To be a Hero pt 2

The thoroughfare that Suyin navigated earlier now teemed with a lively throng of courtesans, their voices weaving a seductive symphony that beckoned passing men to indulge in the pleasures awaiting them within the confines of the brothels.

Suyin blended seamlessly into the bustling crowd, her steps measured and deliberate as she endeavored to modulate her voice, coaxing it into a deeper timbre than her natural pitch.

Nestled securely within the folds of her sleeve, a small white porcelain bottle served as a silent guardian, its contents a clandestine concoction stolen from the shelves of a medical shop before her foray into the crimson-lit district.

Though she silently vowed to reimburse the herbalist for her acquisition, Suyin understood the necessity of her clandestine cargo in safeguarding her well-being amidst the labyrinthine alleys of vice and desire.

"Step right in, handsome," a woman bedecked in delicate finery called out to Suyin, her voice a honeyed entreaty that fluttered through the air like a whispered promise.

Suyin halted before the entrance of the establishment, the bold proclamation of its name emblazoned in crimson letters against a backdrop of darkened timber. "XINYI HOST INN." With a practiced ease born of necessity, Suyin accepted the invitation, crossing the threshold into a world suffused with the heady scent of wine and the raucous clamor of revelry.

Men cavorted with abandon, their laughter mingling with the melodic strains of feminine laughter and flirtatious banter that echoed throughout the crowded confines of the establishment. "Welcome, young sir!" A matronly figure approached Suyin, her countenance a mask of practiced warmth as she surveyed the newcomer with a discerning gaze.

"You seem unfamiliar with our humble abode. Might I assist you in selecting a companion for the evening? Perhaps someone of gentle disposition, or perchance a more... refined beauty to suit your tastes?"

Her words dripped with the honeyed allure of persuasion, each syllable a carefully crafted invitation to partake in the pleasures that awaited within the clandestine chambers of the inn.

Fortunate indeed was the pair's financial preparedness, a testament to Suyin's diligent savings and Areum's prudent management of their resources.

With a substantial sum at their disposal, Suyin resolved to utilize this opportunity not only for their own safety but also to extend a lifeline to the helpless souls ensnared in the clutches of malevolence. "Ah, yes. I'm open to any recommendation you might have," Suyin replied, her voice pitched low to maintain the illusion of masculinity, though her smile bore the weight of concealed apprehension.

Casting a furtive glance towards the upper floor, her gaze alighted upon a familiar figure descending the staircase—a man whose presence ignited a spark of recognition within her mind.

"It's him," she silently affirmed, committing his visage to memory before redirecting her attention to the matronly figure who presented a young woman for her consideration. "Thank you kindly," Suyin murmured, exchanging a discreet transfer of funds with the elderly proprietress before allowing herself to be led forward by her chosen companion.

However, as they neared the staircase, a sudden interruption halted their progress in its tracks. Huang Liwei's leisurely descent brought him into close proximity to Suyin, her heart seizing in her chest as she stood frozen in his shadow.

With bated breath, she watched him ascend the stairs once more, a shiver of trepidation coursing through her veins like a cold current. "Ah..." Suyin's hands instinctively sought her abdomen, feigning discomfort as a ploy to buy herself time and distance from the encroaching danger.

Drawing upon a lifetime of practiced deception, honed through countless fibs spun to evade the scrutiny of her parents in years past, she summoned forth a convincing display of distress.

"My stomach... it aches," she murmured, her voice strained with feigned agony as she doubled over slightly, her eyes never straying from Huang Liwei's retreating form. In response, her escort approached with a mixture of concern and curiosity etched upon her features, her fingers tracing a seductive path across Suyin's abdomen as she inquired, "Are you quite all right?"

Suyin's pulse quickened as the escort's touch skated perilously close to her chest, a surge of panic threatening to overwhelm her composure.

With wide eyes and a trembling resolve, she hastily interjected, her voice tinged with an anxious urgency.

"I-I'm fine!" she stammered, her words tumbling out in a rush of nervous energy. "Just a quick trip to the restroom, nothing more... ha-ha."

A nervous laugh punctuated her words as she gently nudged the woman's hands away, her heart hammering against her ribs in a frantic rhythm.

"I'll manage on my own, thank you," she added, her tone a blend of forced cheerfulness and thinly veiled desperation. Relief washed over Suyin as the escort acquiesced to her request, though a flicker of confusion danced across the woman's features at her sudden insistence on solitude.

"Are you certain?" she queried, her brow furrowing with concern.

"Absolutely," Suyin affirmed with a reassuring smile, her facade of calm masking the turbulent tempest of thoughts swirling within her mind.

"Why don't you wait for me upstairs? I'll join you shortly," she suggested, guiding the bewildered escort towards the staircase with a gentle hand on her arm. With a hesitant nod, the woman ascended the steps, leaving Suyin alone amidst the thronging masses below.

Clutching her abdomen in a pretense of discomfort, Suyin seized the opportunity to scour her surroundings in search of any semblance of a clue.

Time was of the essence, the bustling chaos of the inn offering both cover and constraint in equal measure. Determined to uncover the truth hidden within the labyrinthine corridors of the establishment, Suyin slipped through the swinging doors of the kitchen, her presence unnoticed amidst the frenetic activity that engulfed the bustling workspace.

As the frenzied pace of the kitchen engulfed the bustling space, Suyin seized the fleeting moment of opportunity with a deft grace born of necessity.

Concealed behind the veil of a nearby table, she swiftly retrieved the vial of powder, her fingers working with practiced efficiency to remove the stopper and release its contents into the waiting vessels of wine and meat.

The chef, oblivious to her clandestine activities, remained ensconced in his culinary domain, his attention consumed by the alchemy of flavors unfolding upon his sizzling pans. With her task completed in haste, Suyin retreated from the kitchen's chaotic embrace, her heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and determination.

The lobby beckoned, a haven of relative calm amidst the tempestuous currents of revelry that swept through the inn. --- In the tranquility of their secluded chamber, Suyin and her escort found themselves in a bubble of serenity, a stark contrast to the tumultuous fervor that engulfed the rest of the establishment.

The escort, her demeanor marked by a petulant pout, retreated to the shadows, nursing her wounded pride as Suyin assumed her solitary vigil at the table. With a calculated finesse, Suyin clandestinely sprinkled a measure of powder into her tea, the subtle motion obscured by the swirling depths of the liquid as it dissolved into obscurity.

Her invitation, laced with an air of congeniality, danced upon the air, beckoning her companion to partake in a toast of celebration.

"Dear lady, join me in a toast to the fortuitous encounter that has brought us together," Suyin entreated, her guise as a man lending an air of charismatic allure beneath the soft glow of the nearby lamp.

Mesmerized by the unexpected attention bestowed upon her, the lady's countenance softened, a bloom of delight unfurling across her features as she accepted the invitation with eager anticipation.

"I will, your lordship," she murmured, her voice carrying a subtle undertone of deference and mischief as she plucked the delicate teacup from Suyin's grasp.

With a sly smile, she raised the cup in a silent toast before tipping it back, draining its contents in a single audacious gulp. The tea, once fragrant and warm, now only echoed the cool porcelain against her lips.

"Shall I accompany you tonight at the bed tonight, my lord?" Her words danced with a teasing lilt, a playful invitation that lingered in the air like the scent of jasmine. Suyin's response was composed, her demeanor unruffled as she met her gaze with quiet assurance.

"You may go ahead on the bed first and get ready. I will be sitting here for a while."

Her words were measured, a calm directive that belied the subtle anticipation humming beneath the surface. With a gleam of anticipation in her eyes, the escort sprang into action, her movements fluid as she glided toward the bed.

Each motion was deliberate, a tantalizing unveiling of layers that hinted at the promise of what was to come. As Suyin silently counted the passing seconds, her gaze never wavering, anticipation thrummed through him like a steady drumbeat.

Sixty seconds ticked by, each one echoing with the anticipation of what was to come. Then, with a swift and practiced motion, Suyin turned his attention to the slumbering figure on the bed.

A triumphant grin spread across her face as she watched the escort form sink into unconsciousness, a testament to the efficacy of her careful planning. With measured steps, Suyin approached the bed, her movements deliberate as he leaned in close.

"Young miss? Are you awake?" Her words were soft, barely a whisper as if she feared disturbing her delicate slumber. But there was no response, only the gentle rise and fall of her breath as she slept on, oblivious to the events unfolding around her.

With a sigh, Suyin tucked her in beneath the covers, a gesture of remorse mingled with resolve. "I apologize for what I have done," she murmured, her voice tinged with regret as she settled into a seat beside the bed.

For a moment, she sat in silence, her gaze fixed on the sleeping figure before her, a silent vigil amidst the quiet of the brothel. Outside, the clamor of earlier had faded into the hushed stillness of the night. With cautious steps, Suyin ventured to the doorway, her senses alert to the slightest sound.

But there was nothing, only the creak of the wooden floor beneath her feet, a solitary echo in the silence of the night.

Suyin's smirk widened as she surveyed the dormant scene within the brothel's chambers.

The air was heavy with the sweet scent of sleeping powder, its potent embrace having lulled all within its reach into a state of blissful oblivion.

With a sense of satisfaction tingling through her veins, she knew the time had come to set her plan into motion, to seek out those who had vanished into the night and offer them a chance at freedom. Peering down from the second floor, Suyin's gaze swept over the motionless figures below, each one a testament to the efficacy of her efforts.

Men and women alike lay strewn across the floor, their forms relaxed in the embrace of unconsciousness.

Some snored softly, while others lay still, their breaths shallow and even. With determined steps, Suyin descended the staircase, her senses attuned to the faintest sound. As she traversed the corridors of the brothel, her footsteps echoed in the hushed silence, a solitary presence amidst the stillness of the night.

"What am I missing?" Suyin mused aloud, her brow furrowed in concentration as she surveyed her surroundings.

Lost in thought, she leaned against a nearby bookshelf, unaware of the hidden mechanism lurking behind her. A sudden jolt sent her tumbling to the ground with a yelp of surprise, her pride stinging as she landed with a thud.

Rubbing her bruised posterior, she cursed under her breath before her gaze fell upon the unexpected sight before her—a secret passageway concealed behind the bookshelf, its entrance beckoning her with whispered promises of revelation.

With a sense of urgency driving her forward, Suyin plunged into the darkness of the hidden passage, her footsteps echoing against the narrow walls.

A single candle cast flickering shadows, guiding her toward her destination with an eerie glow. The cries of desperation grew louder as she neared the dungeon, each plea for help tugging at her heartstrings.

Pushing forward, she emerged into the dim light of the cell, where a group of women lay huddled on the cold stone floor. Their faces bore the marks of suffering, their eyes pleading for salvation as they clung to the rusted bars that caged them in.

"Please, help us," one of them begged, her voice trembling with fear and exhaustion. "We haven't eaten in days." Suyin's heart clenched at the sight of their plight, a surge of determination coursing through her veins.

"The leader planned to take us to the Long territory," another woman explained, her voice barely above a whisper.

"To the old man's home. Please, you must help us." With a solemn nod, Suyin vowed to be their champion, to lead them out of the darkness and into the light of freedom. With each clanging of the cell door, she felt the weight of their gratitude, a reminder of the power of compassion in the face of adversity.

"Okay. Well... here. Let me think." Two of the guards slumbered heavily, their bodies sprawled in careless abandon, an empty jug of wine lying discarded at their feet.

Suyin's lips curled into a triumphant smirk as she surveyed the scene, a silent testament to the folly of complacency.

"That's what you get," she muttered under her breath, her fingers deftly plucking the keys from their belts before darting toward the cell door with purposeful haste. With a quick twist of the key, the heavy lock yielded to her touch, its metallic protest drowned out by the rush of anticipation coursing through her veins.

"There. Now hurry and leave! They should be getting up soon," she urged, her voice urgent as she ushered the freed women toward the exit. The women spilled out into the dimly lit hallway, their footsteps echoing against the cold stone floor as they fled toward the promise of freedom.

But two of them remained seated, their weary forms too depleted to rise from the damp confines of their prison. Inside the cell, the air hung heavy with the scent of neglect, the musty odor mingling with the stench of desperation.

There was no trace of sustenance, no glimmer of hope to sustain them in their darkest hour. Determined to see them to safety, Suyin knelt beside the women, her arms encircling them in a gesture of support.

"Come on, you guys have to survive and live," she urged, her voice soft but resolute as she guided them toward the light that beckoned from beyond the confines of their captivity. With each faltering step, the women leaned heavily against her, their strength waning with each passing moment.

But Suyin refused to falter, her determination unwavering as she guided them through the narrow passageway and into the lobby beyond. "Thank you, Mr. Hero. I shall never forget this," the woman on Suyin's right murmured, her voice trembling with gratitude as she clung to Suyin's side. "As long as you guys are okay, that's all I'm asking for," Suyin replied, her smile a beacon of reassurance amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf them.


As Suyin hurriedly ushered the girls into the safety of the alleyway, the din of voices from the inn swelled into a crescendo of panicked chatter, the air thick with the scent of impending danger.

With every ounce of her strength, she bore the weight of the two girls, their trembling forms a testament to the trials they had endured. As if summoned by fate, several of the girls who had fled earlier emerged from the shadows, their eyes wide with fear as they rushed to lend their aid.

Together, they formed a makeshift barrier, shielding the weary girls from prying eyes as Suyin stood sentinel before them. "You guys can hurry and go now," Suyin urged, her voice a steady anchor amidst the chaos that threatened to engulf them.

The distant clash of swords echoed through the night, a grim reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond their sanctuary. "Hurry, before they come out!" "Thank you, Hero," one of the girls whispered, her voice choked with emotion as tears welled in her eyes. Suyin felt a pang of discomfort at the title, a reminder of the guise she wore in this perilous game of deception. "No problem. You guys have to make it back home safe and sound and never come back near here," Suyin reassured them, her words a solemn vow to safeguard their freedom at any cost.

With a final nod of gratitude, the girls dashed off into the night, leaving Suyin to confront the looming threat that drew ever closer. "Find them!"

The command reverberated through the alleyway, a chilling reminder of the perilous game of cat and mouse that now unfolded around them.

Suyin tensed, her senses on high alert as she prepared to face whatever fate awaited her. But as she turned to confront the approaching footsteps, her heart skipped a beat as she collided with a familiar figure, his presence both unexpected and unwelcome.

For a fleeting moment, Suyin's hand instinctively reached for the vial of sleeping powder at her side, her mind racing with thoughts of defense. Yet as she met his gaze, recognition dawned upon her, a flood of conflicting emotions swirling within her chest.

"You--" Suyin's words froze in her throat as she met the man's hostile gaze, a chill radiating from him that seemed to pierce straight through her.

It was Yi Tienzheng, unmistakable in his demeanor, a harbinger of danger in the darkness of the alley. "Y-You!" Suyin's voice trembled with the urge to call out his name, but before she could utter a sound, his hand clamped over her mouth, pulling her into the shelter of his chest with a strength that stole her breath away.

In an instant, her feet left the ground as Qin Fuhua lifted them skyward, soaring toward the safety of the rooftop. Below, the group of men surged through the alley, their weapons gleaming in the dim light as they scoured the shadows for any sign of their quarry.

"They shouldn't be far!" one of them shouted, his voice echoing off the walls as they raced onward in pursuit. "Mrmphlph?" Suyin's attempt at speech was muffled by Qin Fuhua's firm grip, her words lost in the fabric of his clothes as she struggled against his hold.

With each attempt to speak, he tightened his embrace, pressing her closer to him until she feared she might suffocate beneath the weight of his grip. "Stapheitoricantbreathe," she managed to gasp, her words garbled and faint as she surrendered to the futility of resistance.

With a silent nod of understanding, she fell silent, her face buried against his chest as they hung suspended in the night air. Around them, the clamor of footsteps and shouted commands filled the air, a cacophony of noise that threatened to drown out all reason.

But Qin Fuhua remained calm and composed, his steady presence a beacon of reassurance amidst the chaos that raged below. With each passing moment, Suyin prayed for the tumult to subside, for the safety of those she had sworn to protect.

"Someone had poisoned all of us!" Suyin's grin widened as the chaos of the inn below reached her ears, a symphony of confusion and panic that played out beneath the canopy of the night.

The irony of poisoning them with the sleeping powder was not lost on her, and she could almost feel the laughter bubbling up inside her, if only Qin Fuhua's unyielding grip would allow it. "You did this?" Qin Fuhua's voice cut through the tumult, his tone tinged with a hint of admiration that caught Suyin off guard.

She could feel his head lowering toward hers, his presence a looming shadow in the darkness that surrounded them. With a nod of confirmation, she acknowledged her hand in the orchestrated chaos below. Finally released from his grasp, Suyin took a moment to catch her breath, her chest heaving as she cast a reproachful glance at Qin Fuhua.

"You held me so tight, I couldn't even breathe!" she whispered, her words a half-hearted complaint against the strength of his grip.

But Qin Fuhua offered no reaction, his stoic demeanor unchanged by her protestations. As the adrenaline of the moment began to ebb away, Suyin's thoughts turned inward, a furrow forming between her brows as she grappled with a nagging question. How had Qin Fuhua known her true identity, when she was clearly disguised as a man? "How did you know it was me?" Suyin's inquiry hung in the air, her confusion mirrored in the depths of her gaze as she searched for answers in the enigmatic figure before her. "There was a commotion about this beautiful lady with plain clothes, walking down to every medical shop and getting kicked out," Qin Fuhua replied, his voice devoid of emotion as he recounted his discovery. "I was forced to follow you since you have something that I still need back." Suyin's mind raced as she pieced together the puzzle before her.

The jade of the dragon, a relic of his, still lay hidden in her possession, a prized possession borrowed by Qin Fuhua.

Qin Fuhua's declaration echoed through the room, each word tinged with a weight that seemed to hang in the air like a heavy fog. His assertion sliced through the silence, leaving an unsettled tension in its wake. His words were all a lie to her at that moment. The enigmatic woman possessed an aura of intrigue that set her apart from the rest.

It was something Qin Fuhua could discern, an intangible quality that whispered of secrets yet unveiled. Alongside her formidable medical prowess, there was another enigma that puzzled him relentlessly: the delicate fragrance of magnolia that enveloped her like an ethereal cloak. His master's cryptic words had hinted at the significance of magnolia blossoms in guiding toward a brighter tomorrow, yet Qin Fuhua found himself grappling with their true meaning.

"Flowers of magnolia will guide for a better future."

Magnolias were a rarity within the Qin clan's domain, their delicate blooms struggling to thrive amidst the harshness of the arid soil and parched atmosphere.

"Sorry. Um... it's back at the inn..." Suyin's sheepish admission drew a small smile from Qin Fuhua, though his curiosity remained unabated.

Her apology was met with a gentle nod, understanding her absorption in the rescue mission that had consumed her attention. "Did you notice anything... unusual?" Qin Fuhua's inquiry bore into Suyin with an intensity that brooked no evasion. His gaze held a gravity that hinted at deeper motives, a seriousness tempered by an underlying urgency. "Anything at all?" The insistence in his voice conveyed the importance of his query, prompting Suyin to meet his gaze with a newfound understanding.

She comprehended the purpose behind his unexpected presence, realizing his intent to explore the depths of the basement thwarted by the chaos she had inadvertently caused. "No scrolls? No keys?" Qin Fuhua pressed gently, seeking confirmation of his suspicions. Suyin shook her head, offering reassurance that her reconnaissance had yielded no discoveries of note.

"I didn't notice anything particularly unusual... except for the fact that they were kidnapping girls!" Suyin's voice carried a tinge of lingering anger, her frustration palpable at the thought of innocent lives being snatched away.

Qin Fuhua's expression mirrored her distress, his features etched with concern and a hint of resolve. "Very well then, I'll escort you back to your inn. Once you return my dragon jade, our business will conclude," Qin Fuhua proposed, his tone firm yet tinged with a sense of urgency. Suyin readily acquiesced, eager to relinquish the jade that had unwittingly drawn unwanted attention from the guards. She harbored no desire to prolong her possession of the valuable artifact, especially considering the perilous circumstances surrounding its retrieval.

And she certainly had no intention of divulging the jade's inadvertent tumble to the ground; some secrets were best kept buried. Guided by Suyin's directions, Qin Fuhua whisked her away across the rooftops with practiced ease, navigating the labyrinthine streets of the city with a fluid grace.

As they descended to solid ground, their journey culminated outside the inn where Suyin had taken refuge. Meanwhile, within the confines of the inn's kitchen, a sinister presence loomed.

Weizhe turned from his culinary endeavors to regard the plates before him with a malevolent smirk. "It seems the time has come, Your Highness," Weizhe muttered to himself, his voice a sinister whisper laced with anticipation.