We've hit Jackpot

Xin Yong finished in the company earlier than other days; she called to tell Liling that she had something on and left quickly. Actually, she really had something on, it was a week to Jin Yue's birthday and she had planned to surprise him.

She drove around the city, thinking of what to get for him, her mind in a mess. She quickly slammed on the breaks as her eyes saw a very beautiful neck tie on a show glass.

She immediately packed her car and strode into the shop.

''Please can I take a look at that neck tie?'' She smiled, pointing at the neck tie on the show glass.

''Okay Ma'am.'' The attendant hurriedly took out the neck tie from the show glass and walked over to where Xin Yong was standing.

''Ma' am we have new arrivals, I am positive that you would like them.'' The attendant smiled as she handed the neck tie to her.

''Alright, let me see them.''

''Right away, Ma'am '' The attendant replied happily and raced to get the new ties.