
At Taiwei General, behind closed curtains, a young man remained sedated under the white hospital bed cover, his pasty white face was beginning to show signs of color returning to them.

A middle aged male doctor in spotless white lab coat spoke at length with two female nurses in green uniform, after a while the discussion finally came to an end. The nurses took notes, as the doctor gave a parting remark regarding the patient's plan of care, before exiting the room, leaving the nurses behind to look after the still unconscious young man.

There wasn't much in terms of press coverage outside the hospital, as most were at the courthouse where the main action was taking place.

In a fuzzy state, Yang Lin's mind remained blank, as he fought to overcome the effect of the sedative he was currently infused with. The nurses still in the room, kept a close eye on him while watching the monitor and taking note of his vitals.

Unknown to the rest except for the Zhang President and those from his earlier years at the orphanage, Yang Lin had a prior history of a mild bleeding disorder, which had been controlled for some years now. Luckily for him, the Zhang heiress missed a vital point by a few breadth when she stabbed him in the neck. The seasoned paramedics that responded to the emergency, saw this and took immediate action by applying continuous pressure till they arrived at the emergency room to receive further treatment, where he was stabilized and transferred to a room on the second floor.

Yang Lin kept turning his head from side to side, the nurses noticed his mouth moved, but couldn't make out what he said, they both drew closer, to hear him say, "Mi..Mi....Mi..Mi, forgive"

Clear crystal teardrops slid down both corner of his closed lids. Not having much strength to continue speaking, that was when he succumbed fully to the pull of the sedative. The room became quiet, except for the beeping sound from the monitor machines, infusion pumps and other gadgets in the room.


At the courthouse, most of the people had left the room, around the time the Zhang heiress was being taken away in a confinement shuttle bus leading to the district prison.

What was left waiting outside was reporters interviewing some of the people that were still around, as they tried to coerce any information that they could from them, but having received threats of punishment from the presiding judge, none of them was brave enough to say what exactly took place in the courtroom.

Over two hours had passed since then, as the reporters gave closing remark before cutting off their cameras and mics to end the live coverage of the court event.

At the back of the courtroom, behind one of the closed doors, led to the office of Judge Yao. Inside sat the Judge at his oval desk, in an office filled with shelves containing numerous bulky law materials and books, as though that wasn't enough, the polished brown wooden floor had on them rows of stacked papers held in place by a binder clip of various color.

Sitting across from him, was the judges from earlier and lawyers from the plaintiff and defense side. They each had a serious look on, the air around them felt very tense. Carefully avoiding looking each other in the eye, not knowing what was to come. Turning to face the lawyer of the Zhang heiress, Judge Yao Da, unleashed the anger that he had kept bay.

"You imbecile! What the F@%& were you looking at when your client went raving mad in my court?! Where did your investigation go?! Were you not aware of any of these?! Don't be turning my courtroom into a F'ing slaughter house! Aish....!!!!!"

They all saw how extremely upset Judge Yao Da looked, the veins by the side of his head sharply stood out in the natural bright lighting coming from across the window blinds in the room.

None of them expected the words coming from the mouth of a highly placed person, would be wrapped with expletives. They all stared open mouth at him. A loud crashing noise rang out, from his fists slamming against his desk. The action caused the rest in the room to shake where they sat, it wasn't long before the judge eventually gained control of his riotous emotions.

That was when, he calmly opened up the discussion regarding the next course of action to take regarding the case, listening to both side, dish out what they wanted, the talk went on and the date to reschedule a trial soon came up. It was then decided that there would be a three week wait before another appearance at court will be made possible.