Wasn't he good enough?

It all fell into place now, the calls she refused to pick when he was there… he had asked her where she was yesterday and she told him she was in the company but these pictures showed that she lied.

She told him she wasn't hungry, which was exactly true because she had eaten out, but she sensed that he would ask her when she ate since she was busy at the company, so she covered up immediately.

She forced herself to eat but when she couldn't eat anymore she finally stopped. She sensed that he noticed that she did not eat much so she slept with him to take his mind off it.

What was he? A joke?

How could she pretend to love him so much? She looked innocent, not capable to hurt a fly? Why did she do it? Why?

Wasn't he good enough? Didn't he love her enough?

Was that why she refused to marry him? Because she had someone else?

But she had agreed, does it mean she planned on leaving him soon?