
"And it was at that very moment when something ancient within him arose from its slumber as an unrivaled power materialized over his body as it successfully 'dragonized' him! Yes, that's correct… he dragonized! Look at those scales on his body… he obviously transformed into some kind of half-dragon. Let me tell you guys… this is the power of love, the power of massive will toward wanting to protect your loved one!" Finally, this third part of his long elaboration was the end as OtakuNumber1 went silent, never to be heard again.

Finished reading his description of the happenings, it was at this instant when everyone realized they were facing a true otaku.

"Sigh… I'm to blame for carefully reading it until the very end… but what's extremely ridiculous is that his words kinda make sense too."

"Above user… actually, I did the same and read the whole god-damn thing… anyway, he truly appears to have dragonized, so I don't know what to say… I'm just speechless."