Drop the Act

Liling woke up to a bright sunny morning. The light rays were already seeping through the window of the room. She lay there gaping at the rising sun.

She smiled remembering it was Sunday, she didn't have to go to X.

Her eyes widened when she remembered she had slept in Liu Wei's room, she sat upright immediately and quickly scanned the room for Liu Wei.

That was when she noticed that she was on Liu Wei's large bed but he was not in the room.

She quickly came down from the bed and checked the other connected rooms for him but he wasn't there.

She wondered how she, who had slept on the couch woke up on the bed and Liu Wei was not even in the room, he isn't able to walk so how did it happen? Is he alright now?

Random questions ran through her mind as she walked down the stairs, she stopped abruptly on her tracks when she saw Yan Ran coming out of the kitchen with a plate filled with fruits.