Meeting of the Exes (1)

Downstairs watching TV in the living room, Zhang Mi was dressed in glittering ash colored gown with dazzling pearl earrings on both earlobes. Her eyes was focused on the stock market news, watching as a young male presenter in clean hair cut, wearing pressed dark suit, light blue tie and white shirt; gave a run down of what the market was going to be like for the day and the rest of the week, almost as though he was trying to predict whether or not there would be a rise or fall in the stock of various companies.

"This is Huang Ge and thanks for watching Talk Beijing."

After giving a quick curtsy, the screen changed to a commercial, this was when the Zhang heiress picked up her phone to dial her driver.

"Get the car ready in five minutes! We are going to Jingchu clothing."

After passing on the directives to him, she then hung up the phone. By her side was a light green handbag, she had on subtle makeup on her face, manicured nails was painted in almond color. Both feet had on them lime green heels. Looking at her phone and scrolling through, for the style that will appeal to her. After a while, she was able to see a few that she wanted to buy, before cutting the phone off and placing it in her bag.

Rising on her feet, with her handbag in one hand, she strolled towards the door, the butlers by the door curtsied, as she passed by. Outside, the luxurious black car had the backdoor opened with Yang Lin standing to the side. Zhang Mi walked into it, before the driver firmly shut the door behind her.

Quickly turning around, Yang Lin started the car, driving through the automatic dark gates out of the Zhang villa. Almost twenty minutes had passed, before they arrived at their destination. Pulling up to the front of a modest height magnificent looking building mostly made from glass, this was Jingchu clothing. A young looking male valet was waiting outside and on seeing their car pull up, he rushed over, curtsying to occupants of the car.

Yang Lin speedily got out to open the backseat door for the Zhang heiress to step out, after firmly shutting the door, he then handed the key to the valet, as he and the young miss walked into the clothing store, greeted by young female attendants in white and black shirt suit with dark hair held in a bun, pinned to their chest was a name tag of gold; they all wore black heels on their feet.

The Zhang heiress was ushered into the building, rows of clothing filled one end of the store to another, only a few people was inside, mostly the attendants. In the past, Zhang Mi was usually followed around by a group of attendant while she shopped, their job was to handpick the clothes she wanted and make suggestions regarding the clothing brand that was in the store. This time it was only her and her driver that walked around, she could hear whispering going on around her. Shrugging her shoulders, she kept on walking, only to stop when she saw anything that caught her attention.

Jingchu was a VVIP store, only members of that class could walk in to buy clothing from the store. The store in particular, catered to only women apparel of the finest brand, stacked on racks of the finest craftsmanship. Out of the people shopping inside, some had on mink coat of varying color, from their hair to the very shoes they had on, everything about them indicated that they were deep pockets.

"What is she doing here?! Has she no shame whatsoever?!"

This was coming from a haughty looking middle aged woman from Hongsheng Holdings, a company that dealt mostly in anything relating to finance.

"Please mom! Don't speak like that! She could hear you!"

Placing a hand on the other woman's arm, the young woman pleaded with her mother, who in turn shook away the hand that held on to her. A sharp contrast could be seen between both women, one was dressed simply, the other was dressed to intimidate.

"So what?! If she hears me, what can she do?!"

An expression of great fury could be seen on her face, she could not believe that, the Zhang heiress could still show up in the same store where she was, as though they were still in the same circle. A worried look could be seen on her daughter's face, she turned to see if anyone overheard their conversation.

On the other hand, Zhang Mi was oblivious to what was going on around her, instead she was currently admiring a particular clothing from one of the rack.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a shrill laughter, so loud that the people shopping had to stop to see who it was. Walking arm in arm was none other than Feng Duan and his new girlfriend.