Chapter 45- Making the Best of a Bad Situation

9 days and 13 hours until D-Day.

And 9 days and seven hours since he'd last woken up next to KO.

Hao Mei sighed. Even though saosan had put their beds together, at KO's request, they were yet to actually sleep side by side. The only consolation as far as Mei could tell, was that even if he didn't have KO with him, at least the bedding smelled like his favourite hacker. He pulled the blanket over his head and curled up into a ball, cocooning himself in the comforting scent. Muffled by the blanket and his position underneath his desk, he could faintly hear Yu Ban Shan and Qui Hong You rustling everyone up and out the door. For some inexplicable reason, despite using every possible excuse to avoid running when he was at school, Ban Shan had taken it upon himself to lead the office in a morning run. He claimed that getting everyone running for half an hour in the morning helped get their brains switching on faster than slowly waking up in the office, but Mei suspected it had more to do with the women who also jogged along that path early in the morning. The shuffle of shoes was punctuated with yawns and groans as people stretched the kinks out of arms and legs. The futons helped the situation but the office floor really wasn't designed for sleeping on.

Unmoving, Mei stayed motionless in his cocoon, hoping that it would be a case of out of sight, out of mind. It seemed to do the trick as the echo of voices in the stairwell petered out and all that was left was the echo of an empty office. He was about to drift back off to sleep when a heavy weight landed on top of him.

"Argh!" Arms trapped in the blanket, Mei flailed his legs, trying to dislodge his attacker. There was a loud thud as he managed to push the body enough to send it bumping against the desk.


Mei froze. He knew that voice.

The blanket slowly peeled back from his head, revealing the face he'd just been missing.

"KO? What are you doinnnnng....."

The hacker's lips covered his own and Mei closed his eyes as their kiss deepened- tongues colliding and breath seemingly unnecessary. The body straddling his own kept Mei trapped under the blanket with his hands next to his chest, and he groaned with frustration when he tried to pull KO closer and discovered just how stuck he was. Unwilling to interrupt the kiss, he rolled his hips upward, trying to move his partner just enough to free his arms. When KO simply deepened their kiss, his fingers tunnelling through Mei's hair and pulling his head off the ground so his tongue could delve further into their kiss, Mei surrendered to the moment.

Unfortunately, surrender to the moment was making him hard and he couldn't help the reflexive rolling of his hips. Realising that he was resorting to dry humping, Mei pulled away from the mouth that was driving him wild.

"KO... want... you...."

Face flushed and panting with kiss swollen lips, Mei was unaware of the image he presented so the stunned look on KO's face made no sense.

"Don't just sit there... let me get my arms out...." getting no response, he rocked his hips to the side and KO slid sideways. There was enough of a gap that Mei could stretch his arms up and push the blanket down. It bunched around his waist but at least he had his arms free... and his hands free... hands which he put to good use straight away. He had KO's shirt mostly unbuttoned before the man reacted- abruptly returning to the here and now when Mei's fingers brushed against his chest.

"I just wanted to kiss you while no one was here," KO looked down at his partner as Mei's nimble fingers finished with the buttons and pushed the shirt down his arms. Only when his arms were pulled behind his back, did KO realise that Mei hadn't undone all the buttons and now he was naked from the waist up and his shirt was effectively tying his hands behind his back.

"Mei..." KO's voice was deep and full of warning, but Mei ignored it, choosing instead to concentrate on drooling over the torso laid bare before him. Did he want to start at KO's neck and kiss his way down? Or go straight for the nipples?

"Mei... what are you...." the question disappeared when Mei decided to skip the foreplay and get straight to the point. His lips and tongue teased one nipple while he rolled the other between his fingers, lightly playing with it while he savoured the first with his mouth. When he grazed the taut, sensitive bud with his teeth, KO groaned.

"Mei, we're under a desk. At work. Under a desk. Fuck. Don't undo my fly... ungh...." when Mei's fingers delved into his boxers, KO's body shuddered and his breath came in pants.

"I want you..." Fingers wrapped firmly around KO's length, Mei stretched up to nip and suck at his neck, kissing his way along the man's collarbone and up the side of his neck to beneath his ear.

Warm breath sent shivers down KO's spine when Mei gently bit at the love of his ear. "It's been too long..."

The longing in Mei's voice splintered KO's control and he pulled away as far as the desk would let him.

"You want me?"

"Yes..." the man beneath him was panting already and his eyes were dazed. "Yes. Please."

"Undo my buttons, Mei," he watched as Mei's shaking fingers finished the job he'd started and as soon as the last button slipped free he yanked his arms out of his sleeves. He had enough presence of mind to spread his shirt over the chair to avoid wrinkles- and Mei's very quickly joined it. The skinny jeans that Mei had taken to wearing- and that made KO want to tear off him every time he bent over in the office- were tossed to the side and KO was finally able to look down at his naked lover. Being completely naked seemed to have brought Mei at least partially back to his senses.

"What? We're in the office! We can't do this in the office..." Mei's voice faded as KO wrapped his hand around him and pumped him several times. "Okay... maybe we can..."

KO smiled, and for a fleeting moment Mei thought he'd never seen such a beautiful sight. "We have 25 minutes before Ban Shan lets everyone give up and return to the office. Laoda and Junior Wei Wei went for breakfast and he said he wouldn't be back for an hour... and we still have 20 minutes of that time left. Allowing time for a quick clean up..."

Mei groaned and smacked KO on the arm. "Why are you so chatty about sex? If we only have fifteen minutes then shut up and do me."

Taking Mei at his word, KO stuck his fingers in the others mouth. "We have no lube so better get these nice and wet."

He almost expected his spoiled prince to pout at him so it came as a surprise when Mei's eyes rolled back as he sucked on KO's fingers. His cock twitched. It may have been a surprise, but damn...

When Mei released his fingers, leaning back and panting with a flush colouring his cheeks, KO leaned forward and kissed him deeply before flipping him over onto his knees.


"Why not?"

"Want... ungh...." Inserting his finger into Mei's arse made it hard for the other to talk. KO smiled at the sounds his liver made as he clenched at the digits scissoring his rear open.

"What do you want?"

"Want...." Mei's head fell forward and his hips trembled as KO added a third finger. His hands grasped at the bedding, knuckles turning white. "Argh... want to see your face..."

Leaning down slightly, KO used his own saliva to wet himself before pulling his fingers free and pushing gently into prepared hole. Hands on Mei's hips, he smoothly entered until Mei's rear was trembling against his groin.

"What do you want?" He punctuated each word with a trust and felt his balls tighten when Mei shivered beneath him, hips tilting to accept him deeper.

"Want to see your face... miss it...."

Lodged firmly between Mei's thighs, KO shuffled them sideways until the desk no longer restricted movement. With both in their knees, he slowly pulled Mei upright until the younger man's back was leaning against his chest. Fingers gentle, he turned Mei's head to look at him before taking his mouth in a kiss. At the same time, he rocked his hips and felt Mei's arse clamp around him, pulling him in to the heat. Mei sobbed into the kiss and KO let go of his face, dropping his hand down to his partner's groin. When his fingers wrapped around Mei and he pumped him in time to thrusts in his arse, the younger man's trembles grew stronger and his kiss hotter.

Now it was Mei urging them on- Mei who was reaching behind to dig fingers into KO's hip and pull him closer, harder, faster.

It had been too long for either of them and with a shout that was muffled by their kiss, both came... hard. Mei coated KO's hand while KO shot in side Mei.

Panting, they stayed kneeling in a sort of postcoital limbo before the rumble of truck passing outside jerked them to their senses.

"How long? Shit! Quick... pull out... no... don't...." when KO started to move liquid started to trickle down Mei's leg. "If you move then it will come out and the smell..."

"Won't they be able to smell you anyway?"

"It looks like you caught it all."


Slightly amused at the turn Mei's mind had taken, KO grabbed his shirt off the chair.

"I need a clean shirt anyway so just use this until you get to the showers."

Face bright red, Mei grabbed the shirt but his grumble was lost in a moan as KO slowly eased himself free.

It was a slightly awkward pair that made it into the office showers without leaving a trail behind them, and both cleaned up as quickly as possible. By tacit agreement they kept their hands to themselves and once KO was dressed he disappeared into the office and left Mei to finish showering on his own. Not for the first time, Mei thanked the previous tenants for installing a bathroom. He was drying his hair with a towel when the clatter of voices in the stairwell heralded the return of the others. Inspecting himself in the mirror he hopes that what they'd just participated in was not written all over his face, took a deep breath and headed out.

To his surprise, KO was curled under the desk, face peaceful in sleep. Ban Shan joined him as he looked down at the oblivious hacker. "Eh... he's asleep. Once I realised neither of you had joined us, I thought we'd return to find you to going at it like rabbits."

Mei smacked his friend over the head. "Who's a rabbit? Perverted old man."

Ban Shan jostled him back and the pair wrestled for a moment before pulling apart and heading to their work stations.

Phew. Mei shook his head. He was never going to tell Ban Shan how close he'd come to being right... never.

Still, he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck, I'm feeling surprisingly refreshed. Guess that was the inspiration I needed... bring on those codes.

9 days, 12 hours, and 17 minutes until D-Day.