No Slipups

When Xin Yong left the tie shop, the lady's car was no longer there. She entered her own car and unlocked her phone, saving the lady's number before driving out of the parking lot.

''Dan, guess what?''

Eva exclaimed over the phone as she drove out of the tie shop.

''What happened now?''

Dan replied lazily over the phone, he could not really place what could get Eva so excited.

''We've hit jackpot! Finally! ''

''How? I don't remember us playing lotto.''

''Argh, seriously! I bumped into Xin Yong today at the tie shop, actually, I was going to get you a new tie when I saw her car parked outside, I knew she was in…''

Eva narrated the whole ordeal to Dan who listened attentively.

''That was quite easy. '' He remarked after hearing her story.

''Yeah, I'm coming home right now, we should really plan how everything would go, there shouldn't be slipups.''

''Mm, I'll be waiting for you then.''