1. Nurse stole my underwear

I was born after 5 years of fertility treatment and 10 months of carrying.

Yeah, I am not a horse!!! I am just delayed! ….A noun, not a verb.

and why remember that now...

Today I only see wires and tubes around me. Another delay?

I slowly opened my eyes…. A guy was observing me from the bed end; scribbling notes and wearing glasses as they wear it in porn, a little down the nose with naughty brow raise. I cannot help but feel tingled down there. And I Feel something!!

NO, that's not my vagina. That was a pipe up my peeing spot!

Shit! What happened to me? I think... I cannot remember anything. What was my name again ?? Was it Meng Su Jom or Yun Heu Ryem?


I decided to ask the hot guy.

"Hello sir, how are you? Can you brief me about.... me?"


He is looking at me like I am his 'Who will be the billionaire' quiz question!

Look at me, dream boy. I am saying something.

Why cannot I hear my voice?

Open your mouth girl!


I try to shout "THE NURSE STOLE MY UNDERWEAR!!!!!!!!"

Nope. NOT even a Sigh.

I try to move a bit. But my body won't budge. I cannot even blink. WTF!! What am I? Am I dead? Did I reincarnate like what happens in web novels? Then why make me a vegetable ?

Fuck …..

Were my eyes open all along? I need Sherlock Holmes.

Suddenly I hear a voice …. That guy, who seems to be doctor spoke.

"Her heart rate is going up. Quickly give her pacifiers otherwise she will go into shock. Come on Quick!!!"

And just like that,

The world went Blank. Like me.