My wife's best friend

"Good work Miss Kang Marie. Because of you, the patient in 306 got treatment on time." Said the doctor in a sincere voice.

Miss Marie smiled.

The ward boy standing behind her whispered "Wait till he knows, you were sucking faces in that room." and chuckled. He got stabbed in his shoes with sharp heels of Marie.

He hissed in pain like a startled cat.

"You deserve it."

Dr. Ge Hong turned around and signaled them to leave.

After they were gone. He called someone and said, "It's starting."

Dr. Ge Hong was an honest man; well, most of the time. He never ignored his patients. Had excellent professional record. He wasn't very attractive looking but his consistent sincere approach towards everything made him a favorite in the world of women.

This patient of his was his wife's best friend and his former love interest. Meng used to be an ignominy to be around but He didn't mind. Always up to some mischief. If you are with her, it meant you are going to be embarrassed. She was forgiven most of the time though. Her cheerful voice used to be hard to resist.

She once planted a lizard in Dr. Je hong's surgery cap. The lizard decided to make a grand entrance when a woman was in labor. It flew like a ninja into screaming women's mouth. She got so frightened that all her three babies came out in one go. The doctors didn't know if they should laugh or hold it in for the women's sake who was still spitting even when the lizard was pulled out.

Dr. Hong smiled when he remembered that. A rare warm smile.

"why would you take so much time to come back?" he asked the image of her in his mind.

Meng was just 21 when she was diagnosed with a rare type of blood cancer. That cancer couldn't be cured. It returned stronger every time. She was the girl who loved life more than anyone he knew. She made a request in the international court of justice to freeze her body till they find the cure. It was heartbreaking. But it was her wish.

Her last request before going in?

Meng wanted Hong to be the person she sees before being hit by cryogenics.... Because of this wish, Meng ended up being frozen with her eyes half open. A glitch which can only be corrected when she is back to life someday.

No one knew when the cure will come. Will he be alive till then? What should he do now? will he be able to forget her? These were the questions that bothered him. But the thought that Meng will be alive and up to the same shenanigans someday soothed his mind.

He adjusted to his new life and fell in love again. It was her best friend this time. After Meng's incident, both of them buried themselves into oncology research. And when they found a way to cure meng's illness on paper, he was hit with another blow.

His wife, Mrs. Hong, committed suicide.

And in the note, she wrote: "she knows."

There was no anger in Dr. Hong's heart for them. There were just questions.

He patiently waited for Meng's senses to recover fully.