Little bun causes mischief

The next day, Xiu Lan went around to her close friends ( Her master and the older mama's) and boasted of her little buns feats, as if she were the one who did them. Still, a baby walking at 7 months old almost 8 was still shocking so everyone understood her pride.

Shu Xiu Lan, after months of sewing and helping patients finally save enough money to open a little business in the village. The old man ( her master) was going to travel around the kingdom healing people in need and she was going to take over from him.

Traveling has always been a dream of his since young to follow after his father and help the needy. He had already offered Xiu Lan his place to use but she refused saying she wanted to open up her own business. Seeing her being so stubborn, Cong Fang could only shake his head and sigh forgetting the issue.

2 days later, she, the mama's and other close acquaintances of Cong Fangs's came to see him off at the village gate. Seeing him go, Xiu Lan almost teared up because, during this past year and 4 months, he's been a father figure to her. Controlling her emotions she smiled brightly at him when he looked over at her.

Little bun in my hand was mumbling and reaching for Cong Fang. Seeing her reach for him, Cong Fang's eyes soften as he took her into his arms. After spending half a day " talking" with little bun, everyone started to get annoyed ( really more like jealous) at him. Coincidentally looking up as if sensing something, he saw every one glaring holes onto his person.

Chuckling nervously, he handed little bun back over to me and FINALLY said farewell to everyone.

Seeing him disappear around a bend I whispered softly, " be safe" and turned around heading back to the house.


" Xiu Lan, when is Xiao Mei'er going to attend school? Shes already 2 years and 5 months and already talking in full sentences. She's even been begging me to learn how to read! She's so smart, I know she would do well in school." Madame Jun said persistently. I looked away pretending not to have heard.

Its been over a year now that Cong Fang had left and I've been healing people constantly. When they found out I was as skilled in medicine if not better at it than my master they flocked to me like bees to honey. I had worked hard for months advertising my little clinic so I could start getting customers. But despite wanting to do things on my own, when they found out I was Cong Fang's disciple they all flooded me, and in a week my business was so full I had to hire help.

I agreed with what Madame Jun said, the little bun was indeed very smart but I could not bear to part with my little bean bun. I felt like the school would take her away from me. However, as a parent I should do what's right.

" Ok fine, ill take her to register, " I said reluctantly.

" Great! the school term starts tomorrow but I know the principal so could probably let her get in without any trouble!" Madame Jun said beaming in joy.

The Little bun in question, was hiding in a secret corner listening to their conversation when she heard her mother agree. She was extremely happy. Xiao Mei had always wanted to go to school. When she was out with her mother, she always saw children playing together and she wanted to play too. She was a shy girl but she was sure that if she went to school she would make friends and get to play with other kids. But her mom was way too protective of her. She never let her out of her sight.

One time when her mom busy making stinky stuff in the forbidden room she snuck out to play. They were boys playing sword fighting, she was shy at first so she watched from afar wanting to play but lacking the nerve, then a little boy saw her hiding and came to ask if she wanted to play. Immediately she nodded ecstatically and smiled widely.

Joining their game of hero and villain, Xiao Mei had fun playing being the villain, meanwhile, her momma bear of a mother realized shortly after that her little bean bun was missing. Frantic, she searched all over the little one-room shack but there was only so many places she could search.

Running outside she saw her little bun fall on the ground after being pushed and started bleeding from her head.

In horror, she ran over and picked her up. But little bean bun was a brave girl, she didn't cry, even when it hurt so much. Noticing the little tears Xiao-Mei was keeping back, Shu Xiu Lan saw nothing but red. On instinct, her fierce murderous aura which had been dormant for so long broke out in waves, crashing around her.

Being just little kids, the little 5-year-old boys could not take the pressure, pissed themselves and started crying.

Xiao Mei, seeing her mother upset and angry, hurried to assure her that she was alright.

" Mama I'm ok, really it doesn't hurt. You're making my friends cry. I won't talk to you ever again if you hurt my friends " she said in her little cute voice after seeing her mother glare them.

Hearing that, even though Xiu Lan was still upset she decided to relent. She glared fiercely one more time at the little boys and turned away to head home to dress the little buns wounds.