Little bun goes to school

Arriving home, Shu Xiu Lan disinfected and wrapped up her little Bun's head using some medicine and some bandages Cong Fang taught her how to make.

" Why did you sneak out earlier little bun? "

"Didn't you know how worried mama was?" Xiu Lan lovingly admonished Xiao Mei while helping change her clothes because it got dirty while she was playing.

Staying silent at first Xiao Mei looked at her toes afraid to look at her mother. Moments later, however, she cracked under Xiu Lan's persistent gaze.

"I just wanted to play and make friends. I'm always with you or Grandma Jun, never getting to go outside and play" she pouted sadly, tears dripping from her eyes.

Seeing her little bun so sad, Xiu Lans heart broke a little. She never wanted to restrain her baby. It was just that, as a former killer, she knew the outside world was not safe, even if she was situated in a quiet little village no one visited.

However, she knew her wrongs after listening to her little bun.

Sighing, she patted little buns head and dotingly said, " Ok little bun, mama will allow you to go and play outside from now on but I don't want t -oof" startled unexpectedly she looked her down at little bun who had knocked her down clinging to her chest while cheering saying

" Yay I'm going to play outside ~~".

Watching her bright smile and her little booty doing a cute little wiggle, Xiu Lan smiled. She knew she did the right thing.


The next day, Xiu Lan was on her way to take Xiao Mei to register at the school but she came upon some heartbreaking news.

" I'm sorry I forgot to mention this yesterday Xiu Lan but the school I was referring to..... was in the next village. I have asked the vice principal to make an exception with Xiao Mei and- Xiu Lan? Are you listening?" Madame Jun asked repeatedly but Xiu Lan was still as if frozen.

Meanwhile, a certain person was reeling in shock.

' Next village? As in, away from home? I can't, I can't send my baby there! What if...What if little bun gets lonely and can't see me? ( she meant what if she got lonely)

What if the carriage got held up by mountain bandits? '

Thinking of these scenarios, Xiu Lan started to panic inwardly.

" Mama?" little bun said tugging on her mother's hem.

"I want to go to school!"

Coming back to reality, she heard what Xiao Mei said. Trying to convince her otherwise she persuaded " Little bun that's a little too far isn't it? What if you get lonely? What if you get hurt and I can't get there in time?" silent for a few seconds Xiao Mei them looked up with determination at her mother,

"I still want to go," she said firmly clenching her cute little hands into fists.

Taking a final gamble she asked " Is there no school in our village?

" There is but-"

" Great! them she can attend there instead." Xiu Lan interrupted in glee.

" However, Xiu Lan, the schools already full. There's no more space." Downcast Xiu Lan sighed.

" Mama?" Xiao Mei called.

" Alright, you'll attend school there, might as well go and register while we still have time," said Xiu Lan defeatedly.

" Actually, I've already arranged everything. all she needs to do is show up!" Madame Jun said happily.

" Oh, well thank you for your help Madame Jun"

" Its no problem at all. She'll fit in nicely there. The school is called Rising Phoenix. Classes start at 8: 00 promptly but there will be an orientation for new students at 7:30 tomorrow. Originally, Xiao Mei was supposed to attend kindergarten but she is a genius and I think she'd do well in 1 level higher so she's going to study together with the 4-5-year-olds".

" Ok sure," Xiu Lan nodded and agreed. She knew her baby was a genius and she deserved the very best.


The following day

Upon arriving at the school with Xiao Mei, Xiu Lan was stunned by what she saw. Dozens of little buns neatly lined up in an open space.

There were little buns of all kinds, toddlers still holding on to their mothers, 5-6-year-olds with snotty noses and lively eyes and some older children ages 10 to 15 years.

After looking around, Xiu Lan concluded ' little bun is still the cutest' she thought, totally biased.

After standing for a few more minutes waiting for the orientation to start, Xiu Lan was puzzled,

" Why isn't the orientation starting already?" she asked unknowingly out loud.

" Everyone is waiting for the principal to arrive."

Hearing an answer to her question, Xiu Lan looked over to see a young mother smiling at her.

" I'm guessing you are a first-time mother?" the woman smile knowingly.

Nodding, Xiu Lan asked straightforwardly, " I'm guessing you aren't?

Laughing in amusement, she replied," My, aren't you a frank one. Yes, I'm not. This is my third child, Hao Hao. This is my third time attending this orientation." Patting her child's head, but it seemed her child was shy hiding behind her mother peeking out at Xiao Mei and Xiu Lan curiously.

Xiu Lan looked at the woman in disbelief.

" How old are you," she asked seriously. Although she knew that women in this world married early but this girl looked about 17-18. Which would mean she had her first child at 15 or 16!

" Oh, I'm 21 this year. I married when I came of age at 15. What's wrong?" she asked confused.

She didn't think she said anything wrong.

While the two grown-ups conversed, Xiao Mei, although still shy said "hello" to the woman's child called Hao Hao.

" My name is Xiao Mei, nice to meet you" Xiao Mei waved and said.

" Hello, I'm Hao Hao," she said softly still hiding behind her mother's skirt.

" I'm going to be 3 this year, how old are you?" she asked showing 3 small fingers.

Seeming a little less shy. Hao Hao answered readily. " I'm older than you. I'm 5 years old this year" she giggled happily.

" Can I call you big sister Hao Hao then?" Xiao Mei asked excitedly.

She's never had an older sister. " Only- only If get to call you Mei Mei..." she blushed looking down at her hands.

" Ok, big sister Hao Hao!" she called excitedly. And so a beautiful friendship formed between Shu Xiao Mei and Sun Hao Hao.