
"Vice President Ruan! Are you alright?!"

Several knocks sounded outside the door, as concerned staff of the Ruan family called out to his employer when they all heard him shouting at the top of his voice. Mo Yijie was downstairs with two of the maids while waiting to be summoned by his boss when a cry of anguish sounded from above. Scaling through the flight of stairs the aide and the maids with him came to see what could have caused their boss to cry out.

Inside, Marya Zaleska looked down her nose at the man that was writhring painfully from his sudden fall. It seemed that he had learned his lesson, since his eyes were downcast rather than looking straight back at her.

Scent of blood assailed the senses of the Vampire Progenitor which caused her eyes to follow the pathway created by the blood which flowed from the knees of Ruan Yuchen.

"I haven't fed in a while, this human should do for a light meal."