Meeting of the Exes (2)

Zhang Mi had to turn around to see who was making such an annoying sound, this was when Yang Lin chose to stand very close to the young miss. As though trying to shield her from the presence of the intruders.

Duan Feng was a strikingly handsome man with dark hair neatly styled across his forehead, he was dressed in a navy blue coat and pants. He had on a black long sleeve inner wear, lying on his chest was a bullet shaped silver diamond pendant. A plain pure silver dazzling watch was on his left hand and wearing on both feet was a ankle length dark boot. Everything about him screamed that he was filthily rich.

With a subtle movement of the arm, Duan Feng dislodged his arm from those of his partner, turning to squarely face his ex-girlfriend. They dated secretly for the past six years, therefore no one knew that they were an item. As though it was a passing acquaintance he was with, he greeted the Zhang heiress in a cool manner, who at the moment looked slightly shaken from running into him.

The new girlfriend's red lips formed a pout, her long dark lashes barely concealed the intense dislike she was feeling towards the Zhang heiress. With arms folded across her chest, she wore a V-neck see through flimsy yellow sleeveless mini gown with matching nail polish, both ears had a gold tassel earring. Her feet was encased in heels of deep blue. Her bold makeup was designed to give her an alluring look.

Duan Feng took a couple of steps closer to where Zhang Mi stood, this time he had on a puzzled expression. Seemingly close to her side was her personal driver. As a person of great wealth and power, distance was something that was considered very seriously and on no account should it be blurred without the approval of the other person.

"You have your driver with you, shouldn't he be waiting outside?! If you don't make yourself clear enough, anyone might misunderstand, since you appear to be in no danger whatsoever."

The Zhang heiress wasn't paying attention to what her ex-boyfriend pointed out, she was still trying to recover from seeing him in the same store she was in. During their time together, they never shopped together because they feared their relationship will be discovered before they became ready to announce it to the public.

With frozen lips, Zhang Mi told her driver to move some step away from her. Meanwhile, the other shoppers had paused to see what was going on, even so much as drawing closer, as though they knew instinctively that something was about to happen.

"How have you been?"

Duan Feng waited on her to respond, but the Zhang Mi still had a blank expression on her face. Irritated by the lack of response from the Zhang heiress. The other woman walked over to where she was and punched her hard on the chest.

Zhang Mi fell back against the racks at her back, landing hard on the floor. Alarmed by what was going on, Yang Lin rushed over to where she was, carefully holding her up by the hand. The incident was being recorded on the phones of the people in the store, a look of excitement was on their faces. Turning to his girlfriend, Duang Feng reprimanded her, "Zilin! What is wrong with you?! Why did you do that?!"

Duang Feng did not say this to correct his girlfriend's action, but because they were in public, it could damage his reputation and those of his family. As the son to a very prominent family, maintaining a good image was very important. Huang Zilin ignored what her boyfriend said, turning her face to the side in disdain.

Now on her feet and still feeling upset by the way she was treated, Zhang Mi wasn't thinking straight, inside her, she could not believe that someone like Zilin could lay a finger on her in public without any consequences.

Enraged by how she was treated, done caring about how others would look at her, Zhang Mi walked to where Zilin was and gave a resounding slap on her face. Feeling aghast by what was going on, Duang Feng rushed in to pull her away, about to shove him away, Zhang Mi was beaten to it, as Zilin pushed her boyfriend away, grabbing a fistful of Zhang Mi hair, yanking at it mercilessly. The Zhang heiress did likewise and also held the other woman's hair. This time the little crowd had drawn extremely close to where the fighting was taking place.

Yang Lin tried to separate them, while Duang Feng removed his coat, to cast it over the figures of the two women. It was an embarrassing sight and he was trying his best to cover it up.

Meanwhile one of the store attendants had already placed a call to the police, in a few minutes, a loud voice could be heard saying, "This is the police! Everyone stand back!"

The women were still at it, until the three policemen that came in, forceful broke them apart. Looking both disheveled, they were handcuffed and read their rights before being ushered out of the store.

"Quick! Let's upload it on Beibo!"

The onlookers went online to upload various embarrassing clips of the fight that took place earlier in the store. The internet was ablaze with caustic comments and curses, the Zhang heiress was now trending on search engines, but unfortunately it was not for the right reason.