Moment of Truth (3)


A short firm knock sounded at the door, followed by it being pushed back, as a man in corporate black suit and pants, with a white shirt complimented by a red tie, with both feet in polished black pointed shoes. All of name brands.

Walking into the office of the President of Zhang Corporation, was none other than Director Ma. A man with dark hair and a streak of grey sideburns, he looked sharp for a sixty something year old man.

The acting President of Zhang Corporation rose up from where he sat, walking over to greet his guest. After they shook hands, Zhang Tianyu directed him to seat on one of the black leather sofas. One was strategically placed across the other, thereby giving the office a somewhat roomy feel.

They both sat opposite each other, as he waited to hear the reason for the sudden visit. Both of them sat down, squarely facing each other.

Usually the other man would call ahead before scheduling to see him, while they were both working as board of Directors to Zhang Corporation, but since he was part of those that helped in getting Zhang Tianyu to where he was today, he no longer felt the need to be more courteous towards him.

Director Ma had the look of a no nonsense person, very perceptive and knew how to play his cards right. Although, it appeared as those his weakness was under Zhang Tianyu's control, he was waiting, bidding his time for the right moment when he could strike back, but of course the other party had not idea of what was in stock for him.

As though contemplating on what to say, he kept a fixed gaze on him, before opening up to speak his mind, "President Zhang, what is this I hear about Mi in jail? I thought, you only wanted her to step down. Or is there more to it than this?!"

When Director Ma spoke, he had the expression of gentle concern, which was at odd with what he actually felt on the inside. By portraying himself that way, he wanted to see what Zhang Tianyu would say that could be of use should the need ever arise.

From the time he walked into the building of Zhang Corporation he had his phone on record, he already knew that the faithfully driver of Zhang Tianyu was no where in sight, because he was on an errand for the President of Zhang Corporation, someone on the inside had given him detailed information regarding the movement of Gou Ru, that was why he could take the bold step he was making.

The President of Zhang Corporation gave a dismissive gesture, as though wanting to brush off what the other man said as being irrelevant. He went on to assure him that her stay there was only temporary and she would be released from there very soon.

Meanwhile, Director Ma and his estranged daughter still keep in touch and she had already brought him up to speed with what was happening with the Zhang heiress.

Having a secret way of communicating had helped in evading the eagle watch of Zhang Tianyu, to the President of Zhang Corporation, it appeared that he and his illegitimate child never saw eye to eye, but in reality they kept in contact in secret using an alias. His daughter kept him abreast on the situation surrounding the Zhang heiress.

The President of Zhang Corporation told Director Ma, to try and convince the others to testify during the court proceedings at the Subpoena of Zhang Mi. Reminding the other man of the things he knew about him and the others, saying that it would be unwise to go against him.

That was when the other man feigned ignorance regarding the matter, asking when she had been issued one. Zhang Tianyu was not aware that Zhou firm worked as a double agent, serving both him and Director Ma.

The saying, blood is thicker than water is mostly true, as Zhou Yunxiang would report what was going on to Director Ma without the other party knowing.

Zhou Yunxiang being a distant relative, was not something Zhang Tianyu was counting on, that could pose great harm to him. Yes, he usually ran a background on the people that he wanted to threaten or use, but he never thought to connect the dots together.

Director Ma asked Zhang Tianyu what the real purpose of issuing Zhang Mi a subpoena was all about, but he kept evading the question. Realizing that he was getting no where and still hadn't found something solid enough, the other man stopped questioning Zhang Tianyu, so as not to rouse his suspicion any further.

After discussing what their roles would be in the upcoming court appearance, they went on to talk about other things, leaving out very personal aspect of their daily life. Having talked for over half an hour, the conversation was beginning to die down.

Zhang Tianyu had relaxed his guard around the other man, so much that he didn't see the look of scorn that passed fleetingly across his face, while his eyes shut briefly in a laughter of deep satisfaction.

Shortly after, Director Ma informed the President of Zhang Corporation of his need to leave, they both rose from where they sat almost at the same time. Extending their hand in an handshake once again, Director Ma strode out of the office, firmly shutting the door behind him.