Planet K2

K2 was very similar to planet Earth. IT had its own fauna and flora. It had gorgeous animals of its own. Like on earth where a dog or cat person is a basis of categorization, here it was Ruma and Titli.

Ruma was a pet just like a dog except it looked like an elephant and was just as big as a dog could be. Titli was a cat only just named different. Yes, cats managed to thrive even on K2.

Like plants, humans here had also managed to learn to get energy from star radiation. It was called Chakra energy. This energy was used to increase the capability of a person and everyone had a limit to which extent one can gather energy. It was specifically used by the guardian Clan.

Speaking of Clan. The people of K2 were divided into four clans.

The Nurturer clan. These were doctors, nurses, the scientist of the medical field.

The Guardian clan. These were soldiers, Defenders, engineers and Technology oriented.

The Creator clan. This was a special kind of class, these were the teachers of chakra manipulation and creation. They assisted in providing physical food and energy. They even had an important role in the creation of human babies. Yeah, NOT sperm donors.

The Cleaner clan. Unlike earth, this class enjoyed the highest status here. This was an elite class which took decisions and was the final stage of someone's career. The did the job of removing unwanted threats and helping all other clans.

Every clan was divided into classes. And everyone was free to choose any clan or change at will. The lowest Class was A and the highest Class was SS.

Well, Meng fell asleep when the old lady belonging to guardian clan was explaining this. She was not interested in rules. She wanted to wake up as early as possible and ask the doctor on a date and ask him to wash hands! She was improving a little bit more every day but she was not able to gain any memories.

The female voice haunted her. She dreamt of that voice repeatedly. She held hands with the source of that voice. She loved that source.

The tubes she thought surrounded her were actually a mirage created by the drugs injected in her to give her the feeling of the earth. She was actually needleless and tubeless.

"A dream come true," she thought when she heard from the Guardian about it. so that's why she wasn't feeling any pain from the injections she thought.

she can now close her eyes and open them. She can move her fingers a bit. she even wet the bed when the doctor touched her chest to remove a device. yup.... what do you expect from a person who is hopelessly romantic and has a crush on the doctor and hasn't even kissed anyone for 200 years!!

Meng was a Titli person. Yes, a cat person. She liked the world that was like a cat. Unpredictable.

She was yet to assign her Clan but everyone was certain that she will be in creation clan. Because of the certain ability of hers.

Meng used to fall in love with every person she met when she was young. If she had counted the number of crushes she had as a kid and as an adult that would make a whole new population of males. Because of this, her chakra became strong in the house of love and lust. Her chakra manipulating ability was strong, which she unknowingly dispersed out and ended up making the nurse and the ward boy kiss.

Right now Marie and the ward boy don't have a clue why they were kissing. So, Meng was a scientific Chakra Cupid who could help humans on K2 to fall in love and create pure souls that will help K2 in the war.

Meng was not sure if she should cry or laugh. She was like "LOL".