Chapter 43

Nothing else seemed to exist except for the woman in front of him uselessly trying to wipe away her tears with her palms. Her eyes were pressed shut, the tips of her cheeks puffed and reddened, yet no one in the reception hall belittled her. Lord and Lady Sitri smiled fondly at their eldest daughter while Sona's expression became complicated.

Elsewhere, Sirzechs and Ajuka shifted their gazes away in guilt, unable to continue looking. It was they who had impeded Serafall in the past, leading to the bottling up of her feelings until they reached a breaking point.

The impact of the words Shirou had just spoken had affected Serafall in a way beyond description. After years of destitution believing that Kuro was dead and regretting the words that she could not say in the past, the current reality took away Serafall's composure.

The sound of sniffling echoed throughout the room.

Sirzechs turned to leave due to Rias's urgent matter, but was stopped by Grayfia who tugged on his sleeve and shook her head. "Don't make her hate you anymore than she already does," she whispered. "I've already messaged Okita to investigate. You owe it to Serafall to be here for this occasion."

Grayfia was unnaturally stern. How could she not read the thoughts of her husband?

Even though he may say that he wanted to depart because of Rias, the larger reason was his shame. He still blamed himself for the way Serafall's life had turned out after the Civil War. Neither he nor Ajuka believed that they were qualified to witness the current scene after what they had done.


Grayfia placed a finger over Sirzechs mouth and glared with her eyes. "Stay."

There was no room for Sirzechs to retreat. Grayfia would not allow it. For all the hate and animosity Serafall had towards Sirzechs and Ajuka, it wasn't as if she couldn't understand their actions in the past.

Regardless of what they said or acted against each other, Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Serafall were still friends.

Grayfia knew this, and that was why she couldn't allow Sirzechs to leave.

Ajuka was the smarter man. After noticing Sirzechs's predicament, he took no actions to provoke Grayfia and reluctantly remained in his seat.

At the center of the wedding reception, Shirou didn't know what to do.

Staring at Serafall, he could only remain motionless, uncertain if he'd made a mistake or not. Her shoulders were trembling, the white satin gloves she wore over her arms dampening the more she tried to wipe her face.

A foreign sort of feeling that he'd never felt before was welling up from within him. Anxiety? Nervousness? Restlessness? The emotion was too foreign.

As such, he didn't bother to think too deeply about it anymore. He'd do what he felt was right.

He stood up onto his feet and promptly pulled Serafall into a hug, his arms firmly wrapping around her, a hand running circles around her back. "I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?"

Serafall didn't answer, her chin resting on his left shoulder as she shuddered.

How long had she been wanting to hear those words?

To finally hear them on the day of her wedding, she was unable to stop the tears forming in her eyes. There was even a lump in her throat that prevented her from speaking properly.

She could feel her heart beating rapidly from within her chest, her breaths hitching.

"I-I do," when the words left her mouth, it was a confirmation that the current situation was real.

It suddenly became utterly useless to attempt to stop herself any longer, she no longer cared for her image anyway. From directly within view and disregarding all formal processes, she pushed up on her toes, cradled her arms around Shirou's neck, and kissed him.

Her lips met his own as her arms wrapped around him. The entire process seemed to last for an eternity, the cheering in the background offset by the gloominess on Adelina's face yet Adelina's reasons were pettier if anything. If she forced herself to speak truthfully, then she had no complaints about the actual marriage.

As for Xenovia, she'd quietly slipped out when no one was paying attention, too impatient with planning her own marriage that she'd already contacted Irina and her mother, Griselda.

For the time being, she didn't wish to interfere with Serafall in one of her life's happiest moments. In exchange, she expected the same of Serafall when her wedding came.

Back in the reception hall, the Family heads of the remaining Seventy-Two Pillars in the wedding's attendance bid farewell one by one. Many of them presented their gifts ranging from lavish riches to children's toys and clothes which caused Lady Sitri to beam at the prospect of grandchildren. Even Lord Sitri could not stop his lips from curving upwards into a grin. He painted a rather odd sight as part of him wished to maintain his indifferent demeanor, but the other part was flushed with excitement and anticipation. It was something Sona hardly appreciated as she was sandwiched in-between her parents who were growing far too excited for their old age.

"Do you think I should give Serafall a few tips?" Lady Sitri whispered, a hand absently forming a tiny communication circle. "Positioning can make all the difference sometimes."

Lord Sitri considered it before nodding with all seriousness. With his acknowledgment, Lady Sitri began speaking softly into the magic circle she had made which transferred her voice directly to her eldest daughter.

Meanwhile, Lord Sitri suddenly sighed regretfully as he took out a packet of dissolvable tablets. "Lord Gremory recommended this human-made product called Viagra? Unfortunately, I was too caught up in the wedding to slip it into the drinks."

Lady Sitri first concluded her transmission to Serafall before glowering at her husband. "How can you be so inattentive in regards to something this important?!" Lady Sitri pursed her lips in worry.

Both Lord and Lady Sitri had been without grandchildren for far too long. They'd use everything at their disposal to make things progress well.

Admonished by his wife, Lord Sitri fiddled with the tablets in his hand. By now it was too late for him or his wife to act. After all, Shirou and Serafall were already gone.

In regards to Shirou and Serafall themselves, the two had long since been swept up in the magic circle placed directly beneath the podium.

The Underworld's marriages worked differently from Human World weddings. There was no priest or official spokesperson overseeing the event, but rather only the verification of the involved families. Underworld weddings were done so in this way due to the nature of God's system inflicting damage to the bride and groom should they utilize Human World methods.

In this case, the consenting family was House Sitri alone due to the deaths of Lord and Lady Marbas of the past.

The magic seal set up beneath the podium was set to activate upon the marriage's completion and had only two functions: Increase fertility to maintain the bloodline of the Seventy-Two Pillars, and to transport the recipients to a private room.

"What a pity," Lady Sitri lamented before her eyes lit up when they landed on Sona.

Lady and Lord Sitri were one thing to intrude on the newly weds, but the social repercussions were far smaller for Sona.

Just as Lady Sitri was considering how she could persuade Sona to slip the tablets into the drinks arranged in the private room, Sona stood up entirely red-faced as she looked at her parents in disbelief. "I-I can't believe you both. W-Where is your shame?" She stammered before making a hasty retreat.

Lady Sitri noticed the tips of Sona's ears burning red as Sona ran off, and could only sigh at her youngest daughter's low tolerance. Regardless, Sona should have had known better than to refuse her mother.

Lady Sitri stared at the tablets in her husband's left palm before taking them and transporting them through a magic circle, her lips moving in low whispers.

Sona stared blankly as the tablets appeared in front of her, her features ghastly as her mother's voice directly echoed in her mind in warning.

Meanwhile, Lady Sitri dismissed her magic and clasped her hands in a show of good faith. She earnestly began to pray to house Sitri's founding Demon.

I want grandchildren! Four or five will do!

Boy or girl, this Grandma doesn't care!

They'll all be young masters and ladies and don't worry, Grandma will spoil you all rotten!

Unknowingly, Lord Sitri was in the same posture as his wife, his thoughts parallel. The two were subconsciously revealing their remarkable compatibility as husband and wife as they both imagined what could possibly be happening in the Sitri Manor's private room.

The room itself was located on the most luxurious floor of house Sitri. Not only was the room spacious, but it had a certain appeal to it that made it enchanting. Light from the purple sky above directly illuminated the area by proxy of the overhead window acting as a roof above.

The lighting was low, and the furniture, sparse yet cozy with a heart-shaped bed near the center of the room. The bed was covered by silk drapes, and soft fabrics made up the bedsheets. There was a lingering scent of freesia or magnolia in the air.

As Shirou was unused to the Underworld's customs, he had become disorientated with the sudden shifting of surroundings at the conclusion of his wedding.

By the time, he composed himself, it was to realize that Serafall was no longer beside him. She had made her way to lie on the bed, her wedding dress parted at the shoulders to reveal the black-laced lingerie beneath.

He stood stunned, trying to force his eyes to glance away out of embarrassment, but being unable to in his shocked state.

Her skin was of a milky white, nearly incandescent in its glossiness that seemed radiant in the dimness of the room. Worse, there was a certain charm to her in the moment that became all the more alluring once he realized how flushed her cheeks were. The tips themselves were of a rosy hue that lingered on her face as she beckoned him forward with an air of nervousness.

The thoughts running in his mind went haywire, yet he still willed his legs to move. To begin with, he had already decided to accept his marriage for what it was and that meant taking Serafall for who she was. A woman who he loved.

As a man of legal age, how could he not know what came after marriage?

As jitterily as he was inwardly feeling, Serafall must have had been the same if the redness crawling up her face was any indication. Only, the difference between the two was that Serafall was more forward.

From the moment he reached the foot of the bed, her hand grasped onto him and pulled.

She pressed him down, her breast exposing themselves in front of him, firm, supple, dangling as she let her dress and unhooked bra slip down her shoulders revealing her whole upper body. Her stomach was toned, curving just slightly into an hourglass as his gaze moved down to her waist which widened at her hips.

She was straddling him, her thighs pressing on either side of his legs.

He could feel her warmth, her fervor.

He felt the blood rushing up to his head in that instant, erupting into a full-blown explosion when she grasped his hand and placed it over her breast. At the center of his palm, he became keenly aware of a tender bud rubbing against his skin, but more than that were the vibrations. "Can you feel it Kuro? The speed of my heart?" She spoke languidly, softly before lowering her head to rest it on his chest. "I waited, and I waited, and I waited still."

Her lips were quivering. "I thought you were gone."


She placed a finger to his lips. "You came back. You didn't lie."

It didn't matter if he was human now through whatever process he went through. He was here, right in front of her, and that was all that mattered.

The promise that the two had made back then in a time where the violence of the Civil War was moments away from concluding was finally fulfilled.

Kuro had come to house Sitri.

He was in her arms once again.

She could feel the urge to burst out into sobs welling from within her, yet her joy overwrote everything.

She stared at him, and he stared back, watching as she pushed up with her arms and gradually leaned her body closer to his, her hands on either side of his shoulders while her mouth moved to mumble into his left ear.

A flash of determination flittered across her eyes as she reviewed the information her mother had transmitted to her moments earlier and completely discarded her clothing.

Shame, modesty, propriety? Tonight, she eliminated such words from her vocabulary.

"Even if you're stronger in a fight, there are times when being a Devil has its perks," she spoke slowly, her voice sultry as she bit down on his ear with her lips. "Let me lead."

She pulled back and kissed him, her forehead touching his, and in the next moment his mind went blank as he allowed instinct to take over at the delicate touch of her skin.

Meanwhile, Sona stood tomato-faced at the door, the tablets in her hands left entirely forgotten.


Morning came with the grogginess of a sleepless night, yet oddly, he felt the most energized he'd ever been in his life. Energy was coursing through him, and his mind was unusually clear as it worked on overdrive.

From the conversation he'd had with Ares and Bellona, he knew of certain events that were going to transpire within the next twenty-four hours.

Staring at Serafall's sleeping face, he felt more determined than ever to protect everyone he held dear and the people around them.

Pulling up a blanket, he covered Serafall up to her neck and kissed her on the cheek before sliding his legs out of bed. The previous night's activities had given him a whole new perspective about Devils and primal instincts.

More than that, he could make out the way Serafall's hands gently cradled themselves over her stomach while she whispered names silently in her sleep.

It was a sight that raised his determination to levels unheard of.

His blood was rushing madly through his veins, his expression growing neutral.

Before he even knew it, he was standing out of bed, his focus beyond measure.

He suddenly thought of Xenovia and the other girls who cared for him just as much as Serafall. He would protect them all.


He had a family.

A part of him that had been missing since the day of the Fuyuki Fire finally felt as if it was filling up once more.

With the information he was sorting through in his head, a course of action was steadily taking form.

Hades. The God of the Greek Underworld and the other Gods with him did not know who they were messing with.

Tenacity flashing within his eyes, he set out from the room, fully intent on allowing Serafall to sleep everything out. By the time she wakes up, there would no longer be any danger.

Opening the door of the private room he and Serafall had slept in, the first person he met was the smiling face of Lady Sitri.

He stiffened immediately, not knowing what to say, but noticing Sona in a similar state to him behind her mother. Strangely, heavy bags had formed under Sona's eyes and she refused to even look at him in the face. She kept muttering 'beasts' and 'animals' under her breath and she bolted as soon as Lady Sitri let her guard down, but Lady Sitri could hardly care anymore.

Running away as fast as her legs could carry her, Sona tossed the tablets still in her hands away in mortification, not even looking where she had threw them. Inadvertently, Saji who was staying with the rest of Sona peerage in another room of the Sitri manor was suddenly struck by them. He looked at the tablets Sona had just thrown at him, unable to believe his eyes.

W-Was this some sort of new trend? Saji's mind began short-circuiting as he thought long and hard about how society had progressed to such a state. He'd have to ask Issei for advice.

Elsewhere, Lady Sitri continued to stare at Shirou without saying anything.

Truth be told, he was having a hard time trying to consider how he could handle this woman. How did Lord Sitri tame such a monster?

From how fast and out of composure Sona had been at the face of her mother, Lady Sitri's formidability was telling.

Organizing his thoughts, he decided that he would still give Lady Sitri the benefit of the doubt. Lady Sitri was both Serafall's mother and his mother-in-law after all.

"Take care of her," he said, moving to step passed Lady Sitri. "Can I also ask that you keep her in bed for the next few days. It was a 'rough' night yesterday," he said awkwardly.

Rather than be caught off guard at his words like he expected, Lady Sitri's face was practically beaming. "Of course of course," she repeated twice, her eyes narrowing. 'I'm already this close to having grandchildren, there's no way I'll let Serafall take any risks!' She thought inwardly. On her exterior, she merely placed a hand in front of her mouth as she laughed lightly, entered the private room, and then closed the door behind her.

Shirou felt that something was off when he detected Lady Sitri literally barring the exit of the private room with numerous defensive magic circles. To make the situation even more peculiar, he noticed Lord Sitri arrive with a set of magical equipment which he used to bar the door, nail by nail with unwavering concentration.

It was to the point, that he realized he'd be a nuisance if he stayed and watched any further.

At the very least, Serafall was in secure hands.

With that thought in mind, he left the Sitri manor and began making his preparations, the first of which had him return to the Lands of Marbas where he stared resolutely at his own statue.

Many devils still came to bow in worship and offer gifts in hopes of good luck and prosperity.

The statue itself made of Devil Core was practically idolized by all.

It was in that moment that Shirou came to a realization as he considered his plans.

Without revealing who he actually was, he was probably going to become the Underworld's undisputed Public Enemy.

Hiding his features beneath a cloak he had borrowed from house Sitri, he subtly placed his hand on his own statue and began channeling his energy.

Devil Cor was highly praised in the ancient Underworld for its high conductivity with magic. In the time of primeval, Devil Core was even a natural staple for the Demons of the Seventy-Two Pillars and their legions.

From the moment he began channeling his magic and energy into the statue, the Devil Core absorbed everything at an astonishing rate. It was like a dried river in a drought experiencing a sudden downfall of rain.

By the time he finished funneling his energy, there was a certain glow to the Devil Core of his statue that denoted a demonic presence; the symbols of all the World's Evils etched into the rock seemingly coming to life.

He pulled his hand back and beat a hasty retreat lest anyone notice the oddity of him having stood in the same place for nearly three hours.

Given that the next meeting with the Gods was set to occur in five hours time, he only had two of the five hours left before the meeting.

He would use his time wisely.

If one were to observe the area around the Land of Marbas closely, one would be able to see a blurred image as he jumped back and forth between various places Serafall had once shown him around at. The unique feature amongst all these places, was that there were remnants of Devil Core in each one.

Ever since the end of the Underworld Civil War, Devil Core had become a scarce resource that was no longer able to be found in large quantities. The fact that the Lands of Marbas had such high concentrations of the precious ore was because most of the army that made up the Legion of the past settled down within the Lands of Marbas. Some treated their armours made of Devil Core as Family Heirlooms while others donated them to be smelted and used for other things such as the statue.

Regardless of what decisions the Devils of the past had made, he was benefitting form their choice.

At the end of the last hour, he steadily made his way back towards the building of the Young Devils Gathering where the young Devils were still in the midst of their competition. As much as he wanted to spectate the growth of his friends in Kuoh, his priorities were already set so he moved away from where Sona and Rias were probably discussing their strategies for the event.

Yet, as it would turn out, someone had other ideas.

He spotted a white tail and a pair of cat ears trying to stalk him from the edge of his vision. They were peaking out from the back of corner at the far wall. At first, he thought it was Kuroka, but the colour was entirely off and she wasn't one to forget about her cat ears and tail when hiding. Therefore, it could only be someone relatively inexperienced.

Low and behold, when he turned at the next intersection and abruptly waited, a figure in white came running before stiffening when she noticed him.

It was Koneko.

Different from her usual appearance, a tail was growing from out of her back and a pair of cat ears was sitting prominently on top of her head. Kuroka had done as she had promised him and returned Koneko earlier in the morning, allowing Rias to pull the win over her competitor as she finally obtained a piece of mind.

That being the case, he was also fairly certain that Koneko and Kuroka had made up. The addition of Koneko's cat ears and tail were proof enough. Most likely, she had been hiding them from apprehension and resentment before, but was now confident enough to strut them around.

As for the reason she was following him, that was even easier for him to realize.

She was curious.

What was his relation with Kuroka?

How had they met?

Most of all, she was probably thankful.

Koneko looked like she was struggling to speak, so he made it easier for her and simply nodded.

There was no need for thanks when he himself had gained something from the encounter. If anything, the one who needed to be thanked was the Lord Above.

Koneko opened her mouth and then closed it, her lips pursing as she bit down on them, yet she did nothing else despite her curiosity. She didn't want to impose, yet she couldn't just let his kindness go unappreciated either. It was for this reason that she refused to divulge what had happened to her even at the insistence of Rias and the others.

Caught in her indecision, she was startled when Shirou tussled her hair and grinned. There was no need to complicate anything.

Koneko's eyes widened before she turned her gaze away, heat rising to her face at being so simple to read.

Staring at Koneko, Shirou determined what he was going to do.

He made a promise to Kuroka and himself.

The Lands of Marbas was one of the safest places in the Underworld. In recent date, the barrier he had made in the past appeared in-active, but the truth was that it was only in a dormant state. It would activate once danger comes again, yet if the danger was a God, he wasn't too confident in the barrier holding which was why he spoke his next words.

"Listen, Koneko," he said gravely. "If something happens later, I want you to take everyone to the Lands of Marbas and find my statue." It felt wrong when he said 'my statue' but he maintained his poker face. "It will be safe there."

"…" Koneko gave him a perplexed expression, yet before she could ask more, he promptly left when he noticed Ajuka beckoning towards him in the distance.

Left behind, Koneko furrowed her brows before slowly nodding her head. In regards to Shirou, there was no doubt that she trusted him after what he had done for her and her elder sister. Looking at Ajuka escorting him away towards some other dangerous matter, the words 'as expected' couldn't help but appear in her mind.

Helping those he didn't need to help.

Taking on burdens that he did not need to bear.

He was that kind of person.

Which was why if it was him, then she believed that nothing could ever go wrong. He had that sort of strength and disposition. Then again, he was Lord Marbas the Benevolent. Her lips gradually curled upwards as the beating of her heart echoed in her ears.

The words that he said, she'd make sure not to forget them.

In a single motion, she ran back to where Rias, Issei, Asia, Akeno, and Kiba were waiting, her tail bobbing up and down behind her.


Walking beside Ajuka, Shirou noticed Ajuka eying him from time to time before finally clearing his throat. "Congratulations on your marriage," Ajuka said. "As I'm not a married man, I'm afraid Sirzechs would be the better one to ask advice for."

"Huh?" Shirou replied, unable to understand what Ajuka was getting at.

He watched as Ajuka furrowed his brows and suddenly stopped walking to face him. "Although marriage can be shocking for everyone, the cold shoulder is something that is statistically experienced."

Again, Shirou had no idea what Ajuka was talking about. All that was on Shirou's mind was how to keep everyone safe. To that end, he'd already messaged Adelina, Xenovia, and Irina to stay within the Lands of Marbas for the time being.

He stared at Ajuka in silence, before the man finally elaborated.

"Where's Serafall?" Ajuka said with a sigh. "She knows the importance of this event and is one of the Underworld's strongest Devils. Why else would she not be here if you two didn't come to some sort of argument?"

"Well, uhm," Shirou felt tongue tied. He thought back to the actions of Lord and Lady Sitri, and simply didn't how to answer. "It's complicated." He finally decided upon.

Nodding his head as if he understood the difficulties of life, Ajuka chose to no longer pry into the matter. Besides, the two had already arrived to the dimension where the meeting with the Gods was occurring.

Immediately, Shirou's expression hardened. Based on what Ares and Bellona had said, he already new which Gods he'd be facing before the attack.

Hades and the others.

There was no need for anymore pretenses.


Proving one's own worth?

The only reason the Faction of the Bible had agreed to such things was because it wanted to maintain cordiality amongst the various pantheons. Now that it's reached the point that a faction of the Gods was plotting together to bring harm, then there was no longer a need to keep up with formalities.

If they wanted a conflict, then they've got one.

Even before Shirou and Ajuka had arrived, Sirzechs was in the midst of preparing for his match with Ra. Michael, Gabriel, and Azazel were off to the side spectating.

Opposite to Michael and the others sat the other Gods who sorted themselves out by pantheon.

Of course, not all of them were opposed to the Alliance, yet they'd probably defend their own without asking questions. It was group mentality. If one was attacked without justifiable reason, then the others would defend.

Considering the position of the Gods who harboured malicious intent, it wouldn't be easy to accuse them.

It was the biggest problem Shirou had been considering, until he realized, did it matter?

Recalling the image of Serafall and the people he wished to protect, for the first time in his life, a trace of selfishness appeared within him. God had not only saved Koneko and Kuroka, but had restored a tiny semblance of the emotions Shirou had lost before the Fires of Fuyuki.

Shirou too, was human.

He'd never been a thinker anyway. In fact, the closest representation of his personality could be summed up in a simple phrase.

He was steel.

Steel that was unbending.

Steel that was tempered in battle.

He who had no purpose, blindly seeking that which he had wanted to possess.

The happiness of that smile.

The satisfaction in attaining that goal.

One that was utterly unachievable.

Numb were his emotions, and steady was his mind.

A life worth less than any other, yet one that had suddenly become intricately interwoven with the value of others.

Serafall, Xenovia, Irina, they'd placed their faith in his cold, emotionless steel.

That feeling which he had felt when Serafall and the others accepted him, it was the closest he had come to understanding the satisfaction of that smile.

It was why he thought to himself, could he find that happiness too even on his worn and beaten path?

God already gave him his answer.


No one was without happiness. That was what it meant to be saved, to find salvation.

To protect those he cared about, there was no longer any need for hesitation.

The aura around him erupted into an overbearing torch. The energy itself having undergone a qualitative change and melding with the magic of his inner world. This wasn't the strength of God or All the World's Evil, but the power of his own will manifesting through the divinity flowing within him and God's System.

Michael, Gabriel, Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Azazel were suddenly caught off guard, staring at him in abject confusion. It didn't matter though, for they'd understand soon.

He closed his eyes.

The strength of his steel soaring throughout, illusory gears fading in and out of the air.

Hephaestus suddenly perked up from his position near the very back of the Greek and Roman Pantheon.

"The heat of a forge?" Hephaestus murmured. "More than that, an Armory?"

No one paid attention to Hephaestus. They weren't able to.

"Brother, that aura…" Poseidon's voice trailed off in wonder.

It was the one unique trait that denoted one's existence at a higher realm.

Divinity, the power of a God.

The Gods in attendance suddenly took in a sharp breath. With all things considered, the Faction of the Bible didn't have any other Gods, only one.

The God of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

The revelation of a God standing on the side of the Bible Faction caused many to panic, yet their worries were soon alleviated. Although, the Divinity being released was strong, it was not 'his' Divinity. More than likely, the Bible Faction had recruited a no-name God to their cause.

Hades let out a breath of relief. He could still remember the strength of the Bible Faction's One God and he never wished to face it again.

"What do you think you're doing?" Zeus asked, his voice stern and possessing the crackle of lightning.

Ra and the other High-Gods quickly composed themselves and equally asked for a response to which Shirou only gave one as he stared at Hades.

"Shouldn't you ask yourselves?" He said.

Zeus glanced at Hades at the corner of his eyes, not missing the implications yet Hades remained quiet beside Poseidon. Zeus frowned. If he had to choose who to believe in, then there was no way he'd trust in the words of a person he hardly knew.

Zeus and the other God's silence revealed what their opinions were.

It was exactly as Shirou had already expected.

The divinity around him intensified, generating winds that blasted across the area as Michael, Gabriel, Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Azazel stood in line beside him, releasing their own strength.

To Michael, Gabriel, and Azazel who were beside him, he poured into them the power of God's System.

The faith of humanity towards the Heavens and its Angels.

Michael of the Seraphim, Leader of God's Armies.

Gabriel of the Seraphim, Messenger of God.

Azazel the Fallen, Leader of the Grigori.

Their wings shone with a luster not seen since the era of the One God. Their pinioned feathers extending out in arcs of light that illuminated the world.

Sirzechs readied his Power of Destruction while Ajuka readied his magical formulas.

The other Gods suddenly balked. For Sirzechs and the others were outputting the strengths of High-Gods.

Hades's expression fell. This wasn't what he was expecting. By now it was evident that one of the Gods he had rallied against the Faction of the Bible had betrayed him.

Fortunately, the common trait between Gods was their astounding level of pride. To have juniors of a pantheon threatening them, the senior Gods of the other Pantheons were far from pleased.

"You think your faction can stand against us alone?" Zeus glowered as Ra powered up his staff with the heat of the Sun. "Which God do you think you are?"

It was in that moment that Zeus just spoke, that something unexpected occurred.

"You weren't expecting this now were you Old Man?" The voice that spoke was boisterous and deep, like the sound of clanging metal.

One by one, Gods from across all of the Pantheons made their way to stand by Shirou's side.





The number continued to rise, all of them, revelers of conflict and violence.

They who were swayed at the prospect of a Grand Battle.

Gods of War.

"We've kept our promise," Bellona spoke lightly. "Now you keep yours."


Short Story.

-Records of Marbas, the Underworld Civil War: Part 1: Petty Difficulties:

Serafall was almost certain by now, but it was clear that the little child Kuro was teaching the way of the sword 'disliked' her.

Trailing Kuro's form in the shadows of the forest surrounding the Lands of Marbas, she patiently waited for a 'chance' encounter. She had been practicing the exact lines she was going to say for the better most part of her entire evening the previous night. It was to the point that Allon very nearly overheard her, but fortunately she had been cautious and sealed her attendant in ice at her first opportunity.

If Allon ever found out the extent of her preparations, he'd never live it down and embarrass her to no end. Worse, it hadn't been long since she'd adamantly turned down her last suitor with the excuse of the Civil War. If she were caught trying to get herself alone with another man in the midst's of the Civil War, she'd have nothing that she could explain herself with.

That was why she couldn't just waltz up to Kuro at any given moment as Allon could take it the wrong way. It wasn't as if she was 'interested' in Kuro anyway. Her cheeks slightly flushed red. It was just that ever since he'd spoken of his intentions to build an Underworld all Devils could be proud of, she just couldn't treat him in the same way as before.

Her heart would race just by walking near him, and her throat would tighten whenever she tried to speak to him. If not for her Sitri family upbringing then, she was almost certain that it would have been impossible to maintain her dignified demeanor, and that would be a loss of face for her family.

The other Sitri family devils were already starting to grow suspicious as it was.

Therefore, 'chance' encounters were her only available options.

The training zones.

The dining areas.

The local village gatherings.

It was only in such locations that she could nonchalantly appear beside Kuro.

The current area was in one such location in a training field within the forest, but the child Kuro was teaching was ruining everything.

The child's name was Adelina. She was someone that Kuro had saved from the hands of the Old Satan Faction that had recently attacked the lands of Marbas. Many of the resident lower-class devils were still in the midst of reconstruction. Of course, that excluded children and Kuro as the residents adamantly refused their saviour's aid.

Left with nothing to do, Serafall had seen a chance to interact more with Kuro and had busied herself in preparation only for Adelina to snatch his time.

Serfall furrowed her brows from atop the dense foliage she was using to obscure herself.

Kuro was teaching Adelina the art of the sword, watching intently as Adelina swung the tiny blade in her hands again and again.

Serafall considered her options, a finger tapping absently over her thigh while she pursed her lips. She had prepared herself extensively already so she was unwilling to just give up. She had changed specifically into a refreshing black dress and had even taken the time to apply make-up and straighten her hair with her magic. If anyone from the Underworld Civil War were to see her current appearance, then they'd surely be shocked as it was entirely different from her general attire.

Sirzechs, Ajuka, and the others had always known her to be somewhat of a tom-boy. She dressed in cargo pants and baggy clothing, her beret hat used to hide her unruly bed-hair in the morning. Yet in this instant, she looked just as stunning as Lady Asmodeus of the Seventy-Two Pillars.

All things considered, she eventually came to a decision.

She was just as qualified to oversee a child's training as Kuro was. After all, she was the Heiress of house Sitri, her qualifications were far more than any ordinary devil, and besides, she could use the pretense to close the gap between her and Kuro.

Mind made up, she promptly left her position hiding within the foliage and appeared a short-ways off from where Kuro and Adelina were training.

Adelina had obviously spotted her as she had appeared twenty-feet behind Kuro in plain sight, but the young girl didn't look the least bit happy.

Caught up in her musings, Serafall didn't notice the displeasure on Adelina's face and strutted forward until she was within calling range of Kuro.

She reached her hand out over her mouth in preparation to yell out, but suddenly faltered when Adelina pulled on Kuro's hand, dragging away Kuro's attention and leading him away.

T-This brat.

Serafall's brows began to twitch. If she didn't understand Adelina's actions at this point than she was a fool.

Bristling in agitation, she was just about to sprint forward when her intuition suddenly warned her against taking further action.

"Going somewhere, Milady?" A voice stopped her in her tracks.

A-Allon, how and why now?!

She inwardly began seething when she noticed her masked attendant appear beside her. His clothes were torn and damp from when she had trapped him in her ice which he had obviously broken out of.

"You're too naïve, Milady," Allon scoffed, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping off the grime on his cheeks. "After serving the Sitri family for centuries, did you not think that your shrewdness would ever surpass your mother's? Now that woman was a true Devil." Allon shuddered, yet didn't elaborate. "Now then, do continue with your 'secret' operation Milady, I believe we were just getting to the interesting parts."

Hearing Allon's words, her expression darkened considerably. With Allon beside her there was no way she could continue.

"Allon," she said frigidly.

"Yes, Milady?"

"Die in a corner."

"Twelve," Allon said offhandedly.

She raised her brow in her confusion.

"Your mother used to say the same thing to me."

"Shut up."



"I hate you."

"Are you sure you want me to answer that?"

She gritted her teeth and dropped the matter, glaring at Allon before glancing at Adelina at the corner of her eye. Her fists shook in her frustration, but she wasn't shallow enough to hold a grudge at her ruined efforts, or at least that's what she told herself.

Adelina, 1.

Serafall, 0.

And so, began a petty rivalry.