The new world(2)

I am still not able to digest anything that she said. I feel lost.

This time my heart machine decided to give me some time to go through my life.

so I have been in hibernation for 200 years?

what do I look like now? do I have a family? Am I alone? how old am I? why did i wake up now? so many questions.

You must relax Meng. Pretend that this is a dream and find your reality.

I take as deep a breath as the tubes allow me. I did not make an attempt to remember my past so far. I thought I will have someone who will come looking for me if I have a family.

What should i expect now. A sudden wave of helplessness is not what i was expecting.

Dear heart, Please help me. You put through centuries worth of coldness please help me find the warmth.

My head is heavy with so many emotions that my eyes want to overflow. But even shedding tears is a luxury for eyes who didn't blink for years. I wonder if anyone knows me here. I should first try to remember who I am really.

I just breathe for a second. I go through my brain as I would go through a new notebook that I bought. I remember the nurse, the doctor, the old lady, I go further but only find darkness. The total blankness of my memories is cruel. Help me, please.

I remember a laugh. A laugh that probably made my day.

" Meng Chan, cross my heart and hope me to die. I will always be here, I promise."

A female voice?? Meng was so startled by the memory. Oh god! stop heart!! Don't beat so fast... I might end up losing you!

The soft voice had so much love in it that Meng thought she is having illusions.

She felt warmth rising from her stomach to her chest and her head almost shivered with uncontrolled emotions and finally .... a tear trickled down her right eye.

She just stared at the laugh she just heard. She was too afraid to go beyond that. Even the darkness felt vibrant and pursued colors in her stillness.

Alright, this is enough !! I need to concentrate on this world.

What world is this? let's make some observations. I have a glass door. Almost everything going outside is visible. so many people work here. wait.... why is everyone so gorgeous??

did evolution make them fairer?? or is it genetically engineered babies? That reminds me, I haven't seen a single child yet!! I am craving some cuteness.

Everyone here is wearing fully covered tight jumpsuits. Probably its the uniform of this hospital.

I previously saw the old lady with the scar, so probably war was a recent thing and I am guessing things might have gotten ugly. The doctor looked fine though. I wonder what's his deal. He keeps coming and smears me with fish smell.

I want to know if the nurse is in a relationship with the guy she was making out with. shit Meng!! that's not a priority right now!!


The injections aren't painful yet, though I can sense touch. Probably medicines here are better. I wonder. That reminds me the old lady was talking about some class.

I want to know more.

I hope the old lady comes again soon. She has a sweet voice.