Chapter 44

Blood, violence, conquerors, the concepts which had gradually disappeared throughout the ages of man. Peace and democracy, although the barbaric ages of old were gone, the omen of war had come again.

The sky began to dim, revealing the orange horizon of twilight.

Ares clenched his hands into fists, the chains that wrapped around his forearms clinking as they hung loosely in the air, charred black from the growing temperature of his body. His back was taught, the flames that flickered across his visage eluding to the excitement bubbling forth from within him. His armour smoldered, flecks of crackling embers drifting from the torn tunic and mantle held in place at his waist by a worn belt.

How long had he waited? Years, decades, centuries? No more.

Divinity began pooling from out of him, the sounds of battle ringing from horns that blew from the deep, the drums beating from within his own chest. Conflict, death, ruin, he craved it all, reminiscing of the times when humans invoked his name for the sake of bloodshed and ambition.

He was Ares, the Greek God of War.

It didn't matter to him or any of the War Gods which side they stood on. The promise of a battle from the mouth of the One God himself was simply irrefutable.

Bellona who stood next to Ares simply scoffed at the way the other Gods in attendance were staring, but her reaction was mirrored by the other Gods of War. There was no longer any going back, yet the thrill of facing seemingly insurmountable odds only had their blood boiling.

The air was beginning to shift noticeably, each God of War releasing their own domains of battle that altered their surroundings.

So long as they weren't suppressed, they would grow strong through combat.

"If this is the path that you've all chosen, then there's no use in reasoning," Hades spoke when he noticed the frown making its way onto Zeus's face. It was evident that Zeus was hesitating. It was one thing to be facing just a single God, but it was another to face the combined might of several War Gods at once. Moreover, it didn't help that Zeus and the other leaders of the Pantheons were suspicious of the events leading to the current dispute.

Ares and Bellona knew full well that Hades and several other Gods had cooperated to undermine the current council meeting. Although Shirou had already implied Hade's actions, it wouldn't do for proof of his involvement to surface so easily.

With a thought, Hades lifted a finger and scent out a trail of Divinity to instigate his Reapers into action.

The Devil's Underworld wasn't his Hell to rule, but it didn't mean that his authority as a God of the Underworld was nullified. So long as it was beneath the ground or embodied the concept of the world of eternal torment, then his authority could not be denied. Besides, it wasn't his forces that would be acting anyway. He was only providing a means, his Reapers opening a path for the ignorant to follow.

The foolish newer members of the Old Satan Faction.

Unlike the older members, none truly understood the weight that the name of the Demon Marbas carried. Marbas was the legendary figure of the biblical Underworld that had ended and ushered in the beginning of a new era. He was a monolith in Devil Society that no Devil in the past dared to confront openly.

Marbas's re-emergence as both a Human with the power of the One God and the Demon Marbas disrupted the very foundations that the Old Satan Faction had built up after Marbas's death. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that almost the entirety of the older generation had been won over from the point that Shirou had appeared, yet the newer members were unsatisfied.

It was they who had bided their time and refused to listen to the experience of their seniors. It didn't help that most were over confident in the power that the Dragon of Ouroboros had given to them in the form of snakes. None of them had been present to witness the battle at the conference of the Factions of the Bible.

No matter, their ignorance and boldness suited Hades' purposes just fine.

Now the only issue left to deal with was the growing opposition bred from the figure before his eyes.

What are you?

The question was perhaps the one most contemplated in the minds of those present staring at Shirou who stood boldly at the front with the Gods of War. Of course, he was inwardly apprehensive at facing so many different Gods of the other Pantheons, but for the sake of those behind him and those relying on him, he couldn't falter. The War Gods beside him would be the first to notice, and none of them looked well upon cowards. Moreover, they weren't the only one with the ability to alter the world around them to match their domains.

In fact, without the One God or All the World's Evils within him, he was possibly the closest incarnation to a Human War God. All that he would have had lacked was Divinity, and now that he had even that, his limitations were unbound.

He was steel, and the steel was him.

A sword, through and through with his blade leveraged against those who sought to do his friends and family harm.

Near him, Xenovia readied her sword impassively, trying to connect to the feeling that she had felt the night prior and unleashing it in full force. The Saber monument within her reacted, and her entire body became engulfed in a vortex of light that dimmed to reveal her armoured form beneath. A gleaming iron cuirass latched onto her chest which spread to cover the entirety of her back. Leathers hung loosely around her, dangling with symbols of the Cross etched into the material.

The others around her were quick to follow suit, Michael, Gabriel, and Azazel unfurling their wings and shining down with their light.

Sirzechs and Ajuka nodded to each other before the Power of Destruction began seeping from beneath Sirzechs' skin and quickly coalesced around him. Only his eyes became discernible, fiery red pits that narrowed at the enemy as his aura flickered like a flame.

Ajuka was far simpler. From beneath him, countless magical seals began to hover and float in the air, the complexity beyond common comprehension.

Hades glanced at his brothers and knew instantly that Poseidon had opted not to involve himself. Not only had Poseidon given his blessing to Shirou, but his impression of Shirou was actually quite good. The fact that Poseidon's wife Amphitrite was holding onto the second copy of Poseidon's Trident spoke wonders for what the God of the Sea's stance would be for the situation.

Zeus was different. He felt that his prestige was being challenged, but was hesitant to act due to his suspicion. He was staring at Hades discreetly, trying to read into what Hades could have possibly done to instigate such a reaction from the Faction of the Bible. His brows furrowed together, tendrils of lightning coursing up and down his arms as the scent of ozone began to diffuse.

Regardless of what Hades had done, there was something that Zeus couldn't just let slide. His eyes shifted towards Ares and the other Gods of War who stood opposed to him and the other council of Gods. They were stepping out of line to dare harbour thoughts of rebelling against their own factions. This matter required discipline, and he didn't care if he fell in line with whatever Hades wanted.

He considered for only a moment longer before coming to a decision. He would not interfere in regards to the problems between Hades and the Bible Faction, but he wouldn't allow for Ares and the other War Gods to act so brazenly.

Zeus stood up, his Divinity pooling around him and causing the clouds above to writhe. He was joined by Ra and the other leaders of the pantheons whose purposes matched his own. They would suppress the revolt of their own Gods of their respective pantheons.

Hades felt reassured at this development and readied himself for battle.

Words no longer needed to be spoken. It was just the matter of who acted first and when.

With the fact that War Gods grew stronger in prolonged battle, there was no choice but for the regular Gods to attack first and take the initiative. Of course, Ares and Bellona had already factored this point in during their discussion with Shirou, who said that he'd take care of the problem.

Neither Ares or Bellona had doubted Shirou's words as he embodied the will of the One God, but neither of them could guess what Shirou had planned to do.

As Zeus and the other Gods readied their authorities over their dominions, the rest of the War Gods glanced at the man standing at the center of them. Unlike the War God's whose domains of authority resided in their path of war, regular Gods, especially High Gods had set domains in which they ruled uncontested. There was not a need to power up as they had full access to their reserves from the very beginning. Needless to say, the situation was highly unfavourable without intervention, and Shirou was that intervention.

Bellona placed her Roman war helm over her head, and stared over in anticipation. Unlike the other Gods, she and Ares knew just who it was that Zeus and the others were facing. Moreover, it was hard to explain, but there was a vague sense of familiarity that she could feel from Shirou that only intensified after their initial meeting. It was as if he were one of her own fellow War Gods with the disposition he exuded and it earned him favourability.

The other War Gods no longer needed convincing to participate. They could feel it. The roaring of a war-torn world resonating with their own.

Shirou had no doubts about what he needed to do at the moment. Too much was riding upon his shoulders for him to falter.

He had said that he would provide protection to the Gods of War until they grew strong enough to stand on their own, but doing so against the might of the Gods in front of him was impractical. Even the One God, for all his strength and means could not fight against the might of all the gathered pantheons and religions combined without repercussions.

And yet, it wasn't the One God that was fighting at this moment, it was himself and his convictions- the combined authority of a Human, A God, and a Demon in one. The power of three, and the strength of unity.

If the Gods of War presently didn't have the power to stand on their own, then he'd simply give them an alternative.

This was his aspect as a Human. The sheer potential within him and the human race immeasurable.

As a human alone, he was mediocre by the standards of the Magi of his world. He was no more than a third-rate foolish enough to forego his twenty-seven magic circuits in favour of converting his nerves into make-shift magic conductors, thereby suffering pain far more than anyone should have been able to handle. Yet, he'd gotten through it.

It was a show of his tenacity, his ideals, and lack of care for his own being. So long as he could help others, then whatever happened to him was irrelevant.

In the end, he developed a magic unlike anything seen before.

"I am the Bone of my Sword."

He would make weapons. Many of them.

Even if he couldn't do it before, he was no longer alone. With Divinity and the memories of the One God, he could recreate them.

All of them at once.

The power of a God did not just come from one's authority, but the means in which that authority was wielded. Just as Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades possessed their unique weapons, those weapons harboured their own form of authority. Which meant to say, that the weapons could decide the very outcome of a battle.

War Gods were masters in armed and unarmed combat. They didn't know the concept of proficiency since they were proficient from the start. Therefore, he would give it to them. They who were like him who could understand the use of a weapon upon simple inspection.

Ares's eyes widened. All of the War Gods eyes widened.

Weapon after weapon manifested before their eyes, harbouring divinity that muted all.

T-This spear was-!

It was the Swaying One of Old Norse.

That which was inescapable.


The spear that never misses.

Ares didn't know what to make of the spear that manifested in front of him, but the savage grin that crossed over his face could not be contained. Bellona and the others were the same, each of them presented with a weapon that could bolster their current might by a large margin. Not one of them cared what the other Gods were feeling seeing their weapons that they still carried in their hands suddenly falling into the grasp of another's. Yet it was the least of their concerns, particularly the minor and mid-Gods who felt the most sense of danger.

War Gods were already troublesome, and now equipped with weapons that could account for their vulnerable initial stage, none wished to be caught in the conflict.

They began backing away one by one, leaving only the High-Gods who stared grimly in silence.

They had never seen such a sight before, and it only made them realize just how much of a danger Shirou could be without restraint. They stared at Shirou with the intention of subduing him, yet the other God of War barred their path by engaging.

Shirou didn't move and neither did Zeus and the other Leaders of the other pantheons. It wasn't their turn to act yet and many of them were still in a state of disbelief.

It was a short respite that Shirou would make the most of. The main concern for why he needed the Gods of War to join him was due to the sheer number of Gods from the other pantheons. Yet in any case, just because he needed the aid of the Gods of War did not mean that the faction of the bible was weak. In fact, it was strong, but just dormant.

Too much had been lost in the Great War between the Angels and the Demons, but not all had to be lost to time.

Closing his eyes, Shirou envisioned a weapon of Old and invoked it after the One God's prompting. It was something that Michael needed to see again to understand.

A plain spear appeared in the air, hovering before Michael. It wasn't as renowned as the spear of Longinus, nor did it harbour similar properties, but in the eyes of the Angels, it meant far more. A lonely banner was tasselled upon the front base of the spear, the cross emblazoned on the triangular cloth flickering with Holy light that seemed desperate to reach out to Michael.

It was a spear that had Michael stiffen visibly.

"This was your Spear Michael," Shirou was speaking the words God wished to transmit. "The one that you broke personally in the War."

It wasn't his fault that the Heavens had lost so much. It was not Michael's sin to carry. Therefore, he should no longer continue to burden himself with something beyond his own control.

Michael's spear had not shattered due to battle, but of his own volition. He did not feel worthy to wield it after the deaths of his fellow brothers and sisters whom he could not save.

Even now, Michael hesitated, but fell quiet when the spear finally appeared within reach.

"Take up your duties once more. What happened then, wasn't your fault." The spear's light converged around Michael as he felt Gabriel and Azazel place their hands on his shoulder reassuringly. "You are the Angel of War; do not linger over the regrets you carry from a time that had long since passed. Think now of the future and let go of your self-restraints. The Seraphim are no longer alone."

Word said, Shirou shifted his attention away while Michael clutched onto his spear.

Sirzechs and Ajuka didn't utter a word despite their awkwardness. They still viewed Shirou primarily as Marbas from the Civil War and to see him using the powers of Light seemed wrong. They pretended as if they saw nothing to prevent themselves from getting distracted.

It was then that Zeus and the other Gods composed themselves and took action.

Each of them moved to subdue their respective Gods of War, but Shirou couldn't allow that to happen. Even with weapons that bolstered their strength, most Gods of War could not hope to contend against the leaders of their pantheons for long.

Sirzechs and the others must have noticed the expression Shirou was making because they took off to intercept without a single word.

Xenovia went to aid the Gods of War against the Minor and Mid-Gods while Azazel stood in the way of the Buddhist pantheon. Michael was opposed to Zeus, Sirzechs to Ra, and Ajuka towards the other High-Gods who had yet to make a move.

Hades was the one that was opposite to Shirou.

The God of Death stared at him in abject fascination.

What had transpired was beyond Hades' current understanding. Things were happening too fast and too out of prediction for him to react appropriately until it had reached such a point.

"Who are you, really?" Hades spoke softly, his hands stretching forth and releasing a dark miasma. He and Shirou were occupying a space beyond where the others were beginning their confrontations and could thus speak in private. "I suppose it was Ares and Bellona who divulged today's information, but I'm curious, what did you say to convince them?"

Although Ares and Bellona were hot-blooded, they wouldn't so easily turn their backs on their own pantheons. As they who embodied the concepts of war, loyalty was almost ingrained in their beings. No commander or solider could afford to not trust in their superiors in warfare after all.

Continuing this line of thought, the only conclusion Hades could come up with was that Ares and Bellona were acting on the behalf of the Greek and Roman pantheon.

Therefore, what was it that he was missing? Hades mulled the thought in his mind before putting the matter aside.

Shirou simply nodded to Hades' question, not elaborating further.

Hades was feeling an ill sort of premonition as he stared at Shirou across from him. For one reason or another, he felt that he couldn't afford to allow himself to be distracted. Everything he did, every plan and action, it was all for the sake of his own pantheon. He would not hesitate any longer. Those who got in his way would simple be disposed of, the alliance between the Gods no more than a farce for the Biblical Faction to maintain power.

Gathering Divinity within his body, the hollow sockets of his eyes began to flicker with a purple flame. "I offer you a proposition, join the Greek pantheon and this matter will conclude in peace."

Shirou was far too valuable to be left in the sinking ship that was the Bible Faction. His ability to create copies of weapons of immense power was already unable to be ignored. The fact that the War Gods were already holding their own in the early stages of the battle was a testament to the benefits Shirou could bring.

"Sorry, but that's not going to happen," Shirou replied evenly. Of course, he wanted things to end in peace, but with the looming threat of the Trihexa, he needed the other Gods to understand the extent of the foe that they would be facing.

Moreover, his goal was not the annihilation of the other Gods, but the formation of an alliance.

"Very well," Hades conceded calmly. "If you wish to face me as you are now, then by all means go ahead, but what about those left behind in the Underworld? By now, the other groups should have had started attacking. Do you have the time to remain here?"

"About that," Shirou's expression remained neutral, the Divinity pooling from out of him suddenly growing purer and purer until it was blinding. There was no longer a need to hide who he was and who he contained. This was no longer a competition, but an open confrontation. "Who said that preparations weren't already made?"

Hades didn't wait any longer and a wave of black haze spread forward as Doves of ether began to soar, dancing across the gentle breeze of a battlefield.

To walk in darkness, and fear no evil.

One's faith as one's shield.

Thus, was the will of the Lord.

The haze was pushed back with surety, a banner emerging from the shadows.


Koneko could feel that something was wrong, and it was making her anxious when she considered the words that Shirou had given her moments prior. He told her to head towards the statue in the Lands of Marbas if anything were to go wrong.

Her cat ears began twitching. Ever since she'd come to terms with herself about her heritage and what Kuroka had done for her, she discovered that her aversion to her nekomata transformation had disappeared. In her cat form, her senses were further heightened and she had a distinct affinity with a form of nature power called Senjutsu.

Her sensitivity towards her surroundings and primal instincts were keeping her on edge. The fact that Kuroka had gone as far to kidnap her to keep her safe spoke volumes of the danger that may transpire in the Young Devil's Gathering.

Issei and the others seemed wholly ignorant to everything, but she didn't wish to make them panic either.

"Are you sure that you're okay?" Rias spoke to Koneko for the seventh time, a hand placed on Koneko's forehead.

Koneko furrowed her brows and eased Rias's hand away from her. She wasn't sick, nor did Kuroka do anything untoward to her. "I'm fine," she repeated somewhat incredulously. She was fine a minute ago, and therefore would still be fine a minute later.

Rias pulled back her hand, yet still refused to let Koneko out of sight. In the time that Koneko had been kidnapped, she and everyone in her peerage stopped at nothing to search for her with no results. For Koneko to suddenly return as if she'd just come from a vacation trip rather than being captured by an enemy was hard to believe.

Magic was suspected to have been used, but there were no signs of tampering at all. For all intents and purposes, Koneko was fine. However, that didn't stop Rias and everyone else from fretting.

Koneko didn't say anything as she was fairly soft-spoken as an individual, but she appreciated their warmth and gestures. It was why she couldn't allow them to be placed in danger while she remained safe with her elder sister. She straightened the wrinkles that had formed on her attire and tried to act as natural as possible to alleviate her friends concerns but it only had the opposite effect.

Rias and most of her peerage knew Koneko's circumstances in regards to Kuroka. How could they not be confused that Koneko was happy rather than subdued at what had transpired?

Nonetheless, everything was fine so long as Koneko was safe.

Rias and the others were walking to spectate Sona's battle against the heir of house Agares after their own victory in the morning, but something suddenly seemed off.

Further down the hall, Adelina Swiftblade could be seen pacing back and forth, her eyes occasionally surveying her surroundings in heavy scrutiny. Finding nothing, she scowled in impatience and resumed her rounds.

Rias contemplated calling out to her, but the hard expression on Adelina's face made it difficult.

In the end, Adelina walked by them without another word, stopping only to nod at Rias whom she was acquainted with due to Rias's friendship with Sona.

"Be careful," Adelina gave out only a single warning. Shirou had informed her that enemies may be coming and therefore, she didn't want the enemies to learn that their plans were already discovered. The less people knew, the better it would be to catch the enemy off guard, but acquaintances were exceptions. Adelina was actually quite selfish and didn't want for anyone that she knew to get injured.

He her two words said, Adelina continued on, looking for where the enemy may attack and readying herself for battle. Rias and the others were perplexed at Adelina's sudden warning, but Koneko was all but certain now. Danger was already around them.

"Lets visit the statue of Marbas," Koneko spoke nervously, no longer willing to keep her information to herself. "There may be an attack that's going to happen today," she disclosed.

The mood instantly grew serious. Only Issei seemed to have the peace of mind to continue ogling Adelina's breasts in the distance. Issei wasn't alone.

Sona and her peerage had just arrived and Saji was quick to join Issei in a more discreet manner. There was a red palm-print over Saji's face which was blaringly obvious with how red it was, but it couldn't compare to the flush that was Sona's face. Balled up in her hands were the very tablets that she thought that she had gotten rid of only for Saji to give it back to her in person.

She became utterly mortified when she discovered that she didn't actually get rid of them, but had instead thrown them at Saji who came to the wrong conclusion about her intentions.

"I-I'm ready President!" Saji had said as he barged into her dressing room.

No words could describe her shame at that moment. She was a logical individual and knew that it was her fault that the situation turned out how it did, but she couldn't help but want to blame Issei off to the side. When she had thrown the tablets, Saji had caught them to the face in front of Tsubaki and the others. It was only after discussing with Issei that Saji came to his own conclusions about her behaviour.

The glare she had on in her eyes was enough to pierce through steel.

Issei shivered as Saji threw a punch at his face in indignation for what he'd gone through on Issei's advice.

Meanwhile, Koneko felt that her words weren't being taken seriously enough due to Issei and Saji's actions and repeated them again.

Rias, Akeno, Asia, and Kiba had heard Koneko the first time and were in silent contemplation while Sona and the others were filled in.

"We have to warn everyone," Sona concluded, a finger placed beneath her chin. "But why the statue of Marbas?"

Koneko hesitated on how to answer because as far as Rias and everyone knew, she was with Kuroka at the time of her kidnapping. If she spoke, she'd inadvertently reveal Shirou's involvement which she didn't wish to do for his sake.

She remained silent, prompting Sona to give up on an explanation. It wasn't important anyway.

Without another word, the group moved towards the reception hall of the building where the other young devils gathered to socialize.

Seekvaira Agares and Sairaorg Bael were in attendance along with their peerage, and Diodora Astoroth was making light banter near the corner.

Seekvaira was the young heiress of House Agares, a stunning beauty with a naturally cold and meticulous countenance. She wore her blond hair long on either side of her bi-spectacled face, and she always maintained the air of noble.

Sairaorg in comparison looked more like a fighter. His black hair was kept short and trimmed while the muscles of his arms and torso were exposed as he wore a plain wifebeater. He grinned at their arrival, indicating how easy it was for others to get along with the man whose natural charisma drew others towards him.

Diodora on the other hand had a simple bob-cut and appeared fairly thin for someone boasting the strength of the next heir of house Astaroth. He wore a buttoned suit with a folded collar and a long coat over his shoulders. His countenance brightened when his gaze fell on Asia Argento, but hardened when Issei blocked his view and cussed at him.

Nonetheless, Diodora could see that something was wrong with how serious Sona and Rias were acting.

Seekvaira and Sairaorg noticed the peculiarity as well and made their way over.

Without anyone's knowledge, Diodora quietly disappeared. I'll intent in his eyes.


In another part of the Young Devils gathering within a hidden room, a wall slid open as Diodora made his appearance. The interior of the room was lavishly decorated with many younger and middle-aged Devils sitting on a long row of tables. At the very end of the longest row sat a man whose long bangs covered the entirety of his right eye and another man dressed entirely in black.

They were Shalba Beelzebub and Creuserey Asmodeus, the remaining leaders of the Old Satan faction that had formed after Marbas's passing.

Both Shalba and Creuserey were handsome men as befitting of Devils whose ability to charm other races was at the pinnacle. Shalbe wore black-caped set of armour while Creuserey simply wore a dark outfit made of several fine silks and leathers.

"They've gathered at the reception hall as intended," Diodora spoke excitedly before growing somber. "The Gremory and Sitri heiresses seemed to have picked up on something though."

Shalba sipped on a cup of wine he had in hand and didn't bother panicking. "It matters not," he said. "We've already sealed off this building. There's no use in escape."

Creuserey nodded his head. "Indeed, the only concern is Adelina Swiftblade. What of her whereabouts?"

Another devil in the room stood awkwardly and reported. "We weren't able to keep up surveillance on her due to her speed. We must have alerted her that we were following."

The atmosphere grew heavy. Of everyone present, no one doubted Adelina's skill. Many had even seen her Rank Up videos in her Rating Games. Her sword was not to be taken lightly. From the words of the older members of the Old Satan Faction, her sword was the closest to the style of the Demon Marbas in the Civil War.

Another factor that had to be taken into consideration was the fact that Okita Souji of Sirzechs Gremory's peerage was seen stalking near the boundaries of the building. None present knew why he was even around as none of the other members of Sirzechs' peerage was mobilized.

This new tidbit of information caused both Shalba and Creuserey to frown, yet they couldn't abandon what they had already started. No matter how the older generation warned them against their actions, neither Shalba or Creuserey were convinced. As far as they were concerned, a Marbas that did not support them was a Lord Marbas that was not needed. Neither of them had encountered Marbas in the past, and this was the root of their ignorance. Only Katerea had, but she was currently imprisoned deep within an unknown location in the underworld.

Of the Devils present, hardly any accounted for the older members of the Old Satan faction. There was only one present, and he wasn't exactly the bearer of good news.

His name was Nirgul Halphas, a veteran Ultimate Class Devil of the Civil War who only accepted Marbas as the rightful ruler of Hell. With Marbas's reappearance, Nirgul was one of the first to denounce the newer members of the Old Satan Factions actions.

His hair had long since greyed to a fine silver, and he presently resembled a middle-aged man in the prime of his thirties. He wore a long-tailored coat and was leaning his back against the wall in thought.

The reason he was allowed into the meeting was because he had helped mentor Creuserey, Shalba, and Katarea when the three were younger. He just couldn't bear to see the young heirs he had nurtured throw their lives away, but even he had a limit to his patience.

He stayed quite as the others continued discussing what to do until it was finally decided that they would set aside a small contingent of Devils to apprehend both Adelina and Okita Souji when the attack commenced.

Nirgul scoffed. He had been asked to help defeat Adelina, but he had promptly refused.

"You don't understand the power that you are dealing with." Nirgil spoke softly, yet strongly, almost as if he was reliving a memory. He stared at the younger members of the Old Satan Faction opposing him with an eerie neutrality that caused Diodora to stagger due to the intensity. "We are Devils, incomparable to the might of our ancestors, the true Nobility. We who only contain fragments of legendary bloodlines can not hope to compare against a force that compels our very beings to bow in reverence."

Shalba rose a brow. "You speak of the rumours of Marbas? Do you expect us to believe that without seeing it?"

Nirgul shook his head. No matter how the older generation tried to explain to the newer, they simply would not listen anyway. As such, he would only give them one final warning. "Reconsider your actions before it's too late," he advised.

"It's already too late," Creuserey said abruptly, shrugging his shoulders. "There's no use in dissuading us. It's not like Lord Marbas is around."

Nirgul mouth thinned into a glower. "Do not speak lightly of his name. He is the man I and many older generation devils have sworn fealty to. It is he who will lead the Underworld to greatness. He may not be here now, but he will surely come. Between him and Lord Rizevim, he's surely the only choice."

Diodora who was listening in carefully with the other devils suddenly grew nervous. Of everyone present in the room, Nirgul was perhaps the strongest with both his magical reserves and experience, and yet from his words and bearings, he seemed afraid. No not afraid, reverent was a more apt term.

"I've had enough of this," Nirgul turned to leave, facing his back towards the members of the newer generation. "If you follow through with your plans, you will all die."

"And how could you be so sure?" Shalba sat up from where he was sitting, holding onto a snake that slithered within a glass jar. "The power of the Ouroboros is within our grasp."

Nirgul shook his head, turning around to stare at Shalba and the rest with pitying eyes. "If it was before, you may have had a chance, but now it will do you no good. Lord Marbas's power is a power bereft of reason or understanding; utterly indomitable, as if peering into a bottomless abyss of which the darkness of vanta black consumes and ridicules any futile efforts, demanding compliance. To contend against him is to understand the difference between 'Devil' and 'Demon.'"

Nirgul stared at all those staring dumbly at him before scoffing and leaving.

"That is the strength of Lord Marbas, The Demon of the Underworld."

A strength that was unfathomable.