Chapter 40- The Wedding Night

Mei blinked at his lover... husband? Why was it that he'd only just gotten his head around them as a couple and now they'd just married? And why the hell did he feel as if it was real, rather than the grand joke that Yu Ban Shan had planned? His head felt fuzzy, and while part of it was due to the speed with which their relationship had progressed, the larger part was due to the bottle of champagne Xiao Nai had left in his car for them- further evidence that laosan and KO had colluded behind his back but with a good third of the bottle in him he couldn't really muster any more outrage.

The trip back to his suite had never felt longer, yet somehow, lying on his bed with fantasies about to become reality, it didn't seem to have taken very long at all.

While he'd been thinking- a process hampered by the alcohol- KO had stripped off his costume and wig, dumping them on the floor at the foot of the bed. Steam billowed from the open ensuite where he'd already turned the shower on, letting the water heat up. Without the wig and robes, the cosplay make up looked slightly incongruous and Mei giggled. Giggled? How strong was that champagne?

KO sighed as he looked at the slightly inebriated man lying on the bed with his hands over his mouth. As delicate as the wig and makeup had made him appear, there was, to KO's mind, still no denying Mei's masculinity. But drunk giggling? Not part of KO's plan for the night. He wanted his Mei completely sober and of sound mind for what he had planned.

First, a shower. Which actually, when he thought about it, meant first he needed to get his lover naked. It was a hard job but someone had to do it. (A/N: oh, I bet it is. 🙄) Fortunately, Mei was more than capable of helping in his own de-robing- and if their hands wandered slightly in the process, spending more time than was necessary in slowly sliding the silk over Mei's skin as he gasped with the sensation... well, neither one was complaining. And if the removal of KO's black boxers required teeth instead of hands, then he definitely wasn't complaining. And if the erection revealed by said removal of boxers required satiating while he gripped Mei's hair and thrust into his mouth... well...

"Fuck, Mei... ugh..."

Mei licked the hint of white from his lips. "Did that take the edge off?"

"Huh?" Hands still on Mei's head, swaying slightly as he stood, it took KO a moment to register what the other had said. "Minx. What you can do with that mouth of yours..."

"Not all talk." He smirked as he stood, feeling very proud of himself. And very hard. Something about the way that his lover allowed himself to relax, to lower his guard and give in to the sensation of his mouth... Mei gulped... it was hot. His cock jerked in agreement and they were standing so close, it brushed against KO's thigh. He cleared his throat.

"We should probably take a shower before we run out of hot water." It seemed as though giving a blowjob was an effective way to sober up. He'd have to remember that for next time.

They managed to keep their hands off each other long enough to wash the cosplay make up off their faces but then Mei noticed red streaks on KO's cock and trying to remove the lipstick started the inevitable reaction.

Pressed against each other, it would be incorrect to simply say that the two kissed. Rather, they devoured each other. Hard kisses full of teeth and tongue with moans and raspy breath echoing against the bathroom tiles and drowning out the sound of the shower. Hands roamed desperately over bodies: grasping, clinging, scratching; until KO grabbed Mei's hands and pinned him to the tiles with arms stretched above his head.

The younger man whimpered. The tiles were cold against his back but KO was hot in front. While one hand kept Mei contained, the other hand swept down his body, splaying over his chest until a flick over a nipple made Mei groan. KO rolled the sensitive bud between his fingers and when Mei continued to groan against their kiss felt himself growing even harder once more. He slid his hand down Mei's torso, gently running his nails down his stomach and making the man shiver and move his hips against KO's thigh. The pump handle on the soap dispenser was heaven sent and, with a decent amount of the liquid on his hand, KO wrapped his fingers around his lover.

Mei's knees buckled and only KO's grip on the hands above his head, kept him upright. Panting, he shook his head.

"...ah... more... ah..."

Only pausing to collect more soap, KO brought their cocks together, wrapping his hand around both as best he could. Mei's eyes flew open and he looked down.

"Oh... ugh... that's hot..."

KO's hand moved faster, slick with soap. Mei's eyes fluttered closed once more and his hips thrust against KO's hand. Caught up in the sensation focused on his cock, Mei failed to notice when KO's hand let go of the arms pinned to the tiles, failed to hear the click as a cap was flicked open... and when KO's other hand let go of their cocks and it was just the feel of both of them thrusting against each other... he failed to think at all.

Cold pressed against his rear and he thought started to return but KO's hand returned to wrap around him and the thought fled. KO dropped his head on to Mei's shoulder, his own body taut with a combination of arousal and concentration. He placed his lubed fingers between the curves of Mei's arse, pressing one against his entrance and slowly sinking it inside him; letting the man's thrusts push the finger inside himself. KO groaned against Mei's neck- his man was tight and hot around his finger and all he could think about was how he'd feel around his cock but damnnit... he was going to make sure they both enjoyed it.

A second finger slowly joined the first and Mei's hips slowed as he adjusted to the fullness in his arse.

"Ha... how... how many?"

"Two." KO twisted them, gently scissoring them to stretch the entrance even further. Mei groaned and threw his head backwards. There was a soft thunk and they both froze.


Panic briefly crossed KO's face, but before he could worry if the pain was something he had caused, Mei rubbed the back of his head.

"Maybe we should move to the bedroom?"

In response, KO slowly pulled his fingers free and turned the shower off. Mei slumped against the wall.


"Are you okay?" Concern creased KO's forehead. "Do you need to stop?"

"Stop now, and you're never getting another blowjob." Mei tried to glare at him but couldn't maintain it. "It feels different when you do it."

"When I do it?"

"Hmm... knowing that it's your fingers, and not mine and not a toy... it's hot and feels more intense."

"My Mei, what have you been doing?"

"I told you- practising for the real thing. I didn't want to get to this stage and panic or make things worse because I was too nervous..." Mei smiled up at KO and softly stroked his cheek. "I wanted to have a first time we could both enjoy."

KO closed his eyes and leaned his cheek into Mei's touch. "You're amazing."

"And horny."

That startled a laugh out of KO and he picked Mei up and carried him over his shoulder back into the bedroom. Water dropped from both of them and he was just about to suggest drying off first when he felt a pinch.

"Nice butt."

Laughing once more, KO threw Mei onto the bed and felt his throat go dry as the man stayed where he landed, legs splayed, one hand over his head and the other on his stomach. His eyes were glued to that hand as it lightly skimmed up and down, slowly getting lower until Mei wrapped his fingers around his own cock. KO made a sound halfway between a groan and a growl and Mei visibly shivered.



"Don't you have a wife to deflower?"

"Fuck, Mei."


Stopping only to make sure supplies were within easy reach (and discovering that his Mei had been very thorough about preparation and had every necessity, and some non-essentials, in the top drawer), KO set his mind to completely ravishing his lover. Mei's nimble fingers helped him roll the condom down his length and he'd never thought putting one on could be hot but doing it together? He'd changed his mind. Drizzling lube over himself and his fingers, he left the bottle within easy reach on the bed then turned his full attention towards Mei.

His finger slid in easily and he quickly added the second. Mei's eyes fluttered closed and his hands grabbed at the sheets when KO scissored his fingers inside him. Moans and uneven breathing filled the room and each soft sound wrung from Mei's throat was like a silken touch to KO's cock. When he curled his fingers, searching for that sweet spot, Mei's hips rose and fell, involuntarily thrusting in to air.

"Argh! T-t-t-thhhhh... there...." Mei's shout turned in to a groan as KO's fingers found what they were looking for. The older man bit his lip as he watched his lover's face flush, the red spreading down his neck as his arousal grew. While Mei was lost to the feeling, KO added a third finger and was surprised when, rather than showing any sign of discomfort, Mei's groans grew louder.



"Now. Please... oh please..."

Removing his fingers, KO lifted Mei's legs over his own, wrapping them around his waist and positioning himself at Mei's entrance. He thrust forward, his cock pushing past the tight ring. Mei whimpered beneath him but when he paused, worried he'd hurt him, the man opened his eyes, grabbed KO's arse and pulled him forward; impaling himself on KO's cock. They groaned in unison, panting as they both adjusted to the sensation of KO being buried inside Mei.

"Mei..." KO cupped his cheek before brushing wet hair out of his eyes. "Mei, love..."

His eyes stayed closed and he barely managed a smile. "You're bigger than my fingers."

Bursts of breathless laughter rocked them both and Mei clenched around KO who hissed at the heightened sensation.

"Don't laugh."

"You started it."

"It's your fault."


"Big... argh!" Deciding that if Mei could joke he obviously wasn't in pain, KO pulled out slowly then pushed himself back in. Mei's shout rocked through him, urging him on and his hips moved faster and faster; the sound of skin slapping against skin overpowering the incoherent murmuring that was all the sound either could make.

It wasn't enough for KO- he wanted to be closer than this... sitting back on his heels he pulled Mei upright, sitting him on his lap, still buried inside him. Hands clinging to KO's shoulders, Mei threw his head back as he let the other man put his hands on his waist and move him up and down. The exposed line of skin was more temptation than KO could bear and he leaned forward, sucking and biting at the skin. A primal satisfaction filled him as he pulled away and looked at the mark branding Mei as his. The man in his arms shivered and a tear crept down his cheek.

"KO... plea... please...."

Thrusting harder inside him, KO reached between them and gripped Mei's cock. At the sudden sensation, Mei fell apart, coating KO's hand and convulsing around the cock inside him. The feel of Mei's hot passage tightening around him was too much and KO shouted in to Mei's neck as he came.

For a minute, the pair stayed frozen in place; Mei on KO's lap, KO still inside him, both panting and covered in sweat. Reality soon intruded though and KO slowly lifted Mei up and off him, letting him sink backwards on to the bed while he dealt with the mess. Ducking in to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and to wash his hands, KO brought out a warm washer and gently wiped his lover clean.



When KO raised an eyebrow Mei elaborated. "Not sore... just... ache? It doesn't hurt but I can feel it."

When the worry didn't completely fade from his lover's eyes, Mei rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious. If it hurt, I'd say something. But it doesn't, so I'll say something else...."

"Hmm?" KO stretched out next to Mei, lightly running his fingers along the arm that Mei had crossed over his chest.

"Can we do that again?"


With an irrepressible grin, Mei pushed KO on to his back, straddling him. "Can we do it again?"

KO's cock twitched in response.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Mei purred as he leaned on KO's chest, his own stirring erection rubbing against KO's. "Fulfill your husbandly duties and fuck me till I walk funny tomorrow."

KO's hands gripped Mei's waist and a gently smile brightened his face.

"Happy to oblige, love."