She would not hurt him

Jin Yue did not wake Xin Yong up the next morning. The previous night must have worn her out; he could not even remember how many times they did it. He watched her as she lay naked on the bed, her chest rising and falling evenly.

 He had an abnormally pleasant feeling that morning, he couldn't really figure out why.

Was it because she had been very submissive the night before?

An evil grin appeared on his lips as he remembered the events of the previous night.

After dressing up for work, he returned to the bed and gave her a lasting peck on her lips before leaving for work.

 During the board meetings, he was smiling a bit too much, which got the board members wondering what had gone wrong with him. After the meeting, he quickly dialed her number to know if she had gone to the company.

Xin Yong cut the call and sent a text over, saying that she was busy at that moment and that she would call him when she was through.