Slow Poison

The next few days was a busy one for the Zhang heiress, unrelenting and in full spirit she took each day as it came with Yang Lin driving her all the way to JingTao law firm almost everyday.

With the clock ticking as the appointed day to be in court was quickly approaching, without saying anything to her staff they all knew to keep out of the way of the Zhang heiress, so as not to unknowingly upset her during the tough days she was going through.

The other camp already knew what she was up to, with their man on the inside feeding them every bit of news that went on at the Zhang villa and outside, they were more than prepared to take her on when they met in court.

Yang Lin continued to carry out his duties as directed, while the Zhang heiress kept pushing herself each day to stay sane during the upcoming battle that lay ahead.

The temptation to give in and drown her unhappiness in a bottle felt so strong within her, but Zhang Mi fought persistently against the insidious liquid, not wanting anything to cloud her judgement before and on the day of court.

Just like that, the given day came, dressed somberly in all black, her dark hair styled in such a way that hid the fact that she had no Jewelry on, applying a barely there makeup to her face, made her look as though she had none on, to finish up, on her feet was black pumps. Taking a sweeping look at herself by the standing mirror in her room, Zhang Mi wasted no time in dressing up.

A quick reach for her dark leather handbag by the closet, she took out her phone to inform her driver to get the car ready in two minutes for them to leave for the court proceedings.

That morning the whole staff of the Zhang villa gathered downstairs as they watched their young miss leave the house, following closely behind to bid her a somber farewell. With the Zhang heiress and her driver in, the car sped through the gates of the Zhang villa towards the YuShan High court.

On getting there, they were met by a sea of reporters, Zhang Mi told her driver it was okay to drop her off there, a look of uncertainty crossed his face, but he had no choice but to abide by her will.

Stepping out of the luxurious car was a strong confident and extremely attractive young woman, with her head held high, she walked through their mist, they all knew not to be too forceful around her, because they were at the very seat of justice, if anything went down then each and every one of them would be held liable for anything that happened to the Zhang heiress before the court proceedings took place.

With them throwing various kinds of questions at her, most of which was very piercing and personal. Zhang Mi kept on walking not giving a single reply to their question, when she got to the front of the heavy sturdy brown wooden door that led inside to the courtroom, she saw some policemen waiting outside, one of them a young woman in uniform took her inside to her seat by the stand, before walking off.

The people from Zhang Corporation faced the same ordeal with the press and were also led inside the packed courtroom, they all sat where they were told to, with Zhang Tianyu facing the opposite seat at the stand where the Zhang heiress was also seated. Their respective lawyers came in shortly afterwards.

None of the press was allowed into the court, they all rose when a judge in black gown walked in with his judicial entourage, all seated high up from the people in the court. After they took their seats that was when the rest of the court was allowed to seat.

The judge a man that looked to be fifty something, with good looks and his bearing showed him as someone who took good care of himself, he had traces of grey on his mostly dark hair. His bright eyes scanned the people that sat in court, taking note of what was happening.

Yao Da was what some would call a bit eccentric, at times he would do some very peculiar things at any given time. He called for the witness from both sides to step out. The Zhang heiress, unfortunately had none to begin with, while waiting on the witnesses from Zhang Corporation to come out.

Zhang Mi look around from where she sat by her lawyer from JingTao firm, not surprised that her driver was inside the court, with her thinking that was a show of support.

The feeling didn't last too long, as she saw him stand from where he sat a couple of seats behind the front seat. Wondering where he could be going at such a time, that was when her face took on a different look, as though it was suddenly carved out of ice.

She watched him take a seat by the person that betrayed her to the bones! Her uncle! Zhang Tianyu! It was as though all the energy in her had been sucked dry, starring with lifeless eyes, as the second most trusted man in her life, took the stand to side with her enemy!