Put the phone down!

Liu Wei was speechless, dumbfounded and surprised. His cheeks burned with embarrassment as he watched her.

The woman infront of him was smiling brightly, her perfect set of teeth all exposed in glee. He really wanted to pretend to be okay and not affected by what she just said, but his red ears and flushed cheeks betrayed him.

He coughed lightly and shifted his position on his seat. He was wearing a loose shirt and the room was quite cold but he did not know why he felt very hot.

Liling had just called him breathtaking and gorgeous, why wouldn't he feel hot!

At this moment, Liling burst into laughter. She pointed at Liu Wei's face and continued laughing excitedly.

"Liu Wei, are you blushing??, oh my God, Liu Wei, you're seriously blushing!!. look at your face, you're so red right now!"

Liling kept on laughing at him, rendering Liu Wei more embarrassed than he had already been.

"Shut up and stop laughing. I'm not blushing!"