The Sweet Fragrance

Weizhe's POV

The plates of rice with stir-fried vegetables, rice, and broth were left with bits of crumbs by the time the dishes returned from the lobby. Weizhe would offer a drink (which was poisoned with scorpion powder that would temporarily paralyze everyone) to the workers around the house in disguise as the chef.

He was able to knock the original cook unconscious and "borrow" his clothes to be in disguise so he wouldn't stand out from the crowd. It was a perilous, yet simple mission that Weizhe was ordered to do.

It was wise of Qin Fuhua to recognize Suyin in the attire of a man (and her fragrance) when she stepped into the inn. He detected her from their roof but didn't attempt to make a move to cause a commotion. He ordered Weizhe to keep an eye on the troublesome girl in case anything goes down.

Suyin's sleeping powder was effective, but it wasn't sufficient enough for them to sleep so long. Without the aid of Weizhe's scorpion powder blown with a pipe into all of the rooms, they would have already been up and running. It was planned for the guards hiding in their secret den to not use the scorpion powder, thus the chaos of the guards chasing to find the culprit.

Besides that, the customers were practically frozen stiff in their sleep (sleep paralysis) for a good 30 minutes. With all of the guards and Huang Liwei out of the inn to find the criminal, it was accessible for Weizhe to finish his mission that was entrusted by Qin Fuhua.


Suyin's POV

After Suyin retrieved the Jade of the dragon from her room, she casually skipped outside of the inn, wearing a plain attire. A peach white pure robe with a bun bouncing on top of her hair as small strands of hair fell at the side of her face. She stuck out her hand, revealing her right palm to show the jade of the dragon lying in the middle.

"Here," Suyin leaned in closer to the Qin Fuhua, "did the Prince not come with you?" She asked Qin Fuhua, who took the jade out of her hand immediately right after. He disregarded her, marching back down the road in the dark.

"W-Wait!" Suyin took one step, her words stuttering because she wanted some answers from him. Qin Fuhua turned to Suyin. His presence and gaze could stare through her soul. She halted, stiff as a stick. Qin

Fuhua then spun to head back to Weizhe.

"T-Thank you!" Suyin blurted out.

It felt that every time she was in trouble, this man would come and save her miraculously. Call her lucky, but without him, she would have been dead already.

Qin Fuhua paused for a second to glance at her from the corner of his eyes. He didn't respond to her, only raising his left hand with the jade of the dragon. "I only came for the jade of the dragon. More than ever, you were practically in the way." Qin Fuhua responded.

Suyin furrowed her eyebrows with a pouted expression.

"In the way?!" She could only hear all the excuses that he could make up if he lingered. It was good that he wasn't there anymore, otherwise, she would have been annoyed by him.

It did bother her that he appeared out of nowhere, but Suyin was not in the right position to be nosey and get her nose into something that wasn't her problem. Annoyed, she stomped off back into the inn to stay with Areum.


Qin Fuhua's POV

Qin Fuhua rested on top of the rooftop back at the Xinyu brothel, patiently waiting for Weizhe to come back with the items that he had requested him to "borrow." It was impressive enough for the male to find Suyin at the brothel of all places. He leaned back under the night stars. The moon appeared to look bigger in the dark skies as the stars dimly lit. With a cup of rice wine held with his right hand, he calmly sipped once or twice, appreciating the taste and flavor.

"A Bit Of Fragrance Clings To The Hand That Gives Flowers*"

***In life, the art of giving is important. It is often said that by helping others, the person on the giving end will feel a little of what the person on the receiving hand feels.

His mind was filled with Suyin, who risked her life to save others. Even his men in the battlefield wouldn't be daring like her, who was hard-headed and determined.

"Master." Weizhe hopped to the rooftop, kneeling with his hands cupped in front of him. At the corner of Qin Fuhua's eyes, he could see that Weizhe came back with nothing but a mere face of defeat. "I apologize for failing. There was no sight of the key shaped like a rose anywhere in the brothel." Qin Fuhua lowered his cup and then placed it on the tile, reflecting on the location of the key.

"While the commotion with Suyin's presence and the girls running away, do you think that one of those ladies was actually an agent?" Qin Fuhua muttered. Weizhe paused at Qin Fuhua's words, absorbing in his theory.

"Maybe you're right. The last time we came here, I remember seeing Liwei holding a key to his waist when he traveled to the brothel, but when he came back out that day, the key wasn't with him anymore." Weizhe agreed, rubbing his chin with his index finger. "Your Highness, do you think that Suyin has anything to do with the key?" He speculated that Suyin may have known that the key shaped like a rose led to one of the most precious and rare herbs known in the territory of Qin.

This herb was known as the 100-year-old- Hong Teng. The herb was a Sargentodoxa vine that would be used to temporarily cure the Princess's muscle pain that she had been enduring for two years now and Qin Fuhua had been desperate to find the cure to save her. She was his precious little sister that was the only light in his life. He was prepared to risk his life to save hers if he had to.

"No. I don't think she understands how dangerous the brothel is, for her to go in as a man defenseless." Qin Fuhua gripped the cup of rice wine tighter this time, angered that he didn't find what he needed. It was a waste of his time and was a hassle to go through all of this to figure out that someone had stolen it. Although Suyin was smart, she wasn't someone who would just go in head-on. Having the key in your possession was dangerous, and Qin Fuhua understood how dangerous the location of the 100-year-old Hong Teng would be.


Back to the POV of Suyin

Three days passed since Suyin saved the ladies from the brothel. Areum and Suyin needed to find a job so that they would have an income, but there was no luck due to Suyin's will to learn medicine also. The income that Suyin and Areum came with was slowly running out. They could only stay in their inn for another day and needed money if they wanted to stay there longer.

Rumors circulated about a lady who was desperate to study and work in a medicine shop, and many had recognized Suyin as the person. She was often ridiculed and looked down upon by various of low-lives men.

The women, on the other hand, wordlessly gave her their support with their eyes of sympathy. Areum went to the other side of the place to find a job while Suyin was out on the streets scanning around for vegetables with an empty, brown basket on her elbow until a tall, muscular man obstructed her path.

"What are you doing?" Suyin warned at the man, who mocked her.

"You little ant. You think that you have the power and ability to do anything you want in here? Who do you think you are?" The man defied, his hands on his hips with a cocky character to his face. He was a muscular man, about six feet tall, who wore nothing but a thin shirt. He wasn't a nobleman for sure, and he appeared to be nothing but a little, unknown soldier that patrolled the streets.

"I heard about someone who was brave enough to scatter around here to learn about medicine. Is that you?" He bent forward to Suyin, who lowered her knees so she would avoid his hideous face. She laughed, browsing around her. A crowd of people began gathering up the scene, engaged in the two.

"It seems like I'm a little well known here already?" Suyin returned with a convinced tone. She shifted her feet to move aside from the man that stood in front of her. "To have someone find me because of the rumors they heard, oh how dearly impressed I am." She sarcastically stated, placing her right hand to her forehead, pretending to be a vulnerable, little woman.

"You---" He took one step ahead, recoiling Suyin's response. "You think that I wouldn't dare to hurt you?!" He lifted up his hand, clenching into a fist.

"Hurting a woman because of the words that seem to pierce through you like an arrow? A man who appears scary to others due to his physical appearance is actually hurt by that?" Suyin giggled, covering her mouth as his face turned bright red.

His clenched fist was shaking with Suyin's word literally through him. Suyin really blew it this time.

"How dare you!" His fist flew towards Suyin, who dodged his fist and swiftly grabbed a jar of wine from the table a couple of feet near her and slammed it on his head. The man was soaked in wine and dropped down on the dirt, dazed from the impact on his head.

"M-My wine!" The customer cried. Suyin apologized with a bow to her head and handed them the last of her money. She promptly scurried off as the crowd dispersed, walking back to do their usual business.

"Great. The last of my money." Suyin let out a sigh, racing back to the inn after paying the customer. She was bummed out that she couldn't find any way to learn their medicine and find a way to make money. It was hard enough as a woman to be looked down upon due to their gender, and Suyin was hoping to beat that. At all cost, she felt that maybe they (the men) were right about a woman's destiny to stay at home and bear children.

Right before she turned to a corner to head back to Areum at the inn, a figure popped out of nowhere in front of her, startling her. She jumped back, recognizing the man that blocked her way. It was the person earlier! His head was now bandaged up and gave her a big grin, ready to swallow her whole if he could.


"You think that you can just hurt me and leave like that?" The man cut Suyin off from her words, stepping in closer to Suyin's personal space. "Just because you are a woman does not mean anything to us!" He clenched Suyin's wrist, squeezing it along the process. "You hurt my pride and my dignity, what should I do with that?" He observed Suyin from the bottom to the top with a smirk on his face, which made Suyin afraid. She tried her best to let herself free from his grasp but he was too strong for her to even move an inch.

"What the hell are you gonna do?" Suyin hissed at the male, attempting to break free with every ounce of struggle.

"Hm... what do I have here now?" Another voice called out from the darkness.

"Tienzheng?!" Suyin's eyes lit up with a hopeful expression that he was coming to help her. The silhouette came out of the darkness, showing a figure of a beautiful man.

"I-It's you!" Suyin cried out. The man was the person that Suyin had suspected when he first emerged at the abandoned house near the plum blossom trees. He credited his family was learning and are experts in medicine, but Suyin felt that it was too good to be true.

"What do you want?! This is none of your damn business!" The man cautioned the male beauty who laughed at his comment.

"That's kind of funny, considering the fact that this woman is someone that I am actually quite interested in." Wansun held a fan with his right hand, fanning himself composed as ever.

"If you don't get out of here soon, I'm going to kill you." The man threated Wansun, who bluntly snubbed his threats. Wansun closed in the gap between the man and Suyin, causing the man to take a small step back because of his boldness. Wansun gently touched the man's shoulders.

Right as the man swung his fist at Wansun, he evaded and sprayed some white powder that came out from the palm of his hands. The man froze in place, unable to move a single inch of his body. Taking the chance, Suyin hurried to the side as she watched the scene unfold.

"If you move a single inch starting from now to thirty minutes, the yin and yang in your body will begin to fight against each other, causing your blood and nerves to go to an unimaginable breakdown in the brain." Wansun then gave a hard pat to his back, then shifted his attention to Suyin, whose face was pale white.

"What the hell have I gotten into?!" Suyin thought to herself. She was glad that this person didn't have anything against her otherwise, she'd be dead from his poison just like the other guy standing near them.

He grinned at Suyin, ushering her to come over to him. With a cautious mindset, Suyin slowly walked towards Wansun. She didn't want him to do the same thing to her if she didn't listen to him, after all, he was the scariest one at the moment.

Wansun chuckled at her frightened appearance, deciding if he should just approach her with fear or kindness since she was skeptical of him.

[Weizhe's POV]

The plates, once brimming with steaming rice and vibrant stir-fried vegetables, now lay abandoned on the table, remnants of crumbs clinging to their edges like vestiges of a vanished feast.

As the dishes made their return journey from the lobby, the bustling kitchen fell under the clandestine influence of Weizhe's machinations.

Disguised as the chef, Weizhe adeptly slipped into his role, seamlessly blending in with the kitchen staff as he set about his sinister task.

With a deft hand, he administered the lethal dose of scorpion powder to a seemingly innocuous beverage, each drop laden with the promise of temporary paralysis. His subterfuge extended further as he incapacitated the original cook, rendering him unconscious and borrowing his attire to maintain his facade of anonymity.

It was a precarious yet straightforward assignment, one that Weizhe executed with chilling precision, heedful of the consequences of failure. Meanwhile, high above the bustling streets, Qin Fuhua's keen senses detected Suyin's presence as she entered the inn, her disguise as a man failing to conceal her from his discerning gaze. Despite his awareness, Qin Fuhua refrained from intervening, opting instead to observe from afar, a silent sentinel in the shadows. His directive to Weizhe was clear: keep a vigilant watch over the troublesome girl, poised to intervene should the need arise.

And arise it did, as Suyin's sleeping powder wrought its intended effect, though insufficient to ensure a prolonged slumber.

It was Weizhe's deadly concoction of scorpion powder, dispersed through the inn via a concealed pipe, that plunged the unsuspecting patrons into a state of temporary paralysis, rendering them helpless and inert, too. With the guards and Huang Liwei diverted by the chaos erupting throughout the inn, Weizhe seized the opportunity to fulfill his clandestine mission, a task entrusted to him by Qin Fuhua himself.

Amidst the pandemonium of guards scouring for the elusive culprit, Weizhe moved with calculated stealth, his actions shrouded in the cloak of darkness as he pursued his sinister agenda to its grim conclusion.


[Suyin's POV]

After deftly retrieving the precious Jade of the Dragon from the confines of her room, Suyin emerged from the quaint inn, her demeanor as unassuming as her attire.

Clad in a simple yet elegant peach-white robe, its purity accentuated by the bun atop her head, strands of hair cascading delicately over her features. With a casual grace, she extended her hand, the jade nestled within her palm like a hidden treasure revealed. "Here," Suyin leaned in, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity as she addressed Qin Fuhua. Yet, her query was met with swift action as Qin Fuhua snatched the jade away, his attention already drifting back into the night-shrouded road. "W-Wait!" Suyin's plea stuttered forth, her desire for answers palpable in the air.

Qin Fuhua turned, his gaze piercing, seeming to penetrate her very soul.

Frozen in place, Suyin stood, her body tense as she awaited his response. With a decisive turn, Qin Fuhua resumed his journey toward Weizhe. "T-Thank you!" The words spilled from Suyin's lips, a mixture of gratitude and perhaps a touch of awe.

Each encounter with him felt like a stroke of luck, a miraculous intervention preventing her from meeting a dire fate. For a fleeting moment, Qin Fuhua paused, casting a sidelong glance in her direction. His reply was as cold as the night air, his raised hand bearing the jade serving as a stark reminder of his singular purpose.

"I came solely for the Jade of the Dragon. Your presence was, if anything, an impediment," he stated matter-of-factly. Furrowing her brows, Suyin couldn't help but pout in frustration.

"In the way?!" Her incredulous tone echoed in the empty space he left behind.

It was a relief, in a way, that he departed swiftly, sparing her from further annoyance. Though his sudden appearances did ruffle her feathers, Suyin knew better than to pry into matters beyond her own concerns. With a huff of irritation, she turned on her heel, retreating back into the welcoming embrace of the inn, seeking solace in the company of Areum.


[Qin Fuhua's POV]

Perched atop the rooftop of the Xinyu brothel, Qin Fuhua exuded an air of patience, his form silhouetted against the backdrop of the night sky.

With a calculated calmness, he awaited Weizhe's return, the anticipation of the items he had requested lending a subtle tension to the air.

It was a testament to Weizhe's resourcefulness that he had managed to locate Suyin amidst the labyrinthine corridors of the brothel. As he reclined under the vast expanse of twinkling stars, the moon cast its ethereal glow, casting an enchanting aura over the scene. With a delicate cup of rice wine cradled in his grasp, Qin Fuhua indulged in its subtle complexities, each sip a moment of quiet contemplation. "A Bit Of Fragrance Clings To The Hand That Gives Flowers." The ancient adage resonated within his thoughts, a reminder of the significance of altruism and the profound connection between giver and receiver.

In Suyin, he saw a rare embodiment of this ethos, her selfless acts leaving an indelible mark on his consciousness.

Even amidst the chaos of battle, few possessed her unwavering resolve and fearless determination. "Master." Weizhe's voice shattered the stillness of the night, his figure kneeling before Qin Fuhua with a palpable sense of contrition.

A flicker of disappointment crossed Qin Fuhua's features as Weizhe relayed his lack of success in securing the coveted item. "I apologize for failing," Weizhe's words hung heavy in the air, a testament to his unwavering loyalty despite his setback. "There was no sight of the key shaped like a rose anywhere in the brothel." Qin Fuhua set down his cup with a measured grace, his mind already racing with strategic considerations.

"While the commotion with Suyin's presence and the girls running away," he mused aloud, "do you think that one of those ladies was actually an agent?" The notion hung in the air, a tantalizing possibility that Weizhe mulled over with furrowed brows, his thoughts drifting into the realm of speculation and intrigue.


[Suyin's POV]

Three days had slipped by since Suyin's valiant rescue of the women from the clutches of the brothel. Yet, amidst the aftermath of their liberation, the pressing reality of survival loomed large for Suyin and Areum.

Despite their fervent efforts to secure employment, their search yielded no fruit. Suyin's aspiration to delve into the world of medicine only compounded their financial strain, leaving their meager savings dwindling with each passing day. As whispers of Suyin's plight circulated through the streets, she found herself subjected to the cruel taunts and jeers of the disreputable men who populated the alleyways.

Though their words cut deep, the silent solidarity of the women spoke volumes, their eyes brimming with empathy and understanding. Meanwhile, Areum traversed the labyrinthine streets in search of any opportunity that might offer respite from their dire circumstances. Left to her own devices, Suyin took to the bustling thoroughfares, a humble basket swinging from her arm as she scoured the market stalls for sustenance. It was amidst this hustle and bustle that Suyin's path intersected with that of a towering figure, his imposing stature casting a shadow over her diminutive frame.

With a wary glance, Suyin braced herself for confrontation, her voice laced with a cautious edge as she addressed the stranger. "What are you doing?" she challenged, her tone tinged with defiance. Yet, her words were met with derision as the man before she scoffed, his arrogance palpable in the curve of his lips and the swagger of his stance. "You little ant," he sneered, his disdain dripping like venom from his tongue. Do you think that you have the power and ability to do anything you want here? Who do you think you are?" He stood before her, a colossus of muscle and bravado, clad in nothing more than a threadbare shirt. There was no mistaking his station in life; he was but a nameless soldier, a face lost in the sea of anonymity that prowled the city's alleys.

Amidst the swirling chaos of the marketplace, the tension between Suyin and the burly soldier reached a crescendo as their exchange drew the attention of onlookers.

With a disdainful sneer, the soldier leaned in, his imposing frame casting a shadow over Suyin as he posed his query. "I heard about someone brave enough to scatter around here to learn about medicine. Is that you?" His words dripped with skepticism, punctuated by the mockery evident in his tone.

Yet, Suyin met his gaze with a mixture of defiance and amusement, her laughter ringing out as she feigned disinterest in his presence. "It seems like I'm a little well-known here already?" she quipped, her voice tinged with sarcasm as she deftly sidestepped his looming figure.

"To have someone find me because of the rumors they heard, oh how dearly impressed I am," she added, a wry smile playing at her lips as she assumed the role of the vulnerable ingenue. The soldier's anger flared at her audacity, his fist clenched in a display of frustration. Yet, Suyin's words pierced through his facade, her playful mockery striking a nerve he hadn't realized was exposed. "Hurting a woman because of mere words? A man of your stature, cowed by whispers in the wind?" Suyin's laughter bubbled forth, her jests stoking the flames of his indignation.

His face flushed crimson with rage, his clenched fist trembling in impotent fury. In a swift motion, his fist lashed out towards Suyin, but she was quicker still.

With a deft dodge, she seized a nearby jar of wine, its contents sloshing as she brought it crashing down upon his head. The soldier staggered back, drenched in the fragrant liquid, his senses reeling from the unexpected blow. "My wine!" cried a nearby patron, dismayed at the loss. With a contrite bow, Suyin offered her apologies, her last remaining coins offered in recompense.

As the crowd dispersed, returning to their mundane affairs, Suyin slipped away, her heart pounding with the thrill of her narrow escape.

Suyin hurried back to the inn, her heart heavy with the weight of her dwindling funds, and a sense of despondency settled over her.

Despite her efforts to carve a path for herself in the world of medicine, the obstacles seemed insurmountable, each setback reinforcing the societal limitations imposed upon her by virtue of her gender.

The taunts of the men echoed in her mind, their scornful words casting doubt upon her aspirations. Just as she rounded a corner, a familiar figure materialized before her, his presence a jarring interruption to her thoughts.

Startled, Suyin recoiled, her breath catching in her throat as she beheld the man who she threw the jar of wine earlier. His head now swathed in bandages, he wore a menacing grin, his demeanor radiating a palpable threat.

"You-" "You think that you can just hurt me and leave like that?" The man's words sliced through the air, a sharp interruption to Suyin's attempted response.

He closed the distance, invading Suyin's personal space with an unsettling presence.

"Just because you are a woman does not mean anything to us!" His grip on Suyin's wrist tightened, each movement a deliberate exertion of power.

"You've wounded my pride and dignity. What, pray tell, should I do about that?" With a smug curl to his lips, he scrutinized Suyin from head to toe, his gaze a chilling reminder of her vulnerability. Despite her efforts to escape his grasp, she found herself immobilized by his strength, unable to budge an inch. "What the hell are you gonna do?" Suyin hissed, her voice laced with defiance as she struggled against his hold with every ounce of her being. "Hm... what do we have here?"

Another voice pierced the darkness, its tone dripping with intrigue. "Tienzheng?!" Suyin's eyes widened.

Emerging from the shadows, a figure took shape, revealing the silhouette of a strikingly handsome man, although it wasn't Tienzheng, she's seen him before. "I-It's you!"

Suyin exclaimed, her voice a mixture of relief and disbelief.

This man (Wansun) was the one she had suspected from the moment he appeared at the abandoned house, but Suyin had darted off before the two could exchange a conversation with each other. "What do you want?! This is none of your damn business!" The man snapped, a warning directed at the newcomer who merely chuckled in response. "That's rather amusing, considering this woman happens to be someone I find quite intriguing." Wansun spoke with an air of nonchalance, holding a fan in his right hand and exuding a composed demeanor despite the tension crackling in the air.

"If you don't get out of here soon, I'm going to kill you." The man's threat hung in the air, heavy with malice, but Wansun dismissed it with a disdainful wave.

Closing the gap between himself and the man, Wansun's audacity caused the aggressor to instinctively take a small step back, momentarily thrown off guard. With a gentle touch to the man's shoulders, Wansun exerted a quiet authority that demanded attention. In a swift motion, as the man's fist arced towards him, Wansun deftly sidestepped, releasing a spray of fine white powder from the palm of his hand. The assailant froze in place, muscles locked in an involuntary paralysis.

Seizing the opportunity, Suyin darted to the side, her eyes fixed on the unfolding spectacle. "If you so much as twitch in the next thirty minutes, the delicate balance of yin and yang within your body will be disrupted, leading to a catastrophic breakdown of your blood and nerves within the brain," Wansun declared with chilling calmness, delivering a firm pat to the man's back before turning his attention to Suyin, whose complexion had turned ashen with fear. "What in the world have I stumbled into?"

Suyin's mind raced with panic, relief washing over her in waves as she realized she was spared from the same fate as the man now immobilized before her. Wansun's grin widened as he motioned for Suyin to approach him. With cautious steps, she edged closer, her wariness palpable in the tension of her movements. She dared not defy him, acutely aware of the danger lurking in his mysterious abilities. Observing Suyin's apprehension, Wansun pondered his approach, weighing whether to confront her with intimidation or extend an olive branch of kindness.

Clearing his throat, Wansun adopted a sardonic smile as Suyin approached him. "Ahem." With a deliberate motion, he extended his right hand to grasp her wrist, a careful balance between restraint and intimidation.

His touch was firm enough to convey authority without causing her harm, yet there lingered a subtle threat in his grip.

"You're coming with me," he declared, his words carrying a weight of inevitability as he began to lead her away. As Suyin found herself being pulled along, a surge of uncertainty swept through her. She couldn't discern whether this enigmatic man was a force for good or ill, but an instinctive intuition urged her to comply, to follow wherever he might lead.