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Later that night...

"Knock knock knock... "

Liu Wei heard a light knock on his bedroom door. He was currently busy in his study and couldn't stand up at that moment.

Thinking about it, it was only Liling who could come to his room at that time of the night, so he picked up his phone which was lying abandoned on the table and called her number.

Thankfully, Liling was with her phone, so she picked his call immediately.

"Come in. "

Liu Wei said over the phone before Liling could utter a word. She mumbled an 'okay' before Liu Wei cut the call.

Turning the knob, she pushed open the door and stepped in, closing it quietly behind her.

The large bedroom was quiet and dark, but Liling could hear some noise emanating from the study room, which was connected to the bedroom and the rays of light from it were reflecting in the bedroom.

Liling walked over to the study and stepped in quietly.

"Hi! "