Uncertain Future

When Zhang Mi got home, she ran straight to her room with the documents tightly held in her hands. After taking a shower with a change of clothes on, she returned to her bedroom. Slumping down on the wide bed, and staring wide eyed at the ceiling, uncertain on the course of action to take.

It didn't take too long for tears to flood her eyes, she kept crying until God knows how long! Red eyed, her vision blurred from the leftover tears in her eyes. After what felt like almost an eternity, the Zhang heiress gathered herself together and sat up, to begin calling other top law firms in the city.

Court appearance was in two weeks and she needed every help that she could get. At first they started by voicing their hesitance to handle her case, being a high profile one at that with the possibility of bad press after the case became closed. Zhang Mi kept pleading and pleading for them to help her, promising that she would reward their effort if they were able to come out victorious.

When they realized that no matter the excuses they gave, she wasn't willing to accept any of the things they said, that was when they took it upon themselves to change strategy and began naming outrageous amounts of money to deter her from using their services. The ones that didn't stoop to using this underhanded means, asked her to give them more time to think about it. But, that was their way of turning her down.

Livid and almost losing her mind from not getting anywhere during the few hours that she had been on phone with over eight firms. The Zhang heiress was finally reaching her limit. Some of them would send an apology before abruptly ending the call on her.

The response she got was always identical, either a stupidly expensive amount was being called out or that they would get back to her at a later time. By the tenth call, that was when she finally snapped, screaming and shouting at person on the other line. Even going as far as to remind them who she was, but none of it mattered, because neither of the law firms wanted to jeopardize their future to go head to head with the new President of Zhang Corporation.

The thought never crossed her mind of the possibility that she was fighting a battle that she most likely may not end of winning. Refusing to give up, she kept at it, calling different firms even those that were in other cities, desperate to get at least someone from one firm to represent her on that day!

Knowing that going in without a decent lawyer to represent her, would be almost like jumping out of a plane without a parachute, which was tantamount to being suicidal. Not that anything changed, they each told her that they had busy cases that, when their schedule became free then they would give her a call.

Unable to understand why she wasn't getting anywhere, despite putting out calls to other places that she would never have thought of calling. Exhausted from all the calls that had been made, that was when she began wondering if her uncle had a hand in influencing their decision, just thinking about him, made her so angry, that she threw the phone she had in her hand on the floor, making a dull sound when it landed.

Slumping down on the bed with her hands spread out, so many thoughts raced across her mind, the possibility of losing everything frightened her. The mere thought of having to send away all the staff at her home made her break into a cold sweat. Lost in thought, a vibrating sound echoed in the quite room. Thinking she was only imagining things, but it kept on going, on and on. Curious to see who could be calling her back, Zhang Mi got up and reached for the phone buzzing on the floor.

"Hello! Whom am I speaking with?!"

Waiting on the caller on the other line to respond. A masculine voice replied, "This is JingTao law firm, we will love to handle your case and represent you. If the offer is still on the table."

The Zhang heiress felt so happy that at least one person called her back after the numerous calls she had placed earlier. This was one of the law firms located an hour away from where she lived. After speaking for some time and making arrangements to set up a meeting to address her case, the call finally ended, leaving Zhang Mi with mixed feelings regarding what was to come.