Chapter 31


"Uhh... mom, how did dad take the news?"


Anna's POV...

We looked up to see that he was giving Ben a hug and they were both smiling at each other.

"He took it well, I guess" Wow... I thought my dad would be furious. But he's... smiling and talking to Ben like they've known each for years. This is quite thrilling to watch.

I slowly walked up to them. "Dad" he turned swiftly and gave me the same smile he gave to me when I graduated from college. "Bella darling, how are you and my grandson" Okay why is everyone thinking it's a boy, seriously?

I missed my dad alot. He's the only one that calls me Bella and it's so comforting to hear him call me that. At least he didn't say Annabella so I know he isn't mad at me.

"We... we're fine."

"Bella dear, why are you crying?" he asked as he embraced me and I broke down in the embrace.

"Dad I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let you down. I'm sorry I didn't call. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I had financial issues. I just... I just didn't want to bother you and I'm sorry about that. Mom told me you're disappointed in me because I'm pregnant and I'm really sorry about that. I'm a fai-"

"Shh...Bella you're not a failure and don't ever call yourself that. You know how much I hate hearing that word. You did what you thought was best at the moment and I agree it was a foolish decision of yours but I don't love you any less dear. I'm your father. I can never stay mad at you for long and you know that. At least you're getting married to someone with such good qualities, someone who deserves you, someone who is willing to take any risk just for you to be happy. Don't let him go Bella. And don't you ever look down on yourself, ever again, okay?"

"Okay dad... Thank you"

"Now stop crying and go meet your man. He's waiting." My dad's really awesome. One of the reasons I love him so much–he's so understanding and patient with everyone.

------------------------NEXT DAY--------------------------

Anna's POV...

I woke up feeling nauseous and rushed to the bathroom to empty my stomach. Ugh... I hate pregnancy hormones. I'm already tired and it's not up to two weeks. I wonder what it would feel like in the next three months. When I was done, I washed my face and performed my morning rituals. What am I gonna wear? What am I gonna wear? Ugh... I'm too tired to dress up. Is this what pregnancy feels like? Geez... it's so... ugh, don't even know how to describe it. I wore my shorts which barely covered my a*s–more like an undie–and slipped Ben's black Tee on which ended mid-thigh. I wore my fluffy Mickey Mouse Slippers and headed downstairs. "Hmm... what smells so nice?"

"My special pancake for my special lady" he leaned in and kissed me. "You smell so nice" he mumbled against my lips as he lifted me up and placed me on the counter, standing between my legs. His hands caressed my body from my hair to my breast and down to the hem of my—his shirt. He fondled with it before slipping his hands in.

"Do you want to burn down the kitchen?" Ms Williams voice boomed as she stepped into the kitchen. "Go check your pancakes before they get burnt." He muttered something under his breath before attending to his pancakes.

"Good morning Ms Williams"

"Oh...Anna I've told you to stop calling me that. It makes me feel like I'm old. I'm just in my early fifties for goodness sake."

I let out a chuckle "I'm sorry Ms- I mean Carol"

"Better. How was your night?"

"It was okay except for the fact that I had to get out of bed early because of nausea."

"Oh my poor Ann, pregnancy hormones can be really frustrating"

"Tell me about it." Wait how does she know that? I shot her a confused look.

"You know, I once had a child when I was 18 but I lost her 2 months after birth" I gasped.

"You never told me about it" Ben said looking quite... sad?

"Well, it was a sad part of my life I don't really like remembering." He mouthed an 'oh' before continuing with what he was doing.

"Uhh Ms Williams, do you happen to know any pill or anything, just anything I could take to reduce the nausea?"

"Anna, stop calling me that."

"I'm sorry, I was trained that way."

"Well that's quite good. Anyway, I happen know quite a few pills but I won't tell you yet since you're not yet up to two months."

"Please... pretty please"

"Nope. Your puppy eyes won't work on me"

"Fine, I'll just check it on the net"

"I don't really trust the internet nowadays. They could tell you things that might kill your baby. There was this time when I heard that a woman used the info she got from the net to try ease her pregnancy hormones and ended up dying."

A gasp escaped my lips and I quickly covered it. "Okay, so I'll take that as a no. I don't want anything happening to my baby."


"Breakfast is served. One plate for my darling Mother, this plate for the chef and this 'mountain of pancakes' for my darling wife-to-be" he said placing it on the table.

"Woah this is much" I gaped at the quantity. "I doubt I can finish it."

"You're gonna have to start eating this much if you want my grandson to be healthy." I flushed at how that sounded and dug in right away.

"Hmm... this is so... hmm."

He leaned down to whisper into my ear, "Mother here is going to have the wrong thought when she hears you moaning like that" and I choked on my food, literally. He handed me a glass of water as he laughed hard.

I hit his arm playfully "Ugh... I hate you"

"No you don't. You love me so much that you wanted me to take you down on the counter"

"Don't flatter yourself Mr Walker"

"But I flatter you when you see my bulge" he said with a smirk and I gagged.

"JAMES BENJAMIN WALKER! Leave my daughter-in-law to eat her breakfast in peace" he smirked before eating.

"Hmm... it's so good. How did you do it?"

"A true cook never reveals his secret"

"Cook" I scoffed and he smirked before trailing his hand up my thighs and ending just at my core. He fondled with my clits over my shorts and a tiny moan escaped my lips. I swear I didn't expect it to be that loud but it was to late as Ms Williams gave him a death glare.

"BENJAMIN!" I felt my cheeks heating up in embarrassment. Ms Williams just heard my freaking moan. Gosh! This is embarrassing.

He rose his hands up in surrender "I didn't do anything" I shot him a glare before going over to the counter to complete my breakfast just in time as they did theirs.

I wanted to wash the dishes but Ms Williams refused. I was yanked and lifted in a bridal style as Ben carried me upstairs. "Benjamim" I whined.

"Only Ms Williams is allowed to call me that"

"So I can't?" I pouted.

"Yup, you can't" he leaned in to kiss my pouted lips which turned into a smile.

"I like your lips that way– always smiling" he whispered to my ear before slowly lowering me on my bed. He seems to spend alot of time in my room than in his.