Before the Storm

Early afternoon when the Zhang heiress was denied bail, she fearful stood behind bars, casting nervous looks at the people she was locked up with.

Yang Lin drove back to the Zhang villa on leaving the store, placing his phone on speaker, to call the police station, on the third ring he was able to get through to one of the officers that was a family friend to the Zhang family.

A cheerful feminine voice spoke on the other end of the line, "Brother Yang! It's been a while! Each time I turn on the news, there is no day that Sister Zhang isn't in one trouble or the other!"

After exchanging pleasantries with the voice on the other line, Yang Lin asked what she knew regarding the Zhang heiress. On hearing the outrageous amount that was demanded of Zhang Mi, that was when he lost it.

"Don't they know that most of her assets relating to the company is about to be frozen?!"

The other voice laughed at his sudden outburst, "If anyone hears you, they will think, you're defending your girlfriend."

Officer Ma was the illegitimate daughter of one of the directors at Zhang Cooperation. Although, she enjoyed some of the pecks associated with being a daughter to the Ma family. Rebelling against her father's wishes to go to business school and follow in his steps. Instead, Ma Xiaolu chose to enroll in a law enforcement academy.

Yang Lin listened as she explained what was going on at the station, and the state the Zhang heiress was in, clenching tightly against the steering wheel, Yang Lin's veins starkly stood out against the pale skin of his hand. Gritting his teeth in frustration, as his heart clenched from the misery and pain the Zhang heiress must have been going through.

The call ended after he was sure, all the necessary information pertaining to the Zhang heiress had been obtained from the officer.

Driving through the light traffic towards the Zhang villa, on getting in, Yang Lin rushed out of the car, walking past the butlers stationed at the entrance. Briskly he walked into the grand study room located on the ground floor, a few steps away from the living room.

Pushing open a sturdy door of brown wood, the entered in, heading straight for the desk. Punching in some codes into a small electronic pad by the top drawer, he pulled out the drawer, inside was traveler's checks from various countries, taking them out and stuffing them into both pockets, he closed the drawer back and walked out of the study room.

Running up the flight of stairs to the young miss bedroom, Yang Lin opened the door, and walked into the closet, rummaging through her vast collection of Jewelry kept in a transparent glass white showcase, pulling an expensive tote bag from where it was hanging by the shelf of her closet, he loaded many of her Jewelries into it, from bracelets to earrings.

Once he had stuffed in as many as he thought was necessary into the tote, he left the closet and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Unknown to Yang Lin, Zhou Law firm had sent a representative to deliver a document to Zhang Mi. The owner of Zhou firm was none other than Zhou Yunxiang.

On getting downstairs to head out, Yang Lin was stopped by one of the butlers as he was told that a representative from Zhou firm was waiting to see the Zhang heiress. Although, all the staff knew that the Zhang heiress was behind bars, from seeing the posts on their phones and hearing the radio during down time. They wanted her trusted aide to make the decision regarding what to say to anyone that visited the Zhang villa.

Curious to know who it was, Yang Lin walked into the living room and was greeted by a man that appeared to be in his thirties. The man curtsied before handing over a big brown envelope to Yang Lin, refusing to give out his name when he greeted, only handing the company card that bore the name of Zhou Yunxiang. Originally, this was a document that was supposed to be delivered directly to Zhang Mi by Zhou Yunxiang, but because she no longer commanded the respect she once had, he chose to send someone else in his place.

After thanking the representative from Zhou firm, Yang Lin watched as he walked out. Outside, Zhou Yunxiang sat in the backseat, as he watched the other man get in the front seat, before the driver drove the black car that conveyed them, out of the Zhang villa.

Yang Lin rushed out, briskly opening the car door and drove out of the Zhang villa to put his plan of the day into action. First thing he did, was to go to YuNan a private Jeweler known to appraise jewelries as a side business, anyone who catches their eyes usually receives a sizable compensation for their merchandise.

Pulling up to front of one story building of sparkling clear glass, in front of it stood five heavily built men, with menacing looks. Getting out of the car with the tote on one hand and a business card bearing the Zhang heiress name, Yang Lin shut the car door, hurriedly walking to where they stood. With outstretched hands, he handed one of them the business card.

Satisfied by what they saw, they moved aside, watching him closely as he went through the automatic glass doors. The interior was lined with rows of glass transparent show cases, this was his first time in. YuNan usually hand delivered the Zhang heiress jewelries to the Zhang villa. During his drive, he had checked up on them, before making his way to the store.

The owner, a matronly looking woman in simple mid-length blue gown, with light makeup on, both feet was covered in strappy wedge sandals to match, he had on yellow nail polish, with a pixie burgundy hair cut. Madam Bai did not have a trace of jewelry on her.

Curtsying to the owner, Yang Lin told the reason for his visit. Although, she had an intimidating look, when she spoke to him, her gentle voice was a sharp contrast to the way she appeared.

Ushering him to one of the showcases, she asked him to show her what he had. Yang Lin turned over the contents of the tote, watching as the owner lightly ran her manicured hands through them. After taking a look at the collection laid out on the flat surface of the showcase. Madam Bai then named her price, the haggling went on for quite a while before they finally reached a compromise.

Yang Lin, walked out of the YuNan with a check of forty million Yuan. On getting into the car, he secured the inside, before pulling out the check from YuNan which he had earlier tucked away, in the inner pocket of his coat. He couldn't believe that the Zhang heiress Jewelries were still worth that much. With the happiness, also came a tinge of sadness, because he was still uncertain of the traveler's check worth. Placing the check back to its original position, Yang Lin drove away, heading towards DaXia bank.

Packing the car in a spot very close to the entrance of the bank. DaXia bank was a modest building of glass, known for its international relations in the banking world. Yang Lin got out, closing the door before heading through the revolving glass door of the bank. A small queue stood at the counter, until finally he was attended to by a young man in corporate black. After exchanging greetings and providing his information, which the banker entered into the system. Yang Lin handed all the checks he had on his hand and asked that the money be sent to his account. Banker Hao got up and took them to a room for verification. Yang Lin was grateful that Madam Bai did him a great favor by writing the check in his name.

Almost five minutes had passed before banker Hao returned with the checks in hand, he sat down, before entering the amount and other information into the system. Once he was done typing, the man raised his head back up saying, "Mr Yang, we have successfully transferred 65 million Yuan into your account, you have a balance of 65.048.173 Yuan in your account."

Thanking the banker, Yang Lin strolled out of the bank with a feeling of great joy, within him, he felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulder. Getting into the car he drove all the way to DongFu police station where the Zhang heiress was currently held.