How much he missed her

The waiter returned with their orders and served it on the table. Abalone rice and steak, Jin Yue wasn't really a fan of it, but at that moment, it was his favorite meal.

They ate quietly, not talking to each other, as though they were strangers eating on the same table.

After the table was cleared, Xin Yong broke the unending silence which had reigned between them since the beginning of the meal.

''I think this is for you…''

She opened her bag and took out a brown envelope and passed it across the table. Jin Yue did not need to open the envelope to know what was inside of it; he recognized it as soon as he saw it.

''I read the letter …and saw the pictures; '' 

Xin Yong continued after some seconds of silence. ''I'm sorry for not replying earlier. ''

Jin Yue's heart hit rapidly, he looked comported on the outside but only he knew how much he was struggling with himself on the inside.