Chapter 42

Steel and flame. Embers and Ash.

The flittering sparks of a hammer that struck upon the metal of an anvil, forging weapons atop a hill of swords.

A single path, fraught with contradictions, difficulties, losses, and discrepancies that would have broken any mortal, yet still it remained, desolate and eternal. A landscape of Steel.

Of Swords and Knives.

Of Spears and Halberds.

A domain denoting the hardships of a single human whose blood was fire and whose will, was unbending. Saving others not for personal gain or recognition, but doing so because it was the only goal he had left.

A husk, a vessel. A human whose emotions and fortitude had been hardened in the taint of the World's Evils. One who touched upon the Sins of the World, held within a Holy Chalice, the symbolical container of divine blood, and lived.



He became the metaphysical embodiment of a sword, and it reflected in the world of his Soul steadily influencing the world.

A Bronze Horizon.

The scent of Iron.

All were unmistakable characteristics that could not be ignored. Iron was the odor of blood, the sunset horizon depicting the glory days of the passed era of swords and shields; the soldiers, warriors, cavaliers, knights, fighting beneath the haze of a fiery orange twilight.

Aspects of War.

"You, are not a mortal? No, it makes no sense. Your body is of mortal flesh and bone." One of the Gods of War muttered in a domineering voice.

He was Ares, Greek God of War. He wore a large bronze breast-plate over a white-linen shirt. Metal plates were fastened over his shoulders, and on his arms and legs were leather grieves fashioned after the ancient Greek Hoplites. The Corinthian helm over his face shone with the dull glow of embers as he grunted.

Disliked by both his father Zeus and mother Hera, Ares was an outcast that hardly interfered with the decisions of Olympus, but the current occasion was different. War was his only calling, and to suddenly form an alliance amongst the strongest pantheons in the World, it was something that all Gods of War, let alone Ares could not stand for.

Ares was persuaded into action on the prompting of his Uncle Hades despite his Uncle's ulterior motives. After all, Hades promised him War and swore an oath on the river Styx. That was all the instigation Ares needed to convince both himself and his Roman counterpart into action.

Ares held fast to the sword in his right hand, but the strength of his grip was gradually waning as disbelief began clouding his eyes. It was an action his Roman counterpart would not fail to notice.

Bellona, Roman God of War.

Unlike Ares, she dressed in the traditional attire of the Roman Legion, strips of metal fastened together over a knee-length woolen tunic. Red fabrics hung over her shoulders and there was a type of feral beauty that encaptured her features, like the smirking face of an unruly and short-haired woman: entirely agitating, yet possessing a certain attraction that could motivate others to her cause, or simply stare in a daze.

Currently, Bellona subconsciously mirrored Ares's actions, the hold she had on her shield and sword slackening as confusion clouded her mind.

"It doesn't make sense," Bellona furrowed her brows. She was staring directly at Shirou who stood opposed to her, neither attempting to provoke or dissuade her. Instead, he did nothing. He just stood there, and yet an unforeseen energy blanketed around him like a protective garment. "War favours him."

It was an energy that was near identical to the divinity that saturated the air around Ares and Bellona.

An aura unique to Gods whose divinity was orientated towards battle.

Although Gods of War technically drew their strength from the belief of their followers, they were still fundamentally different from other Gods. To begin with, Gods of War were mainly worshiped in times of conflict and violence. With no battle lasting forever, Gods of War relied on another source of divinity to sustain themselves.

War's Blessing.

The unique ability and disposition of a War God to draw from the aura of a battlefield. The more intense a confrontation, the greater the battlefield aura becomes, granting War Gods increased strength through the progression of battle.

This was what made other Gods apprehensive when facing Gods of War.

And currently, that very same energy was being produced from a mortal. A human neither Ares or Bellona had even considered to be worth a challenge.

So, what if Shirou could create weapons of the Gods? It didn't matter to Ares and Bellona as it was impossible for Shirou to know how to use them. Believing otherwise was like believing that a child given a sword for the first time could best a veteran.

Utterly inconceivable.

Yet for some reason, Ares and Bellona found that they could no longer take the mortal standing in front of them lightly. Their views suddenly shifted. They were no longer looking at Shirou as a mere human, but as a fellow God of War.

And in a battle between Gods of War.

War's Blessing Favours the Bold.

The one most attuned to his conviction and beliefs.

Bellona and Ares erased the doubts from their minds. As Gods of War they didn't have to bother with such things anyway. War was all that mattered.

At this point, neither Bellona or Ares cared about the task Hades had asked of them. The current situation was of greater importance. A test of mettle as Gods of War. They would not lose to a Human.

The two glanced at one another and without wasting anymore words, they charged forward like bulls. Their feet dug into the ground with every step, forming columns of dirt and gravel that left a visible trail of dust in the air.

This was battle.

This was conflict between Gods of War.

A clashing of ideals that competed for War's favour.

A release of the Domain that made War Gods who they were.

The Authority to overwrite the laws of the world, generating the battlefield that best suits their strengths. The actualization of their very Divinity.

From Bellona, her spiraling energy manifested in the form of the Roman Standard. The statue of the Eagle hoisted upon the shaft of a spear, the Aquila of the Roman Cohorts.

"I am Rome! Patron of its armies, Protectress of its cities, Conqueror of Nations! A God of War!" Her voice carried with it the weight of the Empire called Rome; the standard billowing upon her shoulders transforming into a laurel crown that fitted over her head. "None will stand in Rome's way. For the Glory of the Legion, of the Empire that once spanned across the entirety of the known world. I. Will. Crush. You. ROMA INVICTA!"

The cawing of a bird of prey resounded, a distinct cry that pierced through the air even as smoke rose to the sky.

"I am Ares," Ares spoke out from beside Bellona, tongues of flame creating a flowing mantle around him. "Son of Zeus, War God of the Ancient Era, embodiment of the Physical Aspects of War! I Am War Itself."

The area seemed to heat up in accordance to Ares's words, the ground beginning to blister and crack like the earth of a savannah.

Facing the brunt of both Bellona's and Ares's momentum, Shirou could feel the battel intent in the air.

He could see from the expressions on Ares and Bellona's faces that reasoning with them at this point was impossible. They didn't want an Alliance, but to begin with, could they not understand the implications of forming an Alliance?

Alliances were built to combat against common threats. As such, what did it mean for a threat to be large enough to require the cooperation between all the Religions of the World?

It would be a War grander than any petty skirmishes between rival factions.

All that Shirou needed to do now was make Ares and Bellona understand it, but to do so, he knew that he'd have to use force. It was the only way to reason with battle fanatics in the first place.

Besides, what Ares and Bellona were doing by influencing the reality around them with their Authority was oddly familiar to something he himself possessed.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them, they were devoid of all concerns, limpid and focused; reflecting the forge of his Soul to bend the world to his will.

Words of power.

"I am the bone of my sword."

Energy fluctuated from within him, forming a network of branching pathways that surfaced over his skin. His entire disposition changed.

Just as a sword is drawn from its sheath, the blade revealed was more prominent than any other. Unassuming, bland, yet still possessing the dignity of one who stands at the pinnacle of craftsmanship.

If war was just about the capacity of one man or woman against another, then it would have been no different than two animals vying for dominance.

The blessings of War favour all forms of war, physical, mental, or otherwise, and weapons were no exceptions.

Shirou was a weapon.

A sword and reflection of many stored within an armory grander than all. Coupled with the Divinity within his body, his current appearance shocked the two approaching Gods who steadily slowed down in caution.

"A mortal is bending the world's reality?" Bellona muttered out in disbelief questioning Ares. "Is he really a mortal like you said?"

Ares and Bellona stared at each other but Ares gave no response, causing Bellona to grimace, before she scoffed and grinned.

"It doesn't matter what he is, as long as he provides a good fight," Bellona brandished her sword and accelerated ahead of Ares. "I'll act as the vanguard, cover my back!"

Ares nodded and drew close to Bellona who accelerated forward in an instant. The image of the Aquila above her shoulders took flight and into the sky, revealing the laurel banner of Rome in its red and golds.

Having no time to consider his actions, Shirou relied on instinct to react just as a spear's edge pierced towards him.

Bellona's main forms of attack consisted of her primary armaments, a spear, a sword, a shield, and a whip. The one currently on display was her spear which she brandished in a practiced motion; her hands nimbly moving up and down the wooden shaft and thrusting the spear in a volley of stabs.

Shirou retaliated, Kanshou and Bakuya forming in his hands where they clashed against Bellona's spear.

From the moment Shirou Traced Kanshou and Bakuya, to the moment they met against Bellona's spear, a light flashed in Ares's eyes before subsiding.

Shirou himself didn't notice the oddity and pressed forward. Putting strength into his arms, he parried before kicking out with his leg.

Bellona clicked her tongue and blocked with her spear, using the force of Shirou's attack to allow her to make distance where she observed him gravely.

She glanced at her numbed hands, the force of Shirou's strike sending a tremor through them.


It was the first acknowledgment Bellona had after the initial exchange, but even then, it only served to bring out the competitiveness within her. Most of all, she felt something at her point of contact, something she knew Ares must have felt as well due to his proximity.

Divinity, something a mortal would not possess.

A God?

It was the only explanation.

Behind her, Bellona became keenly aware that Ares was growing more and more silent. She wet her lips in anticipation.

Ares's silence meant he was growing more and more serious, and that's just how Bellona wanted it. It had been far too long since a large-scale conflict occurred and allowed her to let loose.

She wouldn't waste the opportunity.

She put away her sword and shield to utilize her spear with both hands, shifting into a forward-facing posture while smiling lightly at the opponent in front of her.

Bellona's expression gave Shirou a foreboding sensation.

A feeling similar to the cold metal of a blade's edge pressing against his neck.

However, he remained unaffected.

'Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.'

The divinity of God's System circulated within him, bolstering the concepts of his reality. It was a power drawn from the Heavens, peerless and Holy. If Michael alone could contend against the other pantheons with his understanding of God's system, then what did it mean now that God himself had returned?

The limitless power of the Faith of the Bible was once again made available.





The unbridled power of the One God of many followers, returned.

He didn't have enough time to waste on a prolonged fight, and besides, after crossing weapons with Bellona, he came to an understanding. She wasn't fighting him on the orders of another God, but out of sheer competitiveness. Her personality was much like Ares, blunt and straight-forward.

There was enmity between each other, and damaging them too severely may hinder the process of an Alliance. Therefore, he'd end it quickly before either Bellona or Ares could release their full power.

The tip of a spear's blade appeared at the edge of Shirou's peripherals, but even then, he remained unmoving much to Ares and Bellona's surprise.

The spear struck directly against his skin, producing a clanging noise reminiscent of metal striking metal, yet the only damage consisted of a light scratch; sparks showering into the air as phantom images of doves began to take flight.

The heralders of the One God's presence.

Gradually, Shirou dismissed Kanshou and Bakuya and clasped his hands around Bellona's outstretched spear.

No matter how hard Bellona pulled, she couldn't free her weapon much to her shock.

"W-What in the river Styx, that's not possible," Bellona muttered in disbelief, her complexion ashen.

She hadn't used the entire extent of her power, but she felt so oppressed in the current instance that she would have fallen onto her knees had Ares not helped support her. Although Gods of War could be considered unmatchable in battle, that was only with the condition that they were provided ample time to increase their strength through War's Blessing.

Faced against an opponent that could wipe them out from existence in a heartbeat, there was very little Gods of War could do unless they could somehow persist. This was the reason why Ares did not easily raise his weapons against his father and uncles.

From Shirou, both Ares and Bellona could feel a disposition similar to Zeus at the present moment.

The realization left them rooted in place even after Shirou had let go of Bellona's spear.

"Are you both done?" Shirou asked hurriedly. Not only did he still have to contact Kuroka, but there was also the matter with Serafall.

Ares dismissed his shield, standing in front of Shirou while Bellona recuperated behind him.

It was an action that caused Shirou to pause and Bellona to bristle.

"I don't need you to shield me, Ares," Bellona forced out.

"You're injured," was all Ares said.

When Shirou had grabbed onto Ballona's spear, he wasn't just holding it. From the moment he came in contact, surge after surge of God's divinity buffeted against Bellona's own in waves that nearly caused her to spit out blood.

"…" Bellona didn't reply. In the first place, she couldn't even recall the last time she'd gotten injured in battle. Besides, as a patron of war, she wasn't unfamiliar with the concept of comradery. She clicked her tongue and focused on healing the internal damage to her divine source. All the while, a scowl was present on her face.

Ares ignored Bellona and instead regarded Shirou solely.

"You are a God of War." Ares spoke as if he was stating a fact.

Shirou frowned in response. "No," he said. "I am Human."

Ares closed his mouth. There was no denying that from observation alone, Shirou was Human. However, it couldn't explain all the anomalies surrounding him.

"You take us to be fools?" Bellona spat on the ground, using her spear as a crutch to lean on.

Shirou shook his head and didn't reply. Instead he looked to Ares whose battle intent was slowly climbing.

"What reason do you have to fight against me?" Shirou questioned.

Ares readied a hand over his sword's hilt. "You already know the answer to that, do you not?"

Shirou momentarily fell silent, but he understood that this was a rare opportunity to reason with the Gods in front of him. "Its because of the Alliance isn't it? Neither you or the other Gods of War want to follow through with it."

Ares nodded his head. "There is no meaning to our existence as Gods if war ceases entirely."

Shirou smiled, causing Ares to glower.

"This is where you and I disagree," Shirou spoke slowly. "Did the both of you ever consider why the Bible Faction would propose an Alliance?"

Neither Ares or Bellona even thought before they answered simultaneously.

"They are weak without their God."

Ares crossed his arms while Bellona steadied her breath. The both of them could be considered correct as it was the common view of the other religions towards the declining faction of the Bible. Why else would an Alliance be proposed if not to compensate for a faction's weakness? Of course, the meaning of the Alliance would change entirely should the One God's re-emergence be publicized. It was with this reasoning that Shirou acted.

"What if I told you that the purpose of this Alliance is to fight in a war greater than any before?" Shirou began. "It will be a grand battle the likes of which neither of you have ever seen."

Ares and Bellona glanced at each other, but there was skepticism in their eyes. To begin with, if Shirou was telling the truth, then Ares and Bellona would have no problems with an Alliance.

Yet it was impossible for them to believe in the credibility of a stranger.

It was then that it happened without warning.

The phantom images of the doves that Ares and Bellona had only seen for a single instant manifested in full, bringing along with them a tranquil divinity. Light, yet forceful.

Both Ares and Bellona's eyes widened as the uniqueness of the energy struck directly into their souls.

"If you won't take my word for it, perhaps you'll take his."


Due to the barrier Ares and Bellona had set up prior to their confrontation, the evening of the Underworld remained fairly peaceful, but the same could not be said for Shirou.

He stared at the magic symbol in his hands formed in the shape of the Omega and sighed dejectedly.

Although he had somehow been able to convince Ares and Bellona of the authenticity of his words through God's intervention, the news he received afterwards gave him a headache.

The Gods opposed to the Alliance had formed a cooperation amongst each other to prevent the Alliance from forming. Neither Ares or Bellona had been keen on paying attention to what the group as a whole had been planning, but what they did know was that something was planned to occur in the next gathering of the Gods and the Bible Faction.

Considering the exact timing of events, the next time the Gods would convene with Sirzechs and the others was in the following day, leaving little room at all for him to prepare.

He balled his hands into fists and released a breath. It wasn't as if he wasn't out of options, but the options left for him to consider weren't too viable.

Inwardly, he contemplated his odds of getting any information from out of Loki which God was currently detaining in a separate fold in space. However, Loki wasn't going to be an easy individual to crack, his powers stripped from him or not. Worse, Shirou feared that Loki's eloquence was far too superior to his own for Shirou to hold any advantage in the field. He may very well just get tricked and suffer as a result, so it was best to approach the problem from a different angle.

The problem was, he had no idea how to proceed other than allowing Hades and the other Gods to act first before intervening. In doing so, he would potentially risk casualties on his end which was an outcome too difficult for him to swallow.

Stuck in contemplation, Shirou put away the symbol of the Omega that both Ares and Bellona had given him and promptly organized his priorities.

Kuroka's matter came first, followed by Serafall's.

The matter concerning the Alliance of the Pantheons wasn't going to occur or change in a few hours anyway.

With that in mind, Shirou hardened his resolve and took out the cat-paw ornament Kuroka had given him.

Glancing around, he made certain that he was alone before activating the ornament and tossing it in front of him. It quickly formed a sequence of rotating magic seals that hovered in place and created an arched formation. A black door soon formed within the arches made of an ebony wood.

In front of the door was a sign that read, 'Kuroka's Room' in bold text. Beneath the sign was a messily hand-written sticky note that denoted the urgency of the writer.

The note read, 'Busy. Do not disturb.'

Staring at the door, Shirou realized that he could hear voices coming from the other side due to the sensitivity of his hearing.

"Shirone, why do you have to keep struggling like this?!" A voice spoke. From the pitch and tone, Shirou was able to distinguish the voice as Kuroka's. "I'm only trying to keep you safe!"

"Don't call me by that name!" The sudden outburst caused Shirou to flinch. He recognized the other voice in the room as Koneko Toujou's.

The thought that he had indeed been involved with the abduction of one of his friends caused him to feel uneasy, sweat appearing over his brow.

"Shirone please," Kuroka sounded exceedingly dejected.

"…Why do you care anyway?" The sounds of rustling echoed within the room. "You already left me before."

"…" Kuroka fell silent. The entire room did. It was to the point that Shirou actually began to hesitate in what to do as there was kind of tension in the air that wasn't oppressive but more akin to bitter.

Based on the conversation he had heard, it was clear that the situation between Kuroka and Koneko was sensitive. Kuroka was Koneko's older sister. They were family. He had no place to interfere, but unfortunately, he felt that if he didn't the entire situation would never be resolved.

It was with such intentions that he strode towards the door formed from the magic seals in front of him, and decisively began knocking.

The instant he knocked, it was if a bucket of ice had suddenly doused over him in the form of a frigid pressure that threatened to end him.

"Bikou, if that's you behind this door. I'm going to murder you," Although Kuroka's voice sounded pleasant, the threat within was genuine. Kuroka seemed mad, frustrated, seething. "I've told you and the others numerous times that this is a personal matter. It shouldn't be anyone else's concern. So, please, just stop bothering with me."

If Bikou or anyone else had been the ones knocking on the door, then perhaps they may have heeded Kuroka's words. However, Shirou wasn't Bikou or Kuroka's other acquaintances. Moreover, as an accomplice, and as a friend, he couldn't stand by and do nothing.

Why else would Bikou and the others continue to pester Kuroka if they weren't worried about her?

He knocked again.

This time, he felt a noticeable change in the air, his ears hearing the audible sound of someone swallowing before the door knob gradually began to turn.

He didn't say anything, merely stood in place as the door creaked open a crack and Kuroka peaked out at him. He could only see half of her face from the small opening of the door, but it was clear that bags had formed under her eyes, dark circles blemishing her natural beauty. Her hair too was in disarray, no longer smooth and glossy, but wild and unkempt.

From the moment Kuroka saw him, the words of rebuke she was moments away from spouting, choked in her throat. Thereafter, her eyes glanced at the magic formation that formed a dimensional path to her room in understanding.

She sighed before smiling wearily. The exhaustion was evident on her face and he could even see it in the way she acted, her eyes constantly drooping and glancing to the ground.

"This wasn't exactly the kind of situation I had in mind when I decided to keep in contact," Kuroka tried to joke.

Shirou wasn't laughing.

He looked at Kuroka in concern and for a moment, Kuroka's current demeanor matched with his surrogate Older Sister's in Fuyuki, Taiga Fujimura. It was the same appearance Taiga had made when no matter how hard she tried to persuade him from getting himself into fights with school bullies, he never listened.

It was an expression of helplessness many parents and elder siblings knew all too well when dealing with a stubborn younger child.

A feeble countenance.

Shirou sighed while scratching at the back of his head. "We need to talk," he said.

Kuroka hesitated for a moment before eventually pulling her door open and gesturing for Shirou to enter in the same motion.

The inside of the room was just as Shirou assumed it to be, it was a bedroom. Clearly, the parting magic Kuroka had imbued into the cat-paw ornament in their last meeting was intended for a reunion rather than a simple communication device as it had functioned as before. At the back of his mind, Shirou couldn't help but feel that Kuroka had modified this function of the cat-paw ornament just to irk Adelina should she ever discover the ornament's use.

Adelina was already at the point of insisting that he 'never' meet up with such a vulgar woman again. If push came to shove, Shirou could imagine Adelina presenting him a list of suitable woman friends to associate with rather than Kuroka, but it wasn't something he wished to contemplate further. Instead, there were more pressing issues.

Kuroka's room resembled a traditional Japanese hotel or inn. The floors were made of intricately weaved tatami mats and the relative size of the room made it simple to fit a group of ten individuals. Off to furthest right of the room was an artistic paper-sliding door leading to an open veranda overlooking a tranquil meadow.

Moon light filtered in through the fairly translucent paper and it shone directly down over the large bed centered at the far-left corner of the room adjacent to a kotatsu with mandarins and fruit laid overtop.

The bed was fairly simple, bed sheets tucked beneath blankets and pillows stuffed with soft feathers.

The room itself was rather normal with small recliners and other desk furniture, but Shirou could hardly pay attention to any of that. After all, he was too busy deciding on what expression he should be making as he and Koneko made eye-contact.

Koneko was sprawled on the bed, her hands bound together behind her back and her ankles similarly secured with thick swaths of smooth cloth. The cloth itself was chalk-full of magic circles that could only have had been suppression seals that prevented her from breaking free.

Koneko was staring at him with wide-eyes while her body simply froze in its sideward resting position.


She wasn't saying anything as he continued to stare at her, but if there was one thing Shirou was certain of, the atmosphere was getting awkward.

Finally, after a full minute of silence, Koneko's expression became exceedingly cold. The light in her eyes died as she stared at him blankly.

"…Traitor," she said, almost as if she was sulking. At the same time, she twisted her body around and ignored him completely, no longer wishing to even look at him.

Meanwhile, Kuroka watched the interaction with rapt attention before deflating when Koneko once again fell silent. A part of her had actually hoped that something would have come from Shirou's arrival, but unfortunately, it was still the same result.

Moving her attention away from Koneko, Kuroka felt a wave of exhaustion assail her. She closed her eyes and placed a hand on her head to steady herself, but it was her fault for lacking sleep in the past few days. She wobbled on her feet before a hand pressed itself on her shoulder and steadied her.

"Careful," Shirou said gently. "You're not in the best condition."

Kuroka slowly opened her eyes to see Shirou standing in front of her. She let out a breath and then laughed self-depreciatingly.

"Something tells me that you're not exactly here to comfort me, now are you? Just get on with it. No one likes a man who's too secretive," she stared at him in earnest, and pursed her lips when she noticed the concern in his bronze-coloured orbs. "Nor one that's a busy-body."

Shirou's response remained neutral, not a break in his expression or character. "Then I suppose I'd be the kind of man all women hate? I get enough trouble with them as it is."

For the first time in several days, Kuroka's lips slowly curved upwards. "Spoken like a true man of dubious character. Now what does such a man want from a woman like me? I trust you're not going to ask me to let Shirone go as it really would be a terrible joke."

Koneko's ears perked up to hear Shirou's response. To be fair, she had assumed that Shirou was working with Kuroka due to their familiar interaction, but perhaps he had actually just come to save her?

With that thought in mind, Koneko anxiously shifted her body around to stare at Shirou and Kuroka's direction, but the effort was too strenuous due to her fatigue and inability to access her magical power. At the very best, she managed to reorient herself enough that she could just barely see both Shirou and Kuroka at the edge of her vision.

With Shirou's lack of an answer to Kuroka's inquiry, it became evidently clear to Kuroka that he had, in fact, come for Koneko. Realizing this, the gaze Kuroka was directing towards Shirou was growing more and more neutral.

"Even if you ask sincerely, I won't hand her over despite knowing that my chances of hindering you are slim. It's not just Devils she'll be put at risk against, but Gods. Gods," Kuroka emphasized her words by pulling on the colour of Shirou's shirt. "You should understand it by now, what's 'really' happening in the Underworld under the guise of the Young Devil's Gathering. It's too dangerous."

Kuroka let go of Shirou and turned her gaze to Koneko who was still silently watching and listening to the conversation. Koneko looked confused if anything else, but she quickly turned her head away when Kuroka looked over. The only indication that Koneko was still paying rapt attention to the conversation was the way her ears were perking up every so often.

Agitated, Kuroka paid no mind about Koneko's actions. She instead stared fiercely at Shirou like a tiger defending her cubs.

"Perhaps if the one's beside Shirone were stronger then it would be possible for me to release her, but there's no guarantee. At least with Vali and the rest, we can shift between dimensions to avoid danger, but with the Sekiryuutei? It's impossible. The Red Dragon Emperor is still too weak to do anything." Kuroka raised a hand, the action drawing both Shirou and Koneko's attention.

Kuroka snapped her fingers, creating a distinct popping noise. "Just like that," she said gravely. "One snap is all it would take for a High-God to kill the entire Gremory Team or any other aspiring Young Devils in their gathering should something go wrong in the meeting between the Gods."

"…W-What did you just say?" Koneko's voice wavered as she spoke up but no one answered.

Shirou's attention was on Kuroka as she was the one that he needed to convince.

"That won't happen," he said sternly. "I won't let it."

Kuroka's lips thinned. "And what makes you think it would be that easy?"

Shirou's expression hardened, the steel in his gaze unmistakable.

"Because I am here," he said.

There was a finality in his tone that took both Kuroka and Koneko aback. It was said like an oath, a promise, a finality, and that was exactly what it was. He would not let anything happen, and to prove his resolve, he opened his hand and searched deep within himself, connecting to the principalities of faith.

To treat one another as one would treat themselves.

To a live a life of virtue.

Free of Guilt

Free of Sin.

The doctrine belief of the One God.

The system of the Heavens will respond. To prayer, and to earnesty.

A warm light began to exude from Shirou, the light of compassion. Amongst the requirements the One God had in choosing a worthy individual, the foremost prerequisite was selflessness. A willingness to trade one's life for another without hesitation.

And that was exactly the kind of man Shirou was. He who had never considered his life greater than any other was the most selfless of all, able to take risks and actions that no one else could. A mentality similar to the wandering man of Nazareth.

King of the Jews.

A conduit of the Holy Faith.

The warmth of the light soon engulfed the room, the exhaustion Kuroka had been enduring for the past few days fading away as the bags ender her eyes vanished and the pallor of her skin grew rosy.

A gentle touch.

One of comfort, and redemption.

Forgiveness of all.

"Fret not, denizen of the hells. For this light, is a light of protection, the light of the Father Almighty," the voice of God echoed within Kuroka and Koneko's ears. "Blessed are those protected in its light."

Kuroka released a breath she didn't know that she had been holding. How could she have forgotten? The One God of the Bible. A powerhouse the likes of which had single handedly repulsed the influence of all the other religions.

Both Kuroka and Koneko fell into a daze.

The light of the Father was the light of Hope and Wishes stored in God's System, a power that derived its strength from mankind's largest reserves of energy.

Emotions. The strongest of which was not Anger, Joy, or Satisfaction, but something shared from individual to individual.


Kuroka and Koneko were Devils, but the light bathing them did not burn, it pierced into their inner psyche to heal that which no amount of healing magic could heal.

The wounds of the soul and the mind.

Utilizing the bond of family between Kuroka and Koneko to form a catalyst, a miracle was formed from the purity of the light.

Images, memories, events.

The things that needed be seen were suddenly brought to light one by one with the purpose to save each individual: Two sisters struggling with past trauma, and a youth who'd forgotten what it was to be 'human.'

God's work was synonymous with Salvation. There was no judgment and no sin that could not be forgiven under the Love of the Father above. For Love was powerful, an emotion that could lead any individual to accomplish feats generally thought to be impossible.

An emotion of miracles.

A power rooted to God's System.

As Koneko was bathed in the Father's Light, what she saw, heard, and felt were the direct memories and experiences that befell Kuroka in the past. One that Kuroka had always refused to talk about.

By the time the light dimmed and faded, Kuroka could not understand what had happened, but her ears perked up at the sound of a choked breath.

Tears were streaming down Koneko's eyes as she slowly began to sniffle, but even then, she was unable to control herself any longer. She began sobbing, turning her head away from view and muffling the noise of weeping by burying her head into a pillow.

Kuroka's eyes widened in concern, but she maintained a neutral expression while staring at Shirou.

He was still waiting for her answer regarding Koneko.

Kuroka bit down one her lips. Based on the gentle strength of the light that she had just seen Shirou release, it was clear that he was trying to convey his power and determination to protect those around him- including herself.

It was an odd sort of feeling, but Kuroka didn't particularly mind it. Moreover, Kuroka had seen something different from Koneko within the Father's Light. A sight to assure her that Shirou indeed had the means to keep Koneko safe.

What Kuroka saw was a World of Swords. A power that she realized was different from any kind that she had ever felt before.

A will of steel within a desolate hill.

A selfless blade, free of corruption, unblemished, firm.

"His whole life was," Kuroka muttered out in a daze. The way she stared at Shirou shifted.

A Sword of Justice.

Kuroka pursed her lips, her head bowing to stare at the floor in thought.

"L-Let me think about it," she spoke out softly.

"That's fine, but you won't have long as I need to get Koneko back by morning," Shirou said apprehensively. "Sirzechs should probably know about the situation already."

More than likely, Sirzechs had come to hear from Rias about Koneko's disappearance and the man had a hard-core sister complex. With such a mentality, Shirou didn't know what Sirzechs would do.

Kuroka released a breath and visibly shuddered in defeat. "Fine," she relented. Personally, she didn't care much about what Sirzechs would have had done as she would simply do her best to avoid him, but in the current instance, she wanted to trust in the power she had seen.

Kuroka glanced up at Shirou and smiled wearily. "You'll owe me a favour."

Shirou simply nodded.

"Would you like me to return her for you?" he asked.

Kuroka shook her head. "No, I'll bring her back, but," she hesitated. "Could I ask for just a few more hours alone with her?"

Shirou didn't refuse. "By all means," he said. "Right now, I just have somewhere else I need to be."

His words said, Shirou politely excused himself from the room, leaving with an unreadable expression and hurried steps. Evidently, Kuroka and Koneko weren't the only ones to experience something within the Father's Light, Shirou had too.

With the sound of Shirou closing the door behind him, only Kuroka and Koneko were left in the room, making the muffled noise of sobbing that much more pronounced.

Kuroka couldn't understand it. She looked at her younger sister lying on the bed and didn't know what to do. If it were in the past when they were still children, then she would take Shirone into her arms and comfort her as her Elder Sister. However, could she even do such a thing after what she had forced Koneko to endure in her absence?

Koneko nearly got executed due to Kuroka killing her previous contracted Master.

Kuroka didn't think that she could be forgiven.

Gaze downcast, she slowly made her way to her bed where Koneko was lying over and sat her back against the bedframe. Even if she lost the right to hold and comfort her only remaining family member, she could at least stay by Koneko's side for as long as possible.

She was still the big sister after all, even if she failed in her duties.

Kuroka pulled her thighs to her chest, and hugged her arms around her knees, waiting.

One minute passed, two, three, Kuroka was no longer counting anymore. At some point, she had thought that Koneko had been staring at her, but when she looked up, all she saw was her younger sister's trembling back.

She reached a hand forward, hesitated, and then retracted her arm like numerous times before. However, this time was different. As Kuroka had been in the midst of her internal struggles, Kuroka's actions had fallen entirely within Koneko's views.

The sight itself sent a pang through Koneko's heart; memories of her childhood and the older sister who always protected her surfaced in her mind.

'It will be alright little Shiro, Big Sister's here.'

A smiling face. Bright and cheerful despite the hard times.

Koneko pressed her eyes closed hard as she felt the trickle of tears down her cheeks. She had sworn to herself that she'd never forgive Kuroka for what she had done, but, but…!

Her thoughts trailed off as the images and thoughts of what Kuroka had endured in the past filtered into her head. Everything that Kuroka had done to keep her safe, and the hatred Kuroka had endured to give a selfish little sister a piece of mind and a new family.

The truth that Kuroka had only become a Stray Devil to protect the only sister she had from experimentation made Koneko unbearably guilty.

Seeing the hardship Kuroka was still enduring, Koneko realized that she couldn't take it anymore.

As Kuroka sat silently by the bed frame, the sound of shuffling bedsheets caused her cat ears to twitch. By the time she decided to turn around, it was already too late.

Koneko fell off the bed and onto Kuroka's lap, adjusting herself to bury her face at the crook of Kuroka's shoulder.

Kuroka froze, her mind going blank even as Koneko continued to mutter out apology after apology in guilt.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry, I, I-I'm-"

Kuroka wrapped her arms around Koneko's shoulders and hugged her close, the action devolving Koneko's words into garbled gibberish.

Kuroka didn't know what Shirou must have had done, but she was too overwhelmed to think anymore while running circles over Koneko's back.

"Shh Shh, it's okay," Kuroka rocked gently back and forth, brushing a hand over Koneko's head.

Kuroka's words only made Koneko sob harder, but it was fine. Everything could be fine again. After all,

"Big Sister's here."


Having stepped through the door leading to Kuroka's room, Shirou found himself back in the Underworld.

From the time of his departure from the Sitri manor to the present instance, three hours had already passed. It was more than enough time for Serafall to have readied all her preparations regarding the wedding. As such, Shirou was certain that his absence was already known to a select few.

Sona wouldn't be stupid enough to make his disappearance public knowledge as it would both hurt Serafall and House Sitri's image. Knowing Sona, she was probably still doing her best at preventing others from realizing the true situation however there was no way she could keep the truth from people like Adelina, Serafall, and the others.

Shirou needed to hurry if he was to arrive back in time, no; he needed to get back in time.

It was hard for him to describe what had happened earlier in Kuroka's room, but the Light that had emitted from him bore down directly on his being. There were no images or scenes that plagued his mind, nor some newfound revelation that prompted him to be so flustered. Instead, what happened was something more fundamental.

As the only survivor in the Fire that devastated Fuyuki in his childhood, the fire had not only burned him physically, but wore at him mentally. Joy, anger, loss, every emotion within him had been burnt away until there was nothing left. It was to the point that when Kiritsugu had found him, he had grown jealous of the way Kiritsugu could smile so broadly and made it his goal to purse that same kind of happiness. Taking the ideals of another to fill the emptiness of his own existence.

From that point on, he was never the same kind of 'human' as the rest. He was different, distorted beyond recognition with the sole goal of saving others without rest.

God had always thought everything through, and if there was one goal that he was adamant on completing, it was finding Salvation for the lamb who'd lost everything in an unholy fire. As the Holy Grail was the symbolical cup and holder of the blood of Christ, God felt a heavy remorse for the things that had occurred in the parallel world. More so because he had witnessed it all as a weakened and fragmented strand of will.

God already understood a fundamental aspect since the beginning. If Shirou was the one that would save all others, then who would be the one to save him?

What the Light of the Father had given Shirou wasn't memories or anything insubstantial, what it had given to Shirou using the sheer power of the Faith of the Bible was that which made humans human.


The Father's Light wasn't giving new emotions to Shirou as it was instead enhancing the ones he already had; trying to return a semblance of the human Shirou was before the fire and before he became a physical manifestation of a Sword.

God didn't have the means and power to do so in the past, but now that he'd regained a portion of his divinity and resumed control of his System, he would not abandon a lost sheep- Most certainly not to a life filled only with hardship.

It was with such a goal in mind, that when Shirou utilized the Father's Light, God willed the light to effect Shirou as well. The result?

Shirou was running without a care for his image, magical patterns flashing over his skin and reinforcing his body as he sprinted directly towards the Sitri Family Manor.

Nothing about him had changed mentally, but he felt a dull aching in his heart when he thought about Serafall, Xenovia, and the rest.

What he wanted to do in the current instance was make them happy. There was no way he couldn't feel anything from their devotion to him and the feeling only became more pronounced after his meeting with Kuroka.

Just imagining the devastation Serafall must be feeling at his absence made him want to kick himself in the head. What had he been thinking when he had left so abruptly?

He knew exactly what he'd been thinking.

He wanted to save and help others, believing solely in that line of thought.

But now was different.

In an instant, he arrived at the Sitri Manor, forcibly pushing through the gates and directly entering a grand reception hall.

Numerous High-Class Devils of the Seventy-Two Pillars were in attendance and seated in rows facing the front podium where Serafall stood standing alone. The light in her eyes was dim, and she didn't seem to be paying attention to the whispers around her.

Elsewhere, Xenovia didn't utter a word at Shirou's appearance, giving a discreet glance at Serafall before her expression softened. She was seated along with Adelina near the sides where the two sat in silence and decided to watch intently. She and Serafall had already come to an agreement in their talks, and had mostly settled their differences.

In the end, Shirou wasn't a person that could live with the thought of harming others. As such, the problems regarding relationships were to be solved amongst the women.

This was the very conclusion that she and Serafall had settled upon. That, and equal legal status.

This was Serafall's time to be happy, so when Xenovia noticed Shirou's gaze fall on her and hesitate, she tacitly nodded her head and gave her approval.

Besides, Serafall already made a promise to Xenovia.

'It would be her turn next.'

Xenovia took a sip of her drink before her lips curled upwards. That was that all Xenovia cared about in her mind.

Left with no more doubts, Shirou slowed his steps and walked down the red-carpeted isle. By this point, Serafall had already spotted him and a flush was forming on her cheeks. She opened her mouth, but didn't quite know what to say so she shut it again.

Sona who was in attendance in the crowd smiled wryly at Serafall before glaring at Shirou for ditching her. However, her glare shifted into one of surprise as her heartbeat began to pick up. There was something different about Shirou, something compelling and manly. It was like a soldier who'd readied himself against all obstacles.

To Shirou, the words of apology that needed to be said, no longer mattered.

Excuses, justifications, inconsistencies, he discarded all thoughts from his mind. Even his concerns regarding what would happen in the next meeting between the Gods and the Faction of the Bible.

He wasn't forcing himself into marriage, nor did Serafall, Xenovia, or the others have to coerce him in any way.

The doubt in Serafall's eyes.

Her uneasiness at the result of his absence. She had shouldered enough.

The uncertainty of her affection being one-sided. It wasn't something he was willing to allow her to believe.

He strode up in front of her, staring her directly at the face as flashbacks of the Civil War appeared in Serafall's mind: The Kuro who fought for her and her dreams of creating an Underworld her sister could be proud of.

In the current instance, the scenery of the Grand Sitri Reception hall faded away to return to a certain area in the Lands of Marbas of the past. A clearing in a forest meadow illuminated by the Underworld's sky.

Kuro stood before her with the same neutral expression that had always been enough to convey his thoughts. This time however was different.

A shudder travelled down Serafall's body as Kuro steadily dropped down to one knee, a hand placed over his chest.

"Serafall Leviathan," his voice came out as strong and determined as ever. Just like the dreams she always had in sleepless nights, leading to the words she thought that she'd never hear.

"Will you marry me?"