Meeting of the Exes (3)

Sitting in the back seat of the police car, the Zhang heiress and Zilin were sandwiched by two policemen.

Neither spoke to each other, till they arrived at the police station. The entrance already had people from the press waiting to see the new internet sensation. Although, the police tried to manage the small crowd, the press proved to be difficult, as they chose to ask the police direct questions instead, this was their way of pushing to get any information that could be related to the news they were covering.

When the police car pulled up, they all rushed to have a look at who the occupants inside might be, the door opened as the police, Zhang Mi, Huang Zilin and finally the other police man also got out of the car. The last police man remained in the driver seat, unwillingly to face the cluster of press surrounding them.

This time, there was no aide to shield her from the flashing bulbs of the cameras. During the drive to the police station, she was still able to maintain her cool, but in the presence of the press and their cameras zooming in for the kill, Zhang Mi felt so vulnerable. Fighting to hold back tears, she saw the policemen form a barricade around them, Huang Zilin had on a hard look on her face not caring for what was going on. Together, they all walked into the station in a protective wall of the police.

On getting in, they were separately told to take a seat, with an officer seating in front of them with a computer. The officer began by asking for their personal information, collecting their fingerprint, before proceeding to throw rounds of questions at each woman. At the background was other people that had issues requiring their presence at the police station, a few steps from where the women sat was two separate holding cell built side by side, one held men of various ages behind them, while the other had women from different walks of life inside. Their personal belongings was confiscated and locked away

Once the questioning was done and their picture captured on the police web cam, their information was securely entered into the police database. Escorted by two separate policemen, the Zhang heiress and Zilin was placed behind the silver metal bars. This was when Huang Zilin lost her cool composure, she kept banging at the bars and begging to be let out.

One of the prisoner told her to keep quiet, but she didn't answer, feeling disrespected by the younger woman's action, the heavy set unkempt woman got up from where she sat on the filthy floor, raising her fist to deliver a huge blow across Zilin's face. The sound of broken bones could be heard, blood gushed out from her nose and mouth. Scared by what just happened, Zhang Mi drew herself close against the jail wall.

Some of the other officers present, rushed to open the bar, tackling the woman that assaulted Zilin to the ground. This was when Duan Feng walked in together with the owner of Jingchu clothing, at first he didn't know what the commotion was all about, but when his eyes landed on the bloody face of Huang Zilin, an horrified expression came across his face.

Earlier before coming to the police station, Duan Feng had gone to meet the owner of the store, paying her an hefty amount of money to gain access to the surveillance tapes, while still inside the store he made a phone call to an old acquaintance well known in the underground world to erase and manipulate captured videos in a clean undetectable way. He was so good that, the altered video could escape the notice of the police when viewed.

That wasn't the only job Duan Feng asked the mysterious man to do, he was also paid to spasm and insert viruses into the video uploaded that showed his girlfriend starting the fight first. This way, not even the Zhang heiress could redeem herself from the potential law suit that could take place.

After several minutes, the policemen was able to gain control of the situation, they brought out Zhang Mi and Huang Zilin. They sat side by side along with Duan Feng and Madam Jing. After speaking at length, the male officer addressing their joint case strove for them to reach an amicable settlement.

After so much arguments mostly coming from Huang Zilin, they finally reached an agreement, unfortunately Zhang Mi had to be held back, because one of the male officers went to the store while they were being questioned; to obtain the surveillance footage, not knowing of the collusion between Duan Feng and the store owner, the surveillance footage obtained showed Zhang Mi as the one who initiated the fight.

With release papers signed, Huang Zilin, Duan Feng and Madam Jing walked out of the police station. The Zhang heiress was led by two officers both male and female back to her holding cell, with a bond set at 50 million Yuan, and the potential of serving prison time, if she wasn't able to come up with the money by the due date.