The new world

The old lady was being very careful while cleaning Meng. She stole glances from her and hummed a strange tune which felt like a national anthem.

"You know, since last few days your eyes are showing some sparkle." She said with a smile.

"I can finally talk to you."

Meng was dying to get acknowledged. "finally!!!" she thought.

"My name is Su Han. I am the Guardian Class. You probably don't know what a guardian clan is. You have been in hibernation for 200 years after all. Ge Hong hired me to talk to you. He knows that you are recovering your senses. He is an S class Nurturer after all.

So let me give you an introduction to the new world and a brief history.

After you decided to preserve yourself until your illness has a cure, the world changed.

All the nations of the United Countries Organisation (UCO) started withdrawing their membership. While the science world struggled to conserve life forms on earth, some leaders made it utterly difficult for people to live.

Nuclear war broke out.

A leader codenamed '666' went berserk and bombed all the nations who refused to give leverage to his country. Within 10 years the world population decreased to just a few million people.

There was rot everywhere. Food, water, air everything got polluted by radiation and undigestable compounds. The children were the worst victims.

Everyone was diseased because of the radiation.

The few million people who remained were the scientists and activists who were working incognito. The earth had already become a place full of active radioactive volcanoes. So they had to leave as early as they could. They were desperately sending out satellites and telescopes to find a way out of earth safely. It's not that easy you know.

When we left earth, we were a few thousand people; The galaxy was young then so, we reached our destination within 90 years. But with your technology, it could have taken at least 1000 years to find a livable planet. These punks only look for the right temperature and light to assume that life might exist!!

Luckily you got help.

A galaxy craft that left the earth a few million years ago was returning to observe if life on earth has resumed. We were shocked by the stunts humans pulled. We saved the people we could save. And rest, we decided to leave them on earth.

You came as a pleasant surprise of courage to us.

We opted to bring you along to K2 for research and study purposes. K2 is the 17th planet of Rivera system.

I will explain you details later.

Right now you must sleep.

Meng was already lost when she heard she is 200 years old.

Her mind was " whaaaaat ???? I am not only a grandma but also a guinea pig !!! "