The wars

"did you make any progress with subject 306 ?" asked a man wearing the badge of the Creater S.

This man was one of the many decision makers who had opposed the bringing of Meng to this planet. According to him, she was just a sick person who had high hopes from humans. He was given the task of collecting all the specimens from the body of Meng for further research.

Meng was the only person on earth who had escaped the ill fate of getting polluted by radiation, thanks to her frozen state and preservation. Because of that every bacteria and organism that was on her body was special.

Even though the humans of K2 were advanced in science and were a part of multi-planet organizations, they still needed the specimens of the earth to solve some mysteries. They were on the road to earth to get them.

Recently, the organizations of different planets were going through a lot of moral friction. Just like humans of earth, here also, a war had happened to share the resources of the Rivera system. Here wars were fought differently. The black hole is used to suck up the energy-producing chakras of the organisms. The organism without energy chakras is as good as furniture. The Guardians fought the war. And in this chaos majority of the population became walking disposable robots.

No one won the war but the enmity between planets increased. Everyone secretly started to secretly prepare to obliterate the whole species of their enemies.

Death was not the ultimate punishment, it is actually celebrated here. Becoming a person who had no zeal to live was far worse.

Because of the medicinal advancement, nuclear weapons were useless against this population of humans and life expectancy had increased to 4000 years. This came at a cost.

As the side effect of war, the females and males of the K2 became incapable of conceiving because of repeated abuse to their body. Even the kids seemed to be frozen in time. Babies were born using scientific methods but they grew at a very slow rate. They needed to bring more natural humans into existence to bring balance in their world. For that, they decided to come to earth to get the samples of fertile cells that can procreate. And By some bad luck, it seemed only Meng was there.

"We are short of time here." said the S class creator with gritting teeth. "We need to open her memory data soon to get information. how long do you think it will be before she could remember her past? we cannot get data unless her conscience permits us to do that. "

Ge Hong said " give it a week or two. She will start speaking soon. you can work on her memories then."

Ge Hong was not aware of why were Meng's memories important. He thought she was simply a research subject for them. Either way, he had decided to protect her from death. The humans here were not cold hearted exactly but they decided on things through lists of cons and pros. And that concerned Ge Hong.

"There is something wrong with bringing Meng here just as a research subject. There is more to it." he thought ." I must reach Meng before they reach her." he thought.