
[Yūgao pov]

Today was a sad day and I felt it as soon as I woke up.

(*sigh* Today's the day, the day to say goodbye to you, my friend) I thought sadly remembering this last week.


After completing the paperwork to adopt Kasaki-kun, I directly went to the Tōjin house to take him with me. But going where I left him, I didn't see him there.

"Where is he!?" I said in panic

Urgently I started sensing the chakra looking for him. Sensing his chakra, I went in his direction. (Luckily he didn't leave the house) I thought happily.

Once in front of the door to where he was, I frowned. (If I remember correctly this should be Aiko room)

I tried opening the door but it was locked. Not knowing if I should force myself in or not, I stopped. Remembering something I once heard, I decided I shouldn't open the door for now. I knew he would come out once he was ready.


The whole week and he hasn't come out. I said in the house the entire waiting for him.

I was starting to consider entering.

*creak* (A/N door sound)

In the silent house, I finally heard the sound I was waiting for. I quickly took off.

Once I saw him, I couldn't hold on my tears. His once silky brown hair was now dishevelled and somehow a shade darker. He had fresh red tear marks on his cheeks, obviously from all the crying. I could also see tears on his cheeks.

While examining him, I felt his gaze on me and our gaze finally locked with each other.

I could see he was surprised in his eyes before he finally said "... Yūgao-san?"

I couldn't hold myself back as I threw myself at him and hugged him.

[Kasaki pov]

~start of the day~

There I was sleeping, trying to forget that mom won't be coming back. In the last 6 days, I only slept. I sometimes heard a voice talking to me but I ignored it.

As soon as I woke up, I got back to sleep. But today I couldn't. I tried and tried with no success. I finally gave up and stood.

Looking around, my heart started to hurt. My eyes started to fog and I lost the will to move. (Why... Why did you have to leave... Why did you leave me... Why... Why...) I thought while silently crying.


Suddenly, a sound made me snap out of it. Looking around I couldn't see. As I was about to go back into contemplation I heard *grrrr* but this time I also felt it coming from my belly.

*Sigh* I sighed as I got up. I walked to the door and got out.

As I got out, I heard loud *thumps*. Then I saw Yūgao-san looking at me with tears in her eyes. I was about to ask her what she was doing here when she suddenly hugged me.

In her embrace, I struggled to say "Yūgao-san, why are you here?"

It took a while but she finally explained to me about the ceremony later today.

~Later at the burial~

I stood motionlessly with water pouring on my face. As if the sky could feel my emotion it started to rain.

front of me was Tombstone with the name Aiko Tōjin marked on it.

Behind me stood Yūgao-san and some people I didn't remember.

After about 10 minutes people started to leave till only me and Yūgao-san were left.

I felt arms wraps around me. Looking back I saw it was Yūgao-san.


"...Yes I know" Hearing this I turned around and laid in her embrace, crying till I fell asleep.