Confidential Meeting

Nevertheless, not caring about her absolutely serious expression and tone, grinning in an entertained way, Virus stated, "As we had come to an agreement prior to the battle, I was going to take some of the drops, and I'm doing just that, now with or without your permission."

Not stopping there, he added, "You should be grateful instead that I'm not taking any more, so, how about you stop nagging now, dear squirting beauty."

"You! You're an i-idiot!" Gnashing her teeth in anger, this was the worst curse she could pronounce in return before continuing, "Anyway! Y-you can't take those away before our experts have investigated them."

"…" Listening to her helpless yet demanding words, he went entirely silent for a while as he just kept staring at her.

"Adios amigo." And that was his last words as he turned around and vanished entirely.