
The courtroom was thrown into commotion, as people were leaving their seats to get to the very front where the action was taking place. The usually unruffled Judge finally lost his cool, reaching for the hammer and slamming it hard against the wooden casing where it previously laid, and with a loud voice to say, "Order! Order!Order! Let there be order in the court! Get back to your seats!"

Judge Yao kept smashing the hammer repeatedly to call the attention of all who where in the courtroom to remain quiet. The rest of the judicial body remained in their seats, shaken by what just took place in front of their very eyes. After what felt like a very long time, they responded by dragging their feet back to their respective seats.

In a tepid tone, Judge Yao warned everyone in the courtroom not to share what had just taken place in his court, threatening harsh penalties to anyone who was found to be non-compliant with what he said, his usually laid back expression had become hardened, as his gaze took in each and everyone that was in the courtroom.

An almost audible gulp could be heard, as icy dark fear slithered down their back and settled into their minds, none of them wanted to be at the receiving end of his obvious displeasure. Some of them tightly held on to the people that they were familiar with, as a way to calm the dread that crept into them from the harsh tone of the presiding judge.

The Zhang heiress stood alone, her head hung low, not because she was feeling an iota of shame for what she had done, but because a part of her knew that she had reached a point of no return, letting her emotions run wide by striking her trusted aide. It took a while for her actions to play step by step in her mind, until the circle of thought became complete.

What does it feel like to cry painfully inside and not be heard? For the very first time, the Zhang heiress went through what it meant to cry tears of blood. Outwardly she had the appearance of utter defeat, her shoulders slumped and her head was still bent low, but she was crying bitter tears within, invisible on the outside, her heart lay broken like shards of glass. Her once vibrant eyes became as soulless dark onyx stone, lacking the brilliant radiance it once was, in a face that was now a pale mask.

During the time when the incident took place, President Zhang flipped out, he always thought that his niece was a spineless person, but seeing what she did in the courtroom, made him view her in a different light. His face had lost most of its color, as he stared open mouth at the young woman who he knew to be his niece.

Everyone on the prosecuting side, had almost the exact same look of utter shock. The lawyer of the defendant fell off his seat when he saw what happened, moments later was he then able to crawl back up to his seat.

In the same breathe, the judge ordered that the officers cuff the Zhang heiress to be placed behind bars. Taking position around her, four male officers forcefully rounded the Zhang heiress and handcuffed her, before turning to walk out of the court.

Judge Yao Da was so upset by the act of insubordination that took place in his presence, with gritted teeth he ordered that the trial be adjourned till further notice, thereby dismissing the court.

Turning to both legal representative of the plaintiff and defendant, to ask that they follow him to the office for further discussion. Knowing that it was an act of rudeness to point fingers at someone else, the people watched her pass by, pointing and whispering as she went by them.

Zhang Mi wondered why she acted that way towards Yang Lin, was it because she trusted him too much and depended on him? "When I caught Duan Feng in bed, why didn't I stab his cheating balls?! Why didn't I hurt him as much as he hurt me?! Why did I stab Yang Lin?! Why?!Why?!Why?!Why?! He is only someone I rely on to run errands for me, I could have punched him or something, but why did I have to hurt him that bad?! Why do I feel sorry towards him?! Is it because....."

The Zhang heiress train of thought was cut off by the flashing camera bulbs, as hordes of reporters gathered to get an exclusive scoop on what had just taken place, bombarding her with numerous questions about the court proceedings and what she knew about her aide being wheeled out of the courtroom.