I love you too

Liu Wei watched through the pictures cheerily but when he felt Liling stir, he quickly dropped the phone back on the ground. Clearing his throat, he pushed her hair behind her ears;

Liling slowly opened her eyes.

''Are you through? ''

She asked with a faint smile.

''Yeah, ''

''Are we going now?''

''Yeah, ''

Liu Wei helped her sit upright and helped her put on her shoes which she had taken off.

He handed her phone to her and Liling stared at him_ suspiciously.

He pretended he did not see her glare and walked back to the office table, picking up his jacket, keys and phone, he walked back to her.

''Let's go now.''

In the car, Liling kept glancing at Liu Wei. Liu Wei could not tell what was on her mind but he felt that she was staring at him because she felt he looked through those pictures.

''Did you look through my phone?''