
[Kasaki pov]

~In the Tōjin house~

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I could feel tears running down my cheeks. I wanted to yell at the sky but I couldn't mutter a single sound. I wanted to think it was a simple dream, but something inside me told me it was real. I stared a Yūgao in disbelief.

"Yūgao-san, please tell me it's not true" I struggled to say.

"I'm sorry Kasaki, your mother, Aiko, she did not come back from her mission"

"No... O...o...Oka-san ....she... can't... be...de...dead!" I muttered between sobs.

"I'm sorry..."

"N...no...O...Oka-san... " saying those words I lost conscious.

[Yūgao pov]

"N...no...O...Oka-san... " seeing Kasaki fell to the ground I caught him before he could hit the ground. After making sure he was alright I took his body in my arms making sure not to wake him up. After taking him to his bed, I sat down near him.

"I just can't leave him alone for Aiko at least" I mutter while stroking his light brown hair.

I know that Aiko death was going to affect him deeply. She was his only family. She was his everything.

From what Aiko told me Kasaki didn't have any real friends and since young, he spoke only when needed.

(If I leave him alone, Aiko would never even dead forgive me and would not forgive myself either.)

Thinking about this I stood up making sure not to wake him up and departed to the Hokage Tower.

~Hokage tower~

After entering the Hokage office I kneeled in front of him. Before kneeling I saw the Lord Third his nose in a mountain of paper but I didn't bother saying anything and just waited there.

After a few minutes the Hokage stopped what he was doing and said "Oh, Cat you're here. Have you broke the news to Tōjin-san"

"Yes Hokage-sama," I said thinking how to ask him the favour I wanted to ask.

"Good you're dismissed" The Third said before going back to his paperwork.

"Hmm... Hokage-sama may I ask something" I said a nervously.

The Third looked at me with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"You may"

Taking a large breath of air to calm myself I said "I want to quit the ANBU and adopt Kasaki Tōjin"

I saw the Hokage looking at me with a stern look before saying "Is that really what you want?"

"Yes! In the honour of my friend I can't leave him alone and if I'm in the ANBU something like what happened to his mother may happen again"

"Mmm... I'll allow it.

Yūgao Uzuki please hand back your equipment and your mask.

From now on you, Yūgao Uzuki, are demoted to Jonin of the leaf and you won't be given life-threatening mission till Kasaki Tōjin is promoted to Genin"

"Thank you Hokage-sama"