! You're joking right?" I shook my head. She jumped up and down and gave me a big hug. She was giggling like crazy. "I'm gonna be an aunt, yeepi!! *happy dance*"

"You're just like Ella. This was her reaction when she found out" I told her while laughing hard.

"Because we're all happy for you"

"I'm gonna teach him or her my karate skills so they'll be able to defend themselves."

"You take karate classes now?"

"Yeah, like few months ago but I haven't gotten a black belt yet *sad face*"

"Cheer up baby girl, you're gonna get there soon. Where's mom and dad?"

"Over there" she said pointing at their direction.

They were talking to Ben and the look on my dad's face is quite serious. I can feel my goosebumps erupting. I took slow steady steps towards them and they sensed my presence as they all turned in my direction.

"Mabel darling, how are you doing?" my mother said as she walked towards me to give me a hug.

"I'm fine mom. I've missed you all so much" I said as I tightened the hug.

"We've missed you too dear. How's work?"

Work... how's work? "'s fine. I have been absent for a week though because Mr. Charming over there told me to skip work for a week so I'll fully recover."

"He told us all about it"

"He did?!"

"Yeah, it wasn't easy though because your dad was fuming at the fact that he got you pregnant before your wedding." I gasped at the bombshell that just dropped. "Why didn't you call to tell me you're pregnant? You didn't call to let us know your panic attacks were back, you didn't call to let us know how you're doing. You ignored all of our calls."

"I lost my old phone and I didn't save my contacts to cloud" She remained silent.

"Mom–" she raised her hand up and cut me short.

"Do you know how worried we were when Ben called us to come over. He paid for our flight. At first, we were hesitant but it had something to do with our eldest child. We arrived here earlier today and he came to our hotel room to explain everything to us. From the point you were working in the club down to your pregnancy and your engagement. Mabel how could you hide all these from us, your family. You were having financial difficulties and you couldn't let us know. We could have helped. Instead you borrowed and became indebted to someone and to pay off your debts you worked in a club as A FREAKING STRIPPER! I'm just so glad you didn't mess yourself up and that you're getting married to the man you lost your V-card to." 'And what makes her think I lost my V-card to him' I wondered. But on a second thought, she's my mom and she knows everything.

I leaned into her "Mom I'm sorry."

She hugged me tightly "It's okay darling, it's okay. I'm just so glad you're okay now. So how's my grandchild doing?" She asked wiping my tears off.

"He or she is doing great. Except for the fact that I threw up on our way here" I smiled softly.

"Oh.. the pregnancy symptoms are unfolding already. How old is the baby?"

"About a week. 6 days to be precise."

"Take good care of him okay?"

"She. And yes 'she'll' be fine."

"Oh I see you want a girl. It's going to be a boy Mabel, let's watch and see" and we both started laughing. I missed spending time with her.

But one question kept troubling me and I decided to ask her, "Uhh... mom, how did dad take the news?"