2. Catching Babies

I was practically sleeping with open eyes again !! I could see everything when I was awake and It went pitch dark when I was drugged.

Why aren't they closing my eyes?? Am I a prop for a Horror movie shoot?

I suddenly heard a voice.

"Hey Meng, go bring some water."

The voice was of Seo Wang. He was sitting on a porch with an injured baby sparrow on his lap.

He was my first crush. Well, I don't remember my full name yet but I remember my first crush.

HaHa, hilarious!! I must be a closet pervert when I was a kid.

His voice was like the sound of spring to my ears. I thought of nothing and his request became my code 001 priority.I ran like an elf towards my house.

That time he was the love of my life. Everything he said was the truth. And Truth, if he denied, became imaginary.

Fetched a bottle filled with clear liquid and gave it to him.

While he was busy giving the injured bird water. I looked at him intently. He had angled jawline, Almond shaped head, with haircut short and sincere eyes. He wore spectacles. God! he drove me nuts when he said thank you and smiled.

I just stood there. A six-year-old kid, imagining how life would be if she married this delicious guy. I must tell you I didn't know what first night was or what sex was back then.

I was under the notion that kids fall from sky and parents catch them. And I decided to give that job to him alone because I was too small to catch babies.

And yes I completely ignored the fact that I could grow old.

Right when I was making him catch babies in my imagination. I saw the baby sparrow exhaling bubbles.

"..... huh?"

Seo Wang was looking at me with an expressionless face.

He pointed at the bottle and said " Idiot !! It's a shampoo bottle. didn't you read the label?"


what can I say ... love is blind?

How would I know?! I am too young to read labels!!

Isn't he supposed to read labels?

That makes him double dumb? LOL

The bird probably cursed me in small hiccups and died. It was surrounded with bubbles bigger than it. The sparrow might sue the death fairy for making him die of soap bubbles.

I thought "It's alright. It died clean and smelled fresh." Yupe not into animals.

A Sigh and a disappointing nod were my punishment.

Trust me, the kid me decided to use bar soap on my hair for the rest of my life.

Right then I woke up. A dream ??

Why dream about my childhood perversions now ?? I wonder what happened to the Seo Wang.

I heard someone come through the door. And I was totally awake.

It was a couple.

They were kissing like they were wrestling with the mouth. Too hot to consider there is a patient in the room?? Ooooh, get some!!!

But my body had other plans. It decided to beep the heart machine. Silly brain, denying me a free show.

And..... blank. Just like that.