We'll think of a way

''No, not recently; is there any problem? ''

Liu Wei asked, walking towards the table to blow dry his hair.

''No, not really, but Xin Yong called now, she asked to go shopping, it's quite unlike her. I think she has finally ended things with him.''

''Ow, I thought they were getting back together? '' Liu Wei asked, looking concerned; he had noticed their closeness in the hospital and at the party; it really looked as though she had forgiven him.

''Yeah me to, she still loves him but she cannot bring herself to go back to him after all she had gone through. ''

''Yeah, I understand.''

'' But will it just end like that? I mean, is it over now? ''

Liling asked but Liu Wei could not reply. It wasn't over till Jin Yue and Xin Yong said it was. They alone could determine whether they wanted each other back or not.

''Can we call him, to know how he's doing? ''

''Yeah, my phone is on the drawer. ''