Why do I still like You?


Earlier that morning....

Liu Wei woke up around six am to an incessant ringing of his phone. He rubbed his eyes and picked up his phone from the bedside, then looked at the screen. It was his father calling.

'Why was he calling so early in the morning? '

Swiping the phone, he picked up the call.

"Son, I would be coming to your house today, be there!"

Before Liu Wei could utter a word, his father had cut the call. He stared at the screen for sometime after which, he dropped the phone by his side.

Wondering why his father wanted to come over, anytime he wanted to see him, he would invite him to the family house, he was quite surprised he wanted to come to his house.

He rubbed his eyes and turned over to the other side, his eyes immediately fell on the body on the ground.

Liling had rolled from the sofa and fallen to the ground, her long hair all over her face.