Do You have anything to tell me?

She quickly over looked it and answered him.

''I should be home before four pm, is there anything wrong?''

Xin Yong had agreed with Freya to bring the gifts with her on his birthday which was the day after tomorrow, since she did not want Jin Yue seeing them before the D-day. There was no need meeting with them, so she was glad that she would not have to lie to him anymore.

''Nothing, just wanted to know when I'll return.''

Jin Yue replied, sounding a bit caring. Xin Yong felt a light blush taint her cheeks and she giggled lightly.

''Awnn, where did I find such a wonderful boyfriend? Don't miss me too much okay, and concentrate on work.''

The words which ordinarily should have been soothing; caused Jin Yue so much pain that his eyes started to water.

''Okay, see you at home.''

''Yeah, bye!''

Jin Yue quickly disconnected the call so she wouldn't hear him sobbing.